Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1853: Fox punishment, waiting for Master Guren

Ao Qing looked at with excitement, and said softly: "Yier..."

But I never expected that Ao Yi, who just woke up, did not have any joy. On the contrary, he looked around with a sinking face, and then said in a deep voice: "Sister, where is Fox Ye?"

"Uh..." Ao Qing was caught off guard and had to tell the truth.

"Huye just left with Master Honglian and them!"

"Gone?" Ao Yi's voice suddenly increased by an octave. "Just left in such an understatement? What about my marriage?"

"Marriage?" Ao Qing shook her head. "Didn't the marriage between you have been cancelled long ago?"

"Nonsense, who canceled with him? I have never said this." Ao Yi shouted loudly, and these emperor flow elves also danced up and down.

"Okay, Yi'er, don't mess around, things have become like this, so don't worry about it anymore." Ao Qing sighed lightly.

"No, he left like this without giving me an explanation. I absolutely disagree." Ao Yi became more excited.

Ao Qing was suddenly a little tired, why didn't her two sisters let her worry?

The third princess Ao Shu left without saying goodbye because of her deep-rooted love for Xue An.

Now a second princess, Ao Yi, is entangled here.

Ao Qing's head couldn't help but start to hurt.

At this time, the second princess Ao Yi was even more excited, clamoring to chase after Fox Night.

"Enough!" Ao Qing shouted sharply.

The majesty of being the eldest sister immediately made Ao Yi shut her mouth obediently.

"The face of our dragon clan is almost lost by you and the third child. That Fox Ye is just the future heir of the Qingqiu Fox Country. Is there anything you can't forget so much about it? Actually planning to chase him! What can you do? Propose to him in public?"

Ao Qing was so angry that she hated iron for not making steel.

Ao Yi lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Ao Qing couldn't help but soften, and persuaded with all his heart.

"Yi'er, you have inherited Diliuzhi now. This is a great opportunity. You should work hard to grow yourself up as soon as possible, instead of entangled in the marriage contract, understand?"

Ao Yi was silent for a long time, then nodded, "Understood!"

Ao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, you just woke up, let's go and rest first!"


Ao Yi turned and left.

But the eldest princess Ao Yi didn't notice. At the moment when she turned around, Ao Yi's eyes flashed with a bit of bitterness and determination.

Dragon women have always been obsessed, and they will walk all the way to the black if they decide anything.

The third princess Ao Shu is like this.

This Ao Yi is even more so.

Fox night, you never want to abandon me!

After I finish smelting the opportunity I got this time, I will go to you to settle the account.

Ao Yi thought bitterly.

at the same time.

Hu Ye, who was driving in the void, suddenly sneezed several times.

"What's the matter? Is this someone scolding me behind?" Hu Ye said with a gloomy face rubbing his nose.

"Hehe, isn't it normal for someone to scold you?" Xue An said with a smile.

"Don't come to this set, you have demolished the temples of other people's dragons this time, and you are scolded first if you want to be scolded!" Hu Ye muttered.

"They dare not!" Xue An said lightly.

This sentence Linghuye was speechless, and had to give Xue An a thumbs up after a moment of silence.

"It's because you are so good, you dug someone's temple, and they dare not scold you!"

"Haha, I've been rewarded."

An Yan said worriedly at this moment: "Husband, how is the situation in Fu Bao Xiaolou now?"

"Yes, yes, how is the ball?" Miss Miss also said.

After the dragon temple was demolished at that time, Xue An led everyone on board the star boat and left the dragon ancestral land.

While on the way, Xue An asked An Yan to come out with missed thoughts and others, and then threw this temple into the Fubao Xiaolou.

Now that more than a day has passed, and I don't know what happened to Fu Bao Xiaolou, An Yan is naturally a little worried.

Xue An smiled when he heard the words, "Don't worry, the ball is in very good condition now, almost..."

Xue An observed it with his spiritual mind, and then said: "It has almost been swallowed by half, and it will be eaten up in a few days at most."

An Yan couldn't help asking: "So big a temple, can you let the ball be eaten?"

"Big?" Xue An smiled and shook his head, "On the contrary, the ball is probably not big enough!"

As Xue An said.

At this moment in the Fubao Xiaolou, it can be described as a mess.

This rune ball swallowed the Dragon Temple almost madly. It looked like a hungry ghost who hadn't eaten for three days saw a rich banquet, wishing to swallow all his tongue.

And every time it swallows, its body will grow bigger, and the scales of the fish will become brighter.

In the end, it had become a behemoth with a height of ten meters and a body length of several tens of feet, and the speed of swallowing it became faster.

It wasn't just it that had changed. The Fubao Xiaolou also began to emit a bright brilliance, and there was a creaking sound coming from it, as if something was breaking and then being recombined.

The momentum of the entire Fubao Xiaolou kept rising.

Faintly, there are already some signs of breakthrough.

"I'm really looking forward to it! I don't know what this small Fubao building with poor texture will look like after the Dragon Temple is swallowed up!" Hu Ye said softly.

Xue An smiled slightly, "It should be pretty good."

With the ancestral planet where the Dragon Race lives as the center, the star field with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles is regarded as the jurisdiction of the Dragon Race, so it is also called the Dragon Region.

After crossing the dragon domain, there is a vast starry sky.

The big monster races basically live in this starry sky.

Qingqiu Fox Country is no exception.

It's just that the strength of the Qingqiu Fox Country is too strong, so they also occupy a corner of the starry sky like the Dragon Race, and it is also called the Fox Race Domain.

Even at the speed of this starship, it took three full days to be considered close to the edge of the fox field.

The closer you are to home, the more nervous Fox Ye is.

Even the look with Hu Ying became solemn.

Xiaosha, as a complete outsider, couldn't help asking Zhang Xiaoyu with some doubts.

"What's the matter? Why do I think these two are going home soon, not only are they unhappy, but very nervous?"

Zhang Xiaoyu coughed slightly, "This is of course there is a reason, as for what the reason is, then it's a long story."

Xiao Sha stared, "Then make a long story short."

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Xiaoyu immediately stunned, and got to Xiaosha's ear just to introduce the situation.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the Xingzhou.

"Fifth elder fox punishment in the Qingqiu fox country, welcome Master Honglian!"

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