The crowd immediately surrounded them.

"Brother, how is it? What did the Great Elder say?" Hu Ying asked urgently.

"The Great Elder...he agreed!" Hu Ye said in a daze.


The eyes of everyone opened instantly.

I thought it would take a lot of hard work to do something, but it was so easy to succeed.

Hu Ying was even more incredulous, "What did you say? How did the great elder tell you?"

Like seeing a ghost during the day, Hu Ye said in a daze, "After the elder asked us to go in, he just asked if I really like her. I answered yes. Then he asked Arou if he would marry. Me, Arou also answered yes, and then he agreed!"

Everyone was shocked.

It's that simple?

Agree after only two sentences?

Hu Ying also murmured in a daze, "It shouldn't be, the elder is not so easy to talk about!"

They all know the temper of the elder.

Knowing that this seemingly beautiful and weak elder is actually extremely principled, and any violation of the fox clan's rules is taboo in his eyes.

What happened to Fox Ye this time was that it was a mess of flowers and grass when it was small, and when it was bigger, it was a reckless act that ignored the interests of the fox clan.

After all, he is the recognized heir of the Qingqiu Fox Country.

How could the great elder agree to such a thing so readily?

Is this totally unreasonable?

Just as everyone was in doubt, the voice of the Great Elder came from the jade tower again.

"Guren-sama, please come in!"

Xue An's face sank like water, without speaking, he walked towards the Jade Pagoda.

Unlike what I saw outside, the space in the jade pagoda was very large, but it was a huge temple, with soft stars falling on the high dome.

The great elder sat on the high platform of the temple, lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

Xue An walked straight to the high platform, then stopped and watched silently.

After a long time, the great elder slowly raised his head, and a wry smile appeared on his handsome face.

"You can see it?"

Xue An nodded.

"As expected of Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, I can't hide anything from you."

The elder whispered, and then the brilliance on his body gradually withered, and his dazzling eyes were also dimmed, and there were fine wrinkles on his forehead, and even the temples were stained with white spots.

A stinking smell began to emerge from him.

Xue looked at him quietly, and finally said: "The clothes are dirty, the head is wilted, the armpits are sweating, the body is filthy, and I am unhappy."

"You have already accounted for four of the five decays of heaven and man, and it is a miracle that you can still support it up to now."

"You are wrong!" The elder shook his head gently, "It's five."

With that, the seat under him gradually decayed, as if it would collapse at any time.

At this time, even Xue An's face couldn't help flashing a look of surprise, "Five fadings appear?"


The Grand Elder smiled bitterly, "Are you surprised that I'm like this, why haven't I died?"

Xue An was silent.

Because he was really surprised.

You must know that the five declines of heaven and human beings are a catastrophe that all monster races have heard of.

As long as there is a sign, it means that your life will gradually come to an end.

And the five signs are present, which means that you are no longer tolerated by the heavens, and if nothing happens, you will be obliterated on the spot.

And this kind of obliteration directly affects your fate, no matter how high your strength is, there is nothing you can do about it.

And now the great elder of the Qingqiu Fox Nation has apparently suffered from five failures, but is still alive, which is really a miracle.

At this moment, branches stretched out from the void and pierced into the body of the great elder violently, and then saw a steady stream of majestic anger poured into it.

The wrinkles on the face of the great elder gradually disappeared, and the white hair on the temples turned black.

Xue An shook slightly.

The elder gently stroked these branches, a sigh appeared on his face, "It's really hard for you. I have been trying to force my life."

As if he could understand what he was saying, the branches trembled slightly, and then blossomed strange flowers.

The flowers swayed, seeming to say something to the great elder.

The elder chuckled, "Okay, don't waste it, no matter how angry I instill, I won't be able to escape this disaster."

The flowers withered in an instant, and these branches turned into dust and scattered into the air.

Then the elder raised his head and looked at Xiang Xue An, "You have also seen it, I live by this."

With just a word of effort, wrinkles appeared on his face again, and he was even older than before.

"This old friend of mine has always been reluctant to leave me, but it never thought that people are always going to die, even if it is as strong as the universe, the ultimate destination will be dying."

Speaking of this, the elder smiled at Xue An, "You died once, so you should understand this truth better."

Xue An did not answer his words, but asked: "When did it start?"

"It should be when Ying'er escaped from the Qingqiu Fox Country, otherwise do you think I will let her wander outside forever?"

The elder smiled bitterly, "At that time, I couldn't leave this jade pagoda. Every day the Sanshengshu instilled anger into me and helped me fight against the five decays of heaven and man, so I have survived until now."

Xue An was silent again, and after a long while, he said in a quiet voice, "Who else knows about this?"

The elder shook his head, "No one knows except you, including Wan'er, they all thought I was practicing in retreat."

Speaking of this, the eyes of the elder became bright, "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, do you know that I used various methods to fight against the five decays of heaven and man, and refuse to die. Why?"

Xue An was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "Is it because of me?"

"Yes." The great elder replied simply, "It's because of you."

"But at that time, I seemed to have just The elder shook his head and chuckled, "I didn't believe you would die from the beginning to the end, because you are the first since the beginning of the heavens. How could a person who proves Dao Immortal Venerable, such as your luck, fall so simply? "

"So you kept the word from everyone and have been waiting for me here?" Xue An said in an incredible way.

The elder nodded, and then smiled: "Don't want to ask me why I am waiting for you?"


"Because I want you to help Fox Ye ascend to the throne, and take charge of the Qingqiu Fox Country, so that the Fox tribe will not suffer from charcoal!" At this point, the eyes of the Great Elder have become extremely hot.

Xue looked at the Great Elder quietly, and then said: "You have so much confidence in me. You know that I am just an immortal king now. How can I afford this important task?"

"Hehe, if I don't even have confidence in the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, then no one can make me confident." The elder chuckled lightly, and then looked at Xue An with bright eyes.

"Now tell me, what is your answer!"

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