Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1806: The one who got $0 is still alive!

"Celebrate, celebrate, of course, come! Pass my order and immediately send out invitations, saying that my little princess has witnessed Da Luo with a seventeen-year-old body. A grand celebration will be held soon, and the great monsters will be invited to come and watch! "The great elder said cheerfully.

Li Xioling smiled slightly, "I came in a hurry. Fortunately, I took a few treasures with me, so let's treat it as a gift first!"

As he said, his subordinates sent a jade slip.

At this time, even the Great Elder had a feeling of admiration towards Li Xiongling.

You should know that he had seen Li Xioling when he was a child, and that Li Xioling left a very bad impression on the elder.

But now it seems that this fierce spirit has changed so much!

At least polite and courteous, and the conversation is a lot more regular.

The great elder's impression of Li Xiaoling couldn't help but change.

But no matter how Li Xiaoling behaved, Ao Shu never even looked at him.

There was no excitement even on her face, she just asked softly.

"Elder, where is our temple?"

This question made the great elder who was originally full of joy froze in place.


"Also, I found on the way here that all the precious buildings have been demolished, what's the matter?" Ao Shu asked softly.

There was sweat on the elder's forehead, and Ai Ai said, "This...this..."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Ah, yes, we are repairing!"

"Repair?" Ao Shu was slightly startled.

"Yes, just repair!" After finding an excuse, the words of the great elder immediately became fluent, and his expression became more natural.

"Shu'er, you are often not at home. Naturally, I don’t know how dilapidated our Dragon Clan’s buildings have been after so many years of ups and downs. It happened that there was nothing wrong in the Monster Clan during this time, so everyone started repairing them together. These buildings are coming! Am I right?" The elder looked at the elders behind him.

These elders are all Lords who have lived for thousands of years. How can they not understand what the great elder means, so they nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, they are repairing!"

Ao Shu frowned slightly, "But if it is repaired, do we need to completely demolish the temple?"

"Need, of course! After all, the temple is the sacred place of our dragon race. It is related to the face of our dragon race. Naturally, it needs to be repaired perfectly, so it must be demolished first!" The elder said righteously.

Ao Shu still felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help but looked at the elder in confusion, "Are you hiding something from me?"

The heads of the elders shook like a rattle.

"No! How could something be hidden from you, let's go, Shuer, you just broke the barrier and you have rushed so far, let's go back and rest first!" The elder kept the topic away.

But at this moment, the void in the distance suddenly vibrated endlessly, and then layers of ripples appeared, and then a cart pulled by five blue dragons rushed out of it.

The speed of the car was so fast, it rushed to the front of everyone in a short time, and then it was able to stop.

Immediately afterwards, a figure jumped out of it, accompanied by a voice full of surprises.

"Shu'er, you actually broke through? Did you hear the news?"

Following the voice, a woman who looked somewhat similar to Ao Shu, but with a little madness in her eyes, appeared in front of everyone.

"Second...Second sister?" Ao Shu was taken aback.

That's right!

It was Ao Shu's second sister, that is, the famous second princess, Ao Yi.

I saw this Ao Yi rushing towards the front with joy, holding his sister in his arms, and then kneading it vigorously.

"Hehehe, it really smells good on my sister! It feels good too!" Ao Yi said with a look of enjoyment.

Ao Shu was made a big red face, and struggled a few times, but couldn't get away at all, so she could only whisper: "Second sister, so many people..."

Ao Yi glanced at the people around him nonchalantly, "What's the matter? I give my sister a hug, is there anyone who doesn't agree?"

Ao Shu has nothing to do with her crazy second sister, so she can only whisper: "Naturally no one has any opinions, but can you let me go first?"

"Hey, good, good! Shuer, everything you say is good!"

Ao Yi smiled and let go, then looked around for a while, then looked down at the temple that had been demolished to the base, and a sneer smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, the action is very fast, the temple was demolished as soon as I learned the news?"

The great elder and all the elders present saw the second princess Ao Yi, their eyelids jumped wildly, and their hearts were not good.

Especially the Great Elder, he was so anxious, he kept winking at Ao Yi.

But Ao Yi didn't seem to see it at all, and said lightly: "It was just a news that he was waking up. You were so scared that all the buildings were demolished? Are you so afraid of him? "

These words made the elders speechless, and Ao Shu was even more shocked. Then he thought of something and trembled and said, "Second...Second sister, what are you talking about?"

"Huh? Don't you actually know?" Ao Yi said curiously.

"Know what? I just broke the barrier and didn't know anything outside!"

"Hehe, it turned out to be like this! I thought you broke through when you knew the news!" Ao Yi looked at the ugly-faced Elder and others with a smug expression, and then he smiled.

"Xue An was reincarnated and reborn, and proving that he was a fairy king, don't you know such a big thing?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the great elder and others all sighed secretly, knowing that there was no way to hide things.

And Ao Shu was with an incredible face, and then tremblingly said: "Second sister, you... are you true?"

"Of course it's true, can I lie to you about this kind of thing? I have to say, this guy who suffered a thousand swords is really fateful. The Tribulation of the Immortal Venerable actually failed to kill him and allowed him to be reincarnated. !" Ao Yi exclaimed.

But Ao Shu didn't hear the following words at all. She saw her face pale as paper, but her eyes were horribly bright, and she whispered softly: "He is not dead, he is still alive..."

As she spoke, her voice choked.

And the appearance of Hyunran's weeping is so pitiful to me, at least Ao Yi rubbed her face with a squint, and said with a smile.

"Of course not dead, not only did not die, but also getting better and better! How? How do you feel now? Are you very happy?

Ao Shu nodded, already speechless, and his whole body was shaking slightly with excitement.

But Ao Yi's face gradually became gloomy, and then a dangerous murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

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