But he has his own plan!

Because he was thinking very well, since the Dragon Clan sends out invitations widely, there will definitely be many monsters going to watch the ceremony, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no passing through the Sea of ​​Stardust.

I can just take this opportunity to stand by and wait for the rabbit outside of the stars. If you encounter a powerful monster, let it go, if it is of average strength...

Then he can only be blamed for his bad luck, not only will the gifts they send will be laughed at by Li Xiaoling, but even their lives will not be saved.

With this gloomy thought, Li Xiongling guarded the Stardust Overseas.

But I don't know if it was his bad luck or the other demon race's luck.

He spent a full day in the stars outside the world without seeing the roots.

This kind of boring waiting made Li Xiongling angry, until he was about to give up.

The star boat on which Xue An and others were riding suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoling was ecstatic, and immediately jumped out and blocked his way.

At the same time, everyone in the star boat also heard Li Fierce Ling's words.

After looking at each other, Xue An frowned slightly.

"This guy, he seems to be uneasy!"

He said he wanted to step out of the star boat.

At this moment, Hu Ye stopped him, "Wait a minute, I know this kid! He is a young master of the White Tiger clan, he is extremely cruel by nature, and he is definitely not safe to watch here, but killing him like this will shock the White Tiger. Clan, why don't I go out and talk to him!"

With that, Hu Ye laughed loudly and said, "Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Young Master Baihu! Long time no see!"

Then he walked out of the Xingzhou.

At this time, Li Xiaoling was already a little impatient in waiting. He looked at the star boat with cold eyes, thinking that everyone in it should have heard his own words, why didn't he respond?

At this moment, Fox Ye's voice came over.

Li Xiaoling was taken aback, because he heard the voice very familiar.

at the same time.

Fox Ye's figure appeared in front of Xingzhou, and smiled at Li Xiaoling.

"Why? Don't you recognize it?"

"Fox...Fox Night? You are Fox Night?" Li Xiaoling trembled all over, exclaiming.

Hu Ye smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's me! Master Young Master, why are you so leisurely, running into the void to become a goalkeeper?"

Li Xiaoling blushed, but there was a deep jealousy in his eyes.

Because if it's only about identity, Hu Ye can be a bit higher than him.

This is not only because the Qingqiu Fox Country is far stronger than the White Tigers, but also because Fox Ye is the strongest and most terrifying existence among the younger generation of monsters.

Not to mention anything else, just by the fact that he was the first to prove the Dao Immortal King among the younger generation of monsters, you can know how powerful he is.

Faced with such an existence, the little thought in Li Xiaoling's heart instantly disappeared, and then he smiled.

"Master Fox was joking. I just passed by here occasionally and saw a star boat rushing out of the sea of ​​stardust. I was a little curious, so I just came over and took a look. Where are you waiting here!"

This was obviously a lie, but Hu Ye didn't bother to expose him, but only faintly responded.

However, Li Xiaoling seemed to have thought of something, and smiled and said, "Master Fox appeared here, and he must have received an invitation from the Dragon Clan? If you want to say that you came fast enough, this is only a day. Have you come here from Qingqiu Fox Country?"

The invitation of the dragon?

Hearing these words, Hu Ye's heart moved, but on the surface he didn't change his expression, just smiled.

"It happened to be idle during this time, so I took a few friends to play in the sky, so I rushed over after receiving the news!"

This was obviously talking nonsense with his eyes open, but Li Xiaoling didn't suspect him, and suddenly he had another idea in his heart.

This Fox Yegui is the future heir of the Qingqiu Fox Country. If I can make a good relationship now, it will be of great help to me in seizing power in the future!

At this point, the smile on his face couldn't help but become hot again.

"No wonder, it's a pity that you came a little too early. There are still three days away from my sister Ao Shu's Daluo celebration. How about you go to my place for a few days, and then go there together?"

Li Xiaoling deliberately said that Ao Shu's name was very intimate, which was obviously also deliberate.

But Hu Ye didn't pay attention to these at all. At this moment, all his thoughts were attracted by the information contained in this sentence.

Ao Shu? Isn't the little princess of the dragon family always in retreat? Why didn't you pass the pass early and didn't pass the pass late, so it happened that you passed the pass at this time? And also promoted to Da Luo strong?

This can be said to have disrupted the previous overall plan!

Hu Ye was very anxious, and naturally he didn't reply Li Xiongling's words.

Li Xiaoling was startled slightly, not understanding what it meant that the face of the fox night on the other side suddenly changed.

At this moment, Xue An's voice suddenly came over.

"If that's the case, let's go and talk for a few days! What do you mean? Brother Fox?" Xue An didn't know when he had walked out of the star boat, and blinked at Fox Ye.

Hu Ye immediately understood what Xue An meant, and then nodded, "That's what I said, then we will really be harassing Young Master Baihu for a few days!"

When Xue An just appeared, Li Xiaoling put all his attention on him.

But today's Xue An Guanghua is introverted, and apart from a pair of crystal clear pupils that burst out from time to time, there is no extraordinary place.

In addition, Xue An is a human race.

Therefore, Li Xiaoling just glanced at it, and then ignored it.

Because for his existence with a powerful alien bloodline, Human Race is simply synonymous with fragility~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so he didn’t even bother to pay attention to it. All his attention was left to Fox Night.

"Master Fox, you are too polite. This can be regarded as sharing some things for my sister Ao Shu, and I think that if sister Ao Shu sees you in three days, she will be very happy to observe her celebration in person. !"

Li Xiaoling deliberately made the relationship between himself and Ao Shu ambiguous, just to confuse his eyes.

But he didn't seem to know that the white-clothed young man opposite him was the one who really made the dragons look like an enemy.

As for what he said, Xue An only smiled after hearing it, and didn't even think about it.

The Baihu Clan’s residence is indeed not far from here, so everyone quickly came here.

And when Li Xiaoling was on the road, he had already sent the news back in advance, so when Huye and others arrived.

The chief elder of the White Tiger tribe, Li Xieling's father, Li Liou, personally led the powerful men to the door to greet him.

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