After bringing the tea, Shi Xueqing glanced sympathetically at Fox Night on the bed, and then quietly withdrew.

But out of worry, she still guarded the door carefully and did not leave.

Although his Patriarch is usually exhausted and lazy, he can be called cynical, but in this battle, his performance is obvious to all.

After this battle, the reputation of the Fanjing Mountain Lingying Palace has also risen sharply. The number of pilgrims who came to worship has suddenly increased countless times. When he is busy, Xueqing is simply overwhelmed, and it has only calmed down a little bit in the past few days. some.

Under this situation, Shi Xueqing's impression of Fox Ye has also changed a lot. Now that Shi Niang seems to be very angry, she is of course uneasy.

At the same time, Arou fumbled and picked up the tea cup and walked to the bed.

"Little fox, who were you calling just now?" Arou said softly.

Huye was still half drunk and half awake, and he was completely defenseless when he heard A Rou's question. He hehe smiled and said, "Is it my good friend back then?"

"Good friend? That's it?" A Rou asked in a low voice.

What responded to her was Huye's snoring.

A Rou sat idly by the bed for a long while, until the tea in the cup gradually cooled down, she fumbled and picked up Fox Ye's head.

"Drink some water!"

But at this moment, Hu Ye suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged A Rou directly.

A Rou was startled, and the tea cup in her hand fell to the ground with a crisp cracking sound.

Shi Xueqing outside the door couldn't help but be surprised, "Madam, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Shi Xueqing said softly: "It's okay, it's just that the teacup has fallen off, don't worry about me!"

"Really all right? Do you need my help?" Shi Xueqing still hesitated.

"It's okay! Go ahead!" A Rou said nervously, her pretty face turned red because of Fox Ye's hug.

"Okay!" Shi Xueqing stopped talking, but did not leave.

At the same time, Arou leaned down and whispered in Huye's ear: "Let go of me!"

But instead of letting go, Huye held her hands tighter, and then muttered vaguely.

"Rourou, when I find a way, I will definitely cure your eyes!"

Hearing these words, Ah Rou trembled all over, and then she was stunned.

She couldn't see anything since she was born, and she never knew what light was, until she later met Fox Ye.

As the fairy king, Hu Ye thought at first that this was just a small illness that was easily cured, but he didn't expect that all his attempts would fail.

Neither the pill or the magic of the Immortal King had any effect on A Rou's eyes.

It wasn't until A Rou's spirit was checked carefully that Hu Ye discovered that there was no sense of sight in her spirit, which meant that her five senses were naturally lacking.

This situation is simply unheard of, even Hu Ye can't help it.

Even after seeing Zhuge Zang, he asked more than once, but Zhuge Zang couldn't do anything about it.

As a result, Arou gradually lost the heart that restored his eyesight.

Now that Hu Ye mentioned it again, A Rou's heart was naturally shaken.

At this moment, Hu Ye suddenly sat up halfway, and kissed A Rou's lips with Qifen drunk.

A Rou's whole body stiffened, and her heartbeat seemed to stop.

"Arou, give it to me!" Hu Ye whispered in her ear.

All the struggles of A Rou stopped, and then the bed curtains slowly dropped.

Outside the door, Shi Xueqing suddenly heard a strange sound coming from inside the house. At first, she was a little unsure. After listening carefully, she suddenly understood what, and then her face turned red to the roots of her ears, and she hurriedly turned and left. .

That night passed.

Waiting until the next day, Fox Night woke up with a hangover, only feeling terrible head pain.

"Damn, it seems that I can never drink so much in the future!" Hu Ye muttered softly, then turned to one side, and his eyes widened.

A Rou, with tears on her face, was sleeping next to him. Seeing that, it seemed that she had just fallen asleep not long ago.

Hu Ye looked down at her body again, and couldn't help but breathe a cold breath, "Damn, this...what's going on?"

one hour later.

In Tianzi No. 1 Villa.

Xue An, Zhuge Zang, Ye Hanshang and others stared at Fox Ye with big eyes.

A Rou was sitting in the distance surrounded by An Yan and others, with tears on her face.

"Let's talk, what's going on?" Xue An said solemnly.

Hu Ye shook his head, "I...I don't know! I remember taking Arou to the Lingying Palace of Fanjing Mountain after drinking, and I don't remember anything about it!"

As soon as he said this, Arou lowered her head, tears falling down.

Hu Ying became angry when she saw this scene, and even her brother stopped screaming, "Hu Ye, what do you mean by this? Don't you plan to admit it after eating? Are you worthy of my sister-in-law?"

The eyes of everyone watching Fox Ye also became weird.

Hu Ye was sweating profusely, and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, although I am unreliable in doing things, I am not the kind of irresponsible person, I just...just..."

"Just what? You say!" Hu Ying asked aggressively with her hands on her hips.

Hu Ye lowered his head and said weakly, "I just feel a little too sudden, I'm sorry, Arou!"

This answer made Hu Ying, who wanted to scold the "scumboy" brother, couldn't help being stunned.


At this moment, Hu Ye raised his head and said firmly: "Actually, I wanted to officially marry A Rou as my wife, but I always felt that the time was not yet ripe, so it has been delayed until now, but now she is My woman is gone, so naturally I didn't say anything. I will take A Rou back to the Qingqiu Fox Country soon and apply to the great elders. The Ming media is marrying A Rou!"

Hu Ye's words made A Rou's face The cold and trembling hands also warmed up.

But Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "You just leave Arou like this, do you think the elder of your Qingqiu Fox Country will agree to marry her?"

This question hit the key point, Linghuye was speechless, and it was only a moment later that she said a little bit: "No!"

But immediately he said with a solemn expression: "Even if they don't agree, they can't change my mind! The big deal is to take Arou and run away!"

"Okay! This is the daring brother in my mind!" Hu Ying yelled at the excitement.

Xue An shook his head, "Hu Ye, it's still too simple for you. Do you really think that the problem will be solved by betraying your family by then?"

"if not?"

"As a well-deserved leader among the younger generation of the Qingqiu Fox Country, you are the future star of the fox family who has been given high expectations by those great elders. If you dare to betray the Qingqiu Fox Country for Arou, then I promise Arou will never survive the next morning!"

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