Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1832: Normal to heinous fox

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

Huwan stared at A Rou, his eyes flashing with dangerous light.

"Are you threatening me?"

Hu Ye shook his head, "Of course not. In fact, I have always respected you very much, but Arou is my woman. I promised to protect her forever, so I must do it!"

The fox was surprisingly not angry this time. Instead, there was a sense of confusion in his eyes. Then he turned his head slightly and said in a cold tone: "Do you know what you mean by doing this?"

"I can ignore this matter and even hide it for you. But you will always return to Qingqiu Fox Country. When the elder and the elders know about this, how should you deal with it?"

"At that time, they will exert far more pressure on you than me. Are you going to hold on like this?"

Hu Ye smiled freely, "Third Elder, I know you are for my good, but even though I Hu Ye is usually cynical, I must do what I promise, even if I pay any price!"

Hearing these words, Hu Wan was almost frustrated, "Good good! Since you are so infatuated, what do you think of her? With the strength of the great elder, if you know her existence, just a thought If you can crush her to death, won't you indirectly hurt her then?"

"That's why I am here to capture the emperor's fluid, heal A Rou's eyes, and transform them into the body of the demon race! In this case, the elder can't say anything."

Speaking of this, Huye squeezed his eyes at Huwan, "Third Elder, I know you usually love me the most. Would you like to do me a favor this time?"

The fox snorted, "I just want to beat you violently, and I want me to help you, get out!"

"Then why are you here?" Hu Ye asked strangely.

"Nonsense, Emperor Liuxu reappears in the world. Such a big event has already shaken the entire monster race. As the leader of the Qingqiu Fox Country, it is natural to express something, so he sent me out. Who would have thought of this trip? There can be such a big windfall!" Fox Han said bitterly.

Although the words were very rude, whether it was Huye or Huying, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they know that this storm is temporarily over.

The three elders with weird temperament should be in a good mood recently and didn't directly get angry because of this.

At this moment, Ao Qing who received the news also hurried over.

She couldn't help being stunned when she saw fox frog, but she quickly reacted and gave a salute.

"It turns out to be the three elders of the Fox Country!"

The fox chuckled, "His Royal Highness is too polite, tut! The dragons are really lucky this time, the emperor fluid that hasn't appeared in five thousand years will actually appear in your secret realm. It seems that the chance for the dragons to rise again It's in front of you!"

The eloquent fox stalk is simply normal and outrageous.

"The three elders have praised." Ao Qing thanked gently, and then said solemnly: "But I don't know what Qingqiu Fox Country's attitude is this time?"

This is what she and the whole dragon clan care most about.

After all, Qingqiu Fox Country, as the leading power among the monster race, his attitude will directly affect the direction of the whole thing.

Huwan was not surprised by this question, and shrugged very calmly, "I want to say that this trip is just to see the final result, is your Highness credible?"

"Does this mean you or the Great Elder..." Ao Qing hesitated.

"Let's put it this way, the great elder said six words to me before leaving, don't participate or snatch!"

Upon hearing these words, Ao Qing couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

She absolutely believed the words of the fox, and the six words of the great elder also showed that the Qingqiu fox country had no intention of robbing the emperor's fluid.

This is undoubtedly excellent news for the dragons who are under tremendous pressure.

But immediately after that, Foxtail turned the conversation, "But..."

"But what?"

"Although the great elder made it clear that Qingqiu Fox Country will not take a trip to this muddy water, but I want to try it myself, after all..."

Hu Wan glanced at Hu Ye not far away, "You can be regarded as the one I grew up watching. I must help you in this matter!"

Hu Ye heard the words infinitely grateful Chonghuwan bowed, "Thank you three elders!"

"Don’t rush to thank you, I can put the ugly words on the front. If the desired effect is still not achieved after the emperor flow, then you'd better follow me back to see the elder, otherwise you will end up harming others and yourself. !"

"Fox Ye understands!"

At this moment, An Yan led the two little girls and Zhang Xiaoyu out of the Fu Bao Xiaolou with Chan'er.

Then the two little girls saw the little fox squatting on the shoulders of the fox wing at a glance, and all of them were bright.

"Wow! What a beautiful puppy!" Nian Nian exclaimed.

These words almost caused the little fox to fall from his shoulders, and then he gave a bitter look, the look seemed to be saying.

You are a puppy, and your whole family is a puppy!

But Nian Nian didn't pay attention to these at all, instead, she was cut off by the angry look of this little fox.

"The furry is really like a ball, I really want to touch it!"

Somehow, the little fox suddenly felt a chill.

Because at this moment, its owner, the third elder fox screamed in surprise.

"Wow, it's twins!"

As he said that, he hurried to the front, squatted down and looked at thinking and Niannian with bright eyes.

"Quickly, tell auntie, which one of you is your sister and which is your sister!"

When I hear this old-fashioned question, I can't help but roll my eyes when I think about it.

Why would anyone ask this when they saw it?

Nian Nian was different. She bit her finger for a moment and thought, then pointed at the little beast on the fox's shoulder.

"Auntie, let me touch it, and I will tell you who is the sister and who is the sister!"

"Okay!" Without hesitation, the fox threw the little fox on his shoulders.

The little fox screamed in the air, his eyes flashed, and he wanted to resist.

But at this moment, a chubby hand directly grabbed the back of its neck, and Nian Nian said in infinite surprise: "Wow, so cute!"

Although it was just a very simple action, the little fox felt that all his resistance had gone to nothing, and there was a look of panic in his big eyes.

"Now can you tell Auntie, who is your sister and who is your sister?"

Nian Nian played with the little fox with excitement, without raising her head, "I'm my sister! By the way, aunt, what's its name?"

"Name? It has no name!" Hu Wan said with a smile.

Normally, she and this little fox are connected through divine thoughts, so naturally they don't need a name.

"Then I'll give you a name! You are so white and fleshy, like a rabbit, why don't you just call...big fat!"

The little fox cried faintly in protest.

But it didn't know it at all. At the moment Nian Nian called out its name, a mysterious and mysterious energy was engraved in its soul.

Seeing this scene, Fox's eyes were bright and horrified.

"this is……."

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