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"Here!" In the hall, all the deacon of Tiandaozong bowed and responded with the disciples.

The sound shook the fields, causing the stars around Tiandaozong to tremble slightly.

Countless people living above this star field have noticed the strangeness at the same moment, and their faces all have awe.

There was even the monk who was attached to the Heavenly Dao Sect, even if he fell to his knees, he kept kowtow in the direction of the Heavenly Dao Sect, muttering words with a frantic expression.

In the minds of these monks, the Heavenly Dao Sect is like a round of brilliant sun, and it is the supreme ruler of this star field and even the entire heavens.

And this feeling of awe and worship from hundreds of millions of beings also turned into a cosmopolitan radiance, and merged into Tiansu's body.

A pleasant color appeared on Tiansu's face, and he enjoyed the feeling of standing among billions of people.

It's as if the world and all things are under the control of one hand, it is fascinating.

But suddenly, Tiansu's complexion changed slightly, and then he said in a deep voice, "You wait to get down and prepare."


Everyone bowed and retreated, then Tiansu turned and walked towards the depths of the temple.

This is an almost empty space.

There is no up and down, no time passing, there is just endless darkness.

After Tian Su walked into it, he bowed respectfully into the darkness, "Master Demon Ancestor, what's the matter with you calling me here?"

Following his voice, the darkness began to roll and surge.

Suddenly, a huge eye was opened in the darkness. This eye was so huge that it even gave people a sense of sight that occupies the entire space.

Moreover, there was a mysterious red glow in this eye, so powerful that even Tiansu, who was the fairy king, couldn't help but trembled in his heart.

The giant eyes stared at Tiansu for a moment, and then a voice full of supreme majesty came from the depths of the void.

"Have I ever grabbed the opportunity I let you seize?"

Tiansu trembled, and hurriedly said: "Master Hui Yaozu, the matter is about to succeed, the great elder of the Qingqiu Fox Country is dead, but when he is about to take the opportunity into his bag, suddenly Someone intervened in this matter, and it ended up falling short!"

"What?" There was a stern shout in the darkness, and the huge coercion directly flew Tiansu far away. After reluctantly standing still, his face couldn't help showing paleness.

"Someone would dare to ruin my good deeds? Who the **** is it!" the voice said angrily.

"Yes... it's the reincarnated Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!" Tiansu said tremblingly.

"Red Lotus Immortal? Xue An?"

"Yes, it's him!"

The voice suddenly fell silent.

Tiansu looked at it with a little horror, but secretly calculated in his heart.

If this demon ancestor took action on this matter, it would be considered a big success. What kind of shit, immortal Venerable, would all have to surrender obediently.

So he gritted his teeth secretly, and said with a flattering smile.

"Master Demon Ancestor, you have been asleep for this period of time, so you don’t know what happened to the outside world. After Xue An returned from rebirth, the limelight was in the limelight. Just after proving Dao, the Immortal King eliminated the Five Elements Evil Emperor and other great evil sect masters. There was no difference in the limelight, and this incident finally broke in his hands."

Speaking of this, Tiansu's face showed a sad expression, "Even your favorite Hao Yan is dead!"

Speaking of this, he peeked at the huge eye in the depths of the void, wanting to see some clues from it, but he saw nothing except the flickering red light.

After a long silence, Tiansu finally couldn't help it, and once again said: "Master Yaozu..." Sanjiu Chinese website

"Okay, needless to say, I know all of this! Although I am asleep, one of my clones was destroyed in the hands of Xue An, as for Tianhao Yan..."

The voice became extremely cold, "He will be killed wearing the armor that I personally gave, which only shows that he is a waste!"

"What do you think we should do about this?" Tiansu asked.

"The fairy emperor's chance must be obtained, so this Qingqiu fox country must be destroyed, as for this Xue An..."

One eye after another suddenly opened in the darkness.

In an instant, nine huge eyes occupied the entire void.

Hongmang illuminates this space.

It wasn't until then that it was clear that in the darkness was a huge monster that was so hideous and indescribable.

The snake's body was entwined, not knowing how long it was, and there were nine snake heads growing above the high snake's body, and above the snake's head was this huge eye.

The whole scene is like a monster that people see in the deepest nightmare, evil, hideous, and extremely terrifying.

But after seeing this strange snake, Tian Su knelt to the ground with excitement, "Respectfully welcome the demon ancestor to show up!"

For him who admired power, although the strange snake in front of him was extremely ugly, it meant supreme majesty and authority.

"Jie Jie Jie!" One of the snakes had a weird smile with his hair, and fishy saliva dripped from his wide open mouth.

"Lao Jiu, why do you wake me up after sleeping for so long? Give me a reason, otherwise I will bite your head off."

The snake head at the very beginning said in a deep voice: "The fairy emperor's chance has already appeared, as long as we seize it, we can get out of trouble."

"Quack, quack, great! Hurry, I'm leaving here, I want to taste the delicious flesh and blood!" The eight snake heads began to dance and cheer, and the scene was like a dance of demons.

But Tiansu looked obsessedly, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

"But now someone is preventing us from getting a chance!"

"Who is it? I want to eat him alive!" The eight snake heads roared when they heard the words.

"Xue An!"

As soon as the name appeared, the eight snake heads became quiet again.

"Red Lotus Immortal Venerable? What? It's him that you want to seize?"

"Of course not. Unless our main body can get out of trouble, we won't be able to seize his chance. It is the old fox from Qingqiu Fox Country, who was about to succeed, but Xue An intervened in this matter."

"Asshole! This asshole! I dare to spoil my good deeds. He must die again!"

The eight snake heads roared, and then suddenly opened their mouths, as if something was squirming upwards in the huge snake body.

Immediately afterwards, countless tentacles flew out of the mouths of these snake heads, waved in the air, and then intertwined and merged with each other, forming a humanoid silhouette~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tian Su thought of something, his face was full of excitement Watching.

Finally, when everything was merged, a nearly perfect male body appeared in the void, and then the nine-headed monster snake slowly retreated into the darkness and disappeared.

At the same time, the man suddenly opened his eyes, and the brilliance flashed in the pair of reptiles' unique vertical pupils, full of indescribable evil and coldness.

Tiansu knelt on his knees and shouted respectfully: "Master Yaozu!"

The man lowered his head and glanced at him, and the corners of his mouth gradually raised, revealing a chilling smile.

"Assemble all the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect and set off immediately to destroy the Qingqiu Fox Country!"


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