Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1789: 1 cut, it's all for his luck

Everyone looked down.


Old Xie's finger flicked intentionally or unintentionally.

Xie Jingjing, who was crying loudly, stopped crying immediately when she saw it, then knelt and crawled over, looking at her father hopefully.

At the same time, Lao Xie's eyelids trembled, then slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he saw his eyes, Xie Jingjing's heart fell to the bottom.

Because she couldn't see the slightest light in these eyes, just like Lao Xie before, there was no change at all.

Xie Jingjing was cold all over, and tremblingly shouted: "Dad! Say something, dad!"

But Lao Xie didn't react at all, just staring forward in a daze.

Aunt Fatty was also shaking, and whispered: "Xiao'an, thank you Uncle and him..."

Xue Anye had rushed to the front. After carefully examining the situation of Lao Xie, he finally fell silent and shook his head.


As soon as this sentence came out, Xie Jingjing collapsed completely, she fell to the ground, and murmured in tears.

"Dad, look at me, I'm your daughter Jingjing! Don't you like me the most? You said you want to watch me get married, why don't you wake up? Dad, me Miss you, I really miss you!"

The sobbing voice silenced everyone.

Xue An couldn't help but sigh lightly.

In fact, with Xue An's current strength, it is possible to forcibly modify Lao Xie's spirit to make him act like a normal person.

But the consequence of doing that is that Lao Xie will become another person.

Because even when the soul has changed, can it still be the same person?

This is also the reason why Xue An and Zhuge Zang tried their best to find the souls left by Lao Xie.

Because only in this way can it be ensured that the old Xie who wakes up after success is the same old Xie.

But things are impermanent and ultimately failed.

Just as Xue An shook his head, ready to step forward to comfort the crying fat aunt and Xie Jingjing, the mother and daughter.

I don't know if it was because of Xie Jingjing's crying or what reason, a ray of light flashed across Lao Xie's dull and dull eyes.

This change was extremely weak, and only Xue An noticed this in the audience, and he was taken aback.

"Auntie Fatty, Jingjing, don't cry first, thank Uncle for him..."

It was at this moment that old Xie's eyes gradually revealed a look, and the sluggish face also softened.

This change made the audience quiet.

Xie Jingjing was trembling with excitement. She opened her mouth and wanted to call Dad, but she didn't dare to say it because she was afraid that she would disturb Lao Xie again.

The brilliance in Lao Xie's eyes was gradually recovering, as if a computer with a messy program was restarting, and the whole process lasted a full minute.

No one spoke during the whole process.

Everyone watched silently.

Xie Jingjing's nervous palms were all in cold sweat, and she stared at her father intently.

at last.

When the brilliance in Lao Xie's eyes gradually diminished, he slowly raised his head, first looking at the fat aunt who was aside, and then a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Jing... Jingjing's mother!"

The voice was vague, as if someone who hadn't spoken for a long time was practicing speaking again.

But it was such a simple address that made Fat Auntie burst into tears, she couldn't even speak, she could only keep nodding her head.

Then Lao Xie looked at Xie Jingjing again, and said with difficulty: "Jing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xie Jingjing plunged into his arms and burst into tears.

This scene also caused An Yan and the others to cry together, especially thinking about the three of He Nian Nian and Zhang Xiaoyu, they were like tears.

Even Hu Ye couldn't help wiping his tears, and sighed, "It's so touching, even I can't help but want to cry!"

In the midst of crying, Lao Xie patted her daughter on the shoulder, "Hey, don't cry!"

Xie Jingjing gradually stopped her grief.

Then Lao Xie struggled to stand up from the ground and smiled at Xue An.

"Xiao An, thank you very much!"

At this time, he has become much fluent in speaking, and the expression on his face has become more vivid.

Xue An smiled, "Uncle Xie, it is not me that you should thank, but you, not because of your obsession, nor will you have this opportunity today!"

As he said, he looked at Old Xie seriously, "Uncle Xie, how is your memory recovered now?"

Old Xie shook his head, "I can't remember a lot of things. I only remember that after I was hit, a part of my consciousness floated into the air. I wanted to talk to someone, but found that it couldn't affect anything. I can only wander lonely between the heavens and the earth, and with the passage of time, this point of my consciousness has gradually blurred. I thought I could not hold on any longer, but I didn't expect to wake up!"

Xue An let out a sigh of relief, because from Lao Xie's clear logical sentence, it can be seen that his consciousness has not been damaged. Although some memories have been lost, it is a fluke to be able to recover.

So he couldn't help but smiled and said: "If you lose your memory, you will lose it. I just don't know if Uncle Xie's cooking skills are lost. I still want to have a meal with you at night!"

This sentence made the originally sad atmosphere in the field alive instantly.

Old Xie's consciousness at this time has become clearer, and he can't help laughing: "Don't worry, Xiaoan, you thank Uncle, I will forget your fat aunt and I will not forget the cooking skills!"

These words made Aunt Fatty and Xie Jingjing both burst into laughter, especially Aunt Fatty, who gave Lao Xie a blank look of joy.

"Bah, I just woke up and talked nonsense! Don't hurry up to It happens that Xiaoan and them are all here, let's all celebrate tonight!"

Xie Jingjing was a little worried, "Dad, can you just wake up?"

Old Xie smiled, "Daughter, don't you believe your father's cooking skills? I can make a table of dishes even with my eyes closed."

Having said that, he went straight to the kitchen happily.

What else Xie Jingjing wanted to say, Xue An stopped her, "Let Uncle Xie go! He has been in that state of being inhuman and ghost for so long. It is normal to be agitated after waking up! And let him do it. Doing what he used to do before can also help him recover as soon as possible!"

Xie Jingjing nodded when she heard this, and then said gratefully: "Brother XiaoAng, thank you!"

"Thanks?" Xue An smiled, "This is what I should do, thank you! Let's go, go inside and wait to taste Uncle Xie's craft!"

After that, he walked into the Lao Xie Hotel.

Xie Jingjing looked at Xue An's back with a look of sadness in her eyes, but Xuan even was deeply hidden, and then walked over quickly.

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