The crisp childish voice reverberated in the field, but everyone who was paying full attention to the situation in the field did not pay any attention to it.

Only the fox suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and then he squatted down and said something in Nian Nian's ear.

Nian Nian Qiong's nose was slightly wrinkled, a layer of anger appeared in her big eyes, and then she raised her hand to point to the three-legged crow in the air.

"Hey, you, a chicken with many legs, it's ugly to be so ugly, you dare to swallow the cute elf, it's so bad, you can spit it out for me."

I don't know who taught Nian Nian the words, it's a loss.

In particular, the line of chicken with many feet happened to touch the sore spot of the three-legged black crow, and he was so angry that he screamed.

"Where did the little baby come from, it's so...

He was about to curse a few words back, but before he finished speaking, he felt like he was upset in his chest and abdomen.

Di Liuliu, who had just been swallowed in by him, rushed out of his mouth eagerly.

The original strong momentum began to languish like a discouraged ball, and the hairiness on his body also became bleak.

Many people are silly.

How is this going?

This little girl just cursed the three-legged crow, and she vomited very obediently?

Only those who knew what was going on did they understand what was going on, but they couldn't help but look at Nian Nian with surprise.

Because no one thought that it was just a child's thoughts, and he could actually influence such a powerful monster of the monster race with his talent.

Even Xue An couldn't help showing surprise.

At the same time, think of an excited wave.

"Sister, good job! But it's too cheap to let this multi-legged chicken just like this. I've seen it. All its abilities are concentrated on the third leg. Just interrupt this leg. , You can make it obediently."

This sentence spread throughout the audience, and it also made the eyes of everyone looking at the three-legged crow strange.

Especially for the nearest Li Jingxing, his eyes floated to the third foot of the three-legged black, as if thinking about something thoughtfully.

The three-legged black was even more shocked.

You must know that the third leg is its biggest secret, and it is also the only life gate on its body.

It usually disguised it very well, but he didn't expect to be drunk by a child today.

Feeling the unkindness in Li Jingxing's eyes, Sanjuwu couldn't help shouting: "Don't come, you don't come, whoever dares to come, I will kill this woman immediately, and then this emperor will not want anyone to get it."

As he said, its feet tightened a bit more, and the sharp nails even marked red marks on Ao Yi's cheeks.

Ao Shu exclaimed, "Second Sister!"

Ao Qing also shouted: "Don't act rashly. Once Ao Yi has an accident, this emperor's fluid may disappear with it."

These words made Li Jingxing regain his consciousness. He stopped and looked at the three-legged crow with cold eyes, but could not go any further.

The three-legged crow secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then grinned and said: "I'm really sorry, I won't play with you anymore. When I completely absorb the emperor flow, it will be when you guys are destroyed."

With the voice, the elf elves in the sky began to gather around him, and at the same time its figure began to gradually fade.

"No, he is going to run, stop it!" Fox yelled.

But how can everyone who throws a rat avoid can stop the three-legged crow who has decided.

Seeing it will disappear in front of everyone.

Think about suddenly raising his hand and pointing somewhere in the void, shouting: "Niannian, here!"

Nian Nian's little face was full of solemnity, and she shouted in a deep voice, "Ning!"

Give an order.

Following the direction that I thought of, the void suddenly condensed.


The three-legged crow who was ready to escape from the void felt as if he had hit an iron plate.

Directly knocked it out of the state of hiding and sneaking.

At the same time, Nian-nian yelled again: "Falling chicken, fall."


The three-legged Wu felt that a wave different from any other power was directly acting on him, and tried to drag himself from the air.

The three-legged crow was horrified, "What kind of trick is this!"

As he said, its entire body shook.

Although Nian Nian's talent is enough to guard the sky, after all, she is still young and her strength is still too weak, so this time she can only shake it, and can't really let it fall.

But this is enough.

Because of this uncontrolled shaking, the three-legged black feet also slightly left Ao Yi's head.

At this moment, the fox yelled, "It's now!"

In fact, she didn't need to say it at all, because at the same time, Ao Qing rushed forward and snatched Ao Yi from the feet of Sanjiawu.

Before the three-legged Wu could react, Li Jingxing's sword light had arrived.

This sword is almost at its peak.

The three-legged crow doesn't even feel it, but feels cold under his feet, and then his strength fades like a tide.

It turned out that Li Jingxing's sword directly cut off its third leg.

The three-legged crow was terrified, and shouted, "No...!"

But then the shouting stopped abruptly, because another sword light flew through the air and directly penetrated its throat. The speed was so fast that it even brought a blood line behind its head.

A pool of blood gushed out, and the three-legged wunderkind stood in the air, his eyes widened, looking at Xue An in the distance.

Xue An slowly put down his hands and said faintly: "Well, you have also served me as your master. I will send you off this last journey!"

Words fall.

There was a look of regret and relief in the eyes of the three-legged Wu, and then its head burst open. As for the dead body, it fell straight to the ground from the air and fell into sludge.

The three-legged crow who was once stunned for a while died.

Then Xue An turned his head and looked at the Queen of Thousand Feet.

At this time, the Queen of Thousand Feet was scared to the extreme, and her whole body was trembling.

When Xue An looked at her, she couldn't help but trembled and said: "Big...sir, please let me go... I am!"

Xue An said lightly: "Do you think it is possible?"

The face of the Thousand Feet Queen instantly turned Besides you, who else betrayed me? "

At this time, the Queen of Thousand Feet was almost hysterical, and said with a smile: "A lot, all of your subordinates betrayed you back then!"

Xue An was silent when he heard this.

At the same time, behind the Queen of Thousand Feet, a small clone was sneaking into the void.

This is her unique life-saving skill.

Just like earthworms, as long as there is a residual limb, it can be resurrected.

But just when she was about to succeed, a sword light flew across the sky and directly penetrated the little clone.

The Queen of Thousand Feet screamed in pain.

Xue An said indifferently: "Very well, since all betrayed, then kill them all!"

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