Although the celebration period has not yet arrived, the ancestral land of the dragon clan has become very lively.

Almost all the demon races nearby have arrived, and only some of them are still on the way far away. Not only that, even some secret demon races that have not been born for a long time also wrote back saying that they would participate in this celebration.

In a word, the momentum of this celebration and the number of guests coming and going even exceeded the dragon's own estimates.

And the most fundamental reason for all this is because of Ao Shu.

After all, being promoted to the realm of Da Luo at the age equivalent to seventeen years old of the human race, this alone is enough to show how amazing the talent of the third dragon princess is.

In fact, most of the people who came to the celebration this time were young Toshihiko from various monster races.

These people came here for only one purpose, and that was to find a way to pluck this delicate flower of the Dragon Race.

I would like to add one more sentence here. Among the three princesses of the dragon clan, the eldest princess Ao Qing has been guarding the holy land and made it clear that he will not get married.

Although the second princess Ao Yi didn't have such a vow, her madness is well known, who would dare to provoke such an existence.

In other words, among the three princesses, only Ao Shu was the most suitable candidate.

The reason why the monster races coveted it is not only because of her powerful talent, but more importantly, if you become her favorite, it means that the entire dragon race will become your solid backing.

These ambitious young people from various monster races are naturally unwilling to give up this opportunity to reach the sky.

That's why they rushed to the dragon clan ancestral land, thinking about seeing the third princess of the dragon clan first, and striving to leave a good impression in their minds first.

Unfortunately, these people's wishful thinking all fell through.

Because no matter how long they came, no one saw the Dragon Three Princess.

It wasn't until the dragon elder behind that he confided the truth with a smile.

It turns out that Princess Long San followed Ao Yi the second princess to see their eldest sister in the Dragon Sacred Land. At this moment, they were not in the Dragon Ancestral Land at all, and would not return until the day of the celebration.

Hearing this news, these young handsome men from various monster races were a little disappointed.

But then, these people regained their spirits.

Because since there is no way to make a good relationship in advance, you can only wait for the celebration to compare each other's strengths.

For a while, the atmosphere became subtle.

Because these people are very clear, now that one is counted as one, as long as they are in the ancestral land of the dragon clan, they may be their opponents.

Therefore, mutual suspicion and calculations reached their peak.

All kinds of open and secret fights to form cliques are simply endless.

Some even rushed to wait in the void outside of the dragon clan's ancestral land, the purpose of which was to drive the newcomers away as much as possible.

After all, in this case, just one less person means one less competitor.

As for this situation, the elders of the Dragon Clan naturally saw it, but they all did not intervene in a tacit understanding.

Because the elder said clearly, since these people want to become the three princesses, they must first show their strength and sincerity.

So in this kind of almost acquiescence, the entire dragon clan's ancestors fell into a strange atmosphere.


In a void thousands of miles away from the ancestral land of the Dragon Race, several monster men with first-born double horns or tails were talking together.

"Tsk, I think this celebration will simply be called the Longsan Princess's invitation meeting. Even the princess hasn't even seen the face of the other princess, and the fight is already in full swing!" A man with long horns on his head The man sneered.

"Yes, these guys are crazy, even some rookies who are not even real immortals join in the fun, don't they really know that they pee and look in the mirror?" The other has spots on his face. The man also said.

"Maybe you are betting on your own luck, in case the third princess likes this one!" The guy next to him with a pig tail sneered.

"Hehe, if I say that they are all wishful thinking people, there are only a few people who really hope to succeed at this celebration."

Then he listened to the man who spoke at the beginning with a smirk: "Why don't we have to say that our son snake has a strategy? First send us here to explore the wind and drive all those irrelevant people away. So I think this The only one who can really win this time is our Young Master Snake!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

As he was speaking, a white light suddenly swept to the front of the crowd. After the brilliance dissipated, a handsome young man dressed in black suddenly appeared.

As soon as the man appeared in the court, he smiled and said, "What did you say about me behind your back?"

Everyone hurriedly bowed their heads and saluted him when they saw him.

"The son!"

"I have seen the son!"

The young snake snake waved his hand, "Okay, don't be so polite when you go out! What are you talking about just now?"

A man stepped forward with a smile on his face: "We are talking about this celebration, and agree that you will defeat everyone and eventually win the beauty!"

"Yes, yes!" Everyone nodded and said yes.

This young snake chuckled, “It’s too early to say these things, but I think those guys are just mediocre people, and they have nothing to say! After all, whether it’s family background or appearance, there are Who can compare to me?"

His remarks were not vain, after all, the snake clan was considered a big clan among the monster clan.

Whether it is talent, blood, or strength, they are all top-notch.

And this son of the snake is the most favored son of the snake family.

This time I came here with the backing of the entire ethnic group, naturally full of confidence.

His words are full of This group of men is naturally slacking off.

This young snake was complacent when he heard it, and then he smiled and said, "How about it? Has anyone been here while you were waiting here?"

"Master Hui, there are indeed many people who have been here, but according to your instructions, except for those who came to celebrate sincerely, we blasted away the rest!"

"Okay! Good job!" Young Snake nodded, then patted the lead man on the shoulder.

"After it's done, I won't treat you badly!"

These men were overjoyed, "Thank you son!"

Young Master Snake laughed and was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, a star boat suddenly smashed into the void and appeared in the distant void.

This Xingzhou arrived so quickly that it almost rushed to everyone in the blink of an eye.

Frightened by the aura, these men couldn't help showing a look of horror, and stepped back one after another.

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