Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1836: This road is nowhere, please go back

The twin phoenix opened his mouth, and the hot flames and cold ice mist rushed out and condensed into the shape of a phoenix bird in the air, heading straight for Xue An.

Xue An just yelled, "Get out!"


The twin phoenixes were struck by lightning, shocked all over, flying straight upside down.

However, the two reacted extremely quickly, hovering in the air, and the original form appeared.

But seeing two beautiful phoenix screams, they went straight to Xue An again.

Xue An sneered slightly, "If you are the real Phoenix survivors, I might still be careful, but it's just a remnant forged from Phoenix Spirit. Do you really think I'm afraid?"

With that said, Xue An hit two punches in a short time.


After two loud noises, the twin phoenix cried out with a mournful cry, they were directly blasted away, and then flew out.

"Damn, it turned out that it was two Xibei goods after a long time, which made me so nervous before." Three-legged Wu said with a curled mouth, and then looked at the queen of thousand feet.

At this time, the Queen of Thousand Feet was pale, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

"What's the matter?" Sanzuwu asked in surprise.

"He... his strength is stronger than before!" The Queen of Thousand Feet trembled, her eyes full of horror.

"Is there? How do I feel that he is just an ordinary fairy king now!" Three-legged Wu said in shock.

The Queen of Thousand Feet no longer wanted to talk to this stupid and arrogant fellow. At this moment, she even began to regret that she shouldn't have followed the nonsense of the three-legged crow and went to this place to participate in this matter.

It's alright now, the whole person is already trapped and unable to escape.

At this moment, Xue An raised his hand again and patted Li Jingxing, who was completely crazy.

But at this moment, the entire dragon clan secret realm suddenly appeared ripples, and exuded a soft brilliance.

Immediately afterward, a huge round moon appeared in the void, shining all over the square, and covering everything with a layer of silver.

All the monsters shook, and the three-legged black crow blurted out, "Emperor Liuliu, it's Emperor Liuliu, it has appeared!"

With that, he was hiding in the darkness and immediately lurked into the secret realm.

At the same time, the demons also woke up one after another and began to rush forward frantically.

But in the audience, it was Li Jingxing who reacted first.

When the glow just appeared, there was a sober look in his infinitely crazy eyes.

It was at this moment that Xue An's palm had already been photographed close.

But Li Jingxing didn't care about these at all, but flew in the direction of the secret realm desperately.


With this palm slapped directly on his back, Li Jingxing trembled all over, but he still didn't look back, but instead rushed faster.

Xue An was startled when he saw this, and then sighed lightly.

Naturally, he wouldn't really take Li Jingxing, so this palm was not doing his best, and because Li Jingxing was a dignified immortal emperor, this palm just caused him a slight injury.

For an existence like Li Jingxing, there is no harm at all.

For a time, all the monster races were rushing forward.

The dragon clan who was responsible for guarding the secret realm naturally refused, so the two sides immediately broke out into a fierce conflict.

But this level of defense naturally cannot stop a strong man like Li Jingxing.

I saw him rushing forward at an eye-popping speed. Wherever he passed, these defensive dragons had no time to react.

Until it was about to rush into the secret realm, the dragon elder led the elites of the dragon clan and blocked the way.

"Li Jingxing, this road is nowhere, please go back!" the elder said.

But Li Jingxing didn't pay any attention to this at all, he now only had the matter of robbing the emperor flowing in his heart, and all other things were automatically blocked by him.

So just after a while, he rushed to the front.

The elder screamed and started to do it.

Li Jingxing didn't hesitate at all, raising his eyebrows and cutting out a sword.

Jian Guang came straight to the Great Elder.

The sword intent was fierce, causing the great elder to change his expression.

He could clearly perceive that if he insisted on the sword in this state, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Therefore, he roared and revealed his body directly.


But seeing a golden light flashing, a giant dragon with a length of thousands of miles lay in front of the sky, and then blasted against this sword light.

With a click, the extremely sturdy scales shattered in an instant, and blood splashed across the flesh and blood, revealing the dense white bones below.

The great elder screamed in pain, and a look of horror appeared in the huge dragon eye.

With just a sword, he almost cut off his bones, which shows how terrifying Li Jingxing's sword intent is.

In fact, Li Jingxing at this moment can no longer be measured by common sense. The blood on his whole body is burning, just like a total sword lunatic, showing the supreme sword intent to the fullest.

Li Jingxing, crazy!

And just after the great elder had a sword in his body, Li Jingxing didn't even hesitate at all, and raised his hand to cut it out with a few more swords.

The biting sword light rushed directly to the Great Elder.

The great elder bit his scalp and wanted to resist. At this moment, Xue An, who had already rushed to the front, raised his hand.

Mo Wangan turned into a streamer and flew to the front, banging against these sword lights, which was regarded as dissolving this wave of attacks.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An shouted: "Hurry up, you can't stop him. Staying here will only increase unnecessary casualties."

Hearing Xue An's call, these dragon clan elders looked at each other, and finally broke up and gave way.

Li Jingxing's eyes were blood-red, no matter what the situation was, he went straight through the gap.

Xue An followed closely, and did not forget to take Mo Wangan in the air into his hand when passing by.

After the two of them left, these elders swarmed over.

"Elder, are you all right!" the elders asked with concern.

The great elder shook his head, the wound on his body was healing at a rapid speed, and then took a deep breath.

"I'm fine, now Master Honglian has chased the madman. Our task is to guard this place to prevent other monsters from entering. At this critical moment everyone must go all out. Make no mistake, understand?"

"Understood!" The elders knew that this was not a joke, and Qi Qi said in awe.

But just when they put out twelve points of energy and stood ready.

The three-legged black and the thousand-legged queen lurking in the darkness have quietly passed through the defensive formation and arrived in the secret realm.

At this moment, the glow in the secret realm became more and more prosperous, and the whole world seemed to become the surface of the water, with shallow ripples.

And the huge full moon that was originally suspended in the void also slowly dropped down at this time.

There is a bright light in the secret realm, which gives birth to a sense of pleasure that the whole body is washed.


In the full moon, a drop of brilliance dripped down.

This brilliance fell straight down like water droplets.

"That's the emperor flow!" Huwan couldn't help exclaiming.

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