After looking at it for a long time, Xue An slowly stood up and let out a breath: "No need to look for it, I know where the second princess is!"

Everyone looked back upon hearing this.

Ao Shu asked anxiously, "Brother Honglian, where did my second sister go?"

Xue An looked up at the sky in this secret realm, and whispered softly: "She should have gone to a very strange place, and this place is related to Di Liuxiang!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was disgraced.

Especially Ao Qing, she couldn't believe her ears, "What are you talking about? Yi'er's disappearance is related to Di Liuxu?"

"Yes! If I guessed correctly, she must have triggered certain conditions at the time that led to the emergence of Di Liuxue, and because of the emergency, she had to notify you with the vibration of blood, and then disappeared with Di Liuxue. !"

It has to be said that Xue An’s guess is true.

After hearing the words, everyone fell into silence.

Because they have to digest the huge amount of information contained in Xue An's words.

If what Xue An said is true and Emperor Liuzhi really appeared in the world, then this news is no less than a blockbuster for the entire Monster Race.

"Then what should we do now? How can we rescue the second sister?" Ao Shu's voice was trembling.

Xue An said indifferently: "The only way now is to wait!"


"That's right, because since the condition has been triggered, the Emperor Liuzhi will never appear only once, so as long as we stay here, we will definitely see it appear again." Xue An said firmly.

After hearing the words, Ao Qing immediately turned to the elder and said: "Elder, you will return to your ancestral land now, summon all the elites in the Qilong clan, and then bring them here immediately!"

The great elder was shocked.

He understood what Ao Qing meant.

Needless to say, the importance of the emperor flow pulp, since it has appeared in the world now, the entire monster race will be shaken!

In order to obtain this divine object, all demons will do whatever it takes.

At that time, the pressure on the dragon clan will be unprecedented.

So he immediately nodded and responded: "Understood!"

Then he turned around and left in a hurry.

Then Ao Qing gave a salute to Xue Anshen and said solemnly: "Master Honglian, this matter is of great importance. On behalf of the Dragon Clan, I implore you for your help. After the event is completed, the Dragon Clan will have to thank you!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Oh? Thank you again? Why thank you again?"

Ao Qing took a deep breath and said solemnly, "As long as you want, as long as I have it, it's okay!"

This commitment can be described as sincere.

Xue An also stopped talking nonsense, "Well, I don't want anything else, but I will want half of this emperor's flow when the time comes, and at the same time I want to let my hands go to the holy land to refine the origin!"

"No problem!" Ao Qing didn't even hesitate, Dang Even agreed.

This kind of courage is amazing.

But Ao Qing thought to understand that if the secret realm could not be kept, everything would be futile.

For this opportunity, she has been waiting for a long time, and naturally she must not be lost.

Just as the dragons were preparing intensively.

A news began to circulate among the major monster races.

"What? Di Liuxiang actually appeared in the secret realm of the Dragon Race? Is the news true?" A thousand-year old demon said with horror.

"It's true. The unusual vibration before is an example! Moreover, it is obvious that the dragon clan is madly dispatching troops, and it is obvious that there must be a big move!" The informant said vowedly.

"It turns out that this group of loach actually wants to swallow the emperor's slurry, which is really horrible!"

"That's why I will tell you this news. We can only deal with the Dragon Race together only by joining hands!"

"it is good!"

Alliances like this are happening everywhere.

The Queen of Thousand Feet asked San-legged Wu with a look of confusion, "Why are you revealing the news? Isn't this adding countless opponents to herself?"

Three-legged Wu Wenyan sneered: "I ask you, even if you don't have these opponents, which one of the Dragon Race or Xue An can you handle?"

The queen of the thousand feet was silent.

"That's why I deliberately leaked the news. The purpose is to muddy the water. Only in this way can we fish in troubled waters."

"But in case..." The Queen of Millipede was still a little worried.

"There is no case, because only I know all the characteristics of the emperor flow pulp. After it has emerged, it needs a special method to enter each subsequent life, otherwise it will not enter!" The three feet are confident. Words.

And just when the whole monster race was restless because of this incident.

In an extremely hidden corner of the void, a barren Death Star was slowly turning.

This kind of scene can be seen everywhere in the heavens, because the planets that can give birth to life are actually very rare, and most of them are such barren dead stars.

At this moment, on this planet, a hurricane with a strong corrosive aura is blowing wildly, and even the hard rock is riddled with holes wherever it passes.

The environment is extremely bad, even the strong ones in Da Luo are unwilling to stay in such a place, because a little carelessness will be swallowed by such a death star.

But in this almost hell-like environment, in the center of the planet, there is actually a towering mountain.

The mountain exudes shining white light, and the whole body is made of white bones.

And just at the top of this mountain made of bones, there is a simple cottage.

In such a harsh environment, this cottage is so out of place.

But it just stood there silently, no matter how strong the wind was, it couldn't shake it.

In the Caolu, it is another scene.

The inside of the Caolu is very clean, so clean that there is no furniture, only two futons on the ground.

On the futon is a middle-aged man who is meditating with his eyes closed, and on the futon opposite him is a white bone sitting cross-legged.

Nothing else but

Death star, white bones like a mountain, a man and a skeleton in the grass cottage, these elements constitute a very strange picture, it is simply staggering.

But at this moment, a white light suddenly pierced the dark sky, arrived in the grass cottage, and then sank into the man's eyebrows.

The man trembled all over, then slowly opened his eyes.

At the moment he opened his eyes, the raging wind outside the Caolu stopped instantly.

It was as if a giant beast saw the existence that made it all horrified.

at the same time.

The man began to tremble slightly, and then slowly said in a jerky voice: "Emperor... Emperor flow!"

When the words fell, his eyes burst into tears and he began to cry silently.

As he cried, the whole planet began to crack, and long, long and deep cracks appeared.

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