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"Although I can't figure out the final result, I have sorted out a few in private, and without exception, the whole Tiandao Sect was covered by a strange force."

Speaking of this, a look of fear appeared on Zhuge Zang's face, and even his voice trembled, "The coldness and evil of this power have exceeded the imagination of ordinary people, and even I have never seen it."

Xue listened quietly, and suddenly smiled, "Old Dao, do you know why I am waiting for the Heavenly Dao Sect in Qingqiu Fox Country?"

Zhuge Zang was taken aback, "Isn't it because of Xiandi chance?"

"That's just one of them."

Xue An put down the wine glass in his hand, blinked at Zhuge Zang, and said with a smile but a smile: "As for another reason...you will know by then!"

Zhuge Zang: "..."

Then he couldn't help but said: "Did you mean it? Aroused my curiosity but didn't go any further. Do you know that I would not sleep like this!"

Xue An chuckled, "A guy with a big bun once said a word to me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't speak or speak."

Zhuge Zang didn't come over in a breath, choking himself to cough, and it took a long time to return to normal, then sighed: "Really, if it wasn't because I couldn't beat you, I would have done it with you!"

Xue An laughed, and the laughter shook the entire Qingqiu Fox Country, making many fox tribes puzzled.

"What's going on? Why is Brother Xue so happy?" Hu Ying, who was busy arranging a defensive formation with the fox vine, raised her head and said with a puzzled expression.

Not far away, the octopus, who was waving dozens of tentacles to transport various items, couldn't help but poked his head out, and said curiously: "Yeah, why are adults so happy?"

Under a distraction, her tentacles shook slightly, and as a result, a chalcedony spar weighing several tons fell directly, which happened to hit Xiao Sha's head, who was immersed in work.


The chalcedony spar was torn apart, and Xiao Sha immediately fell to the ground.

"Xiaosha!" An Yan exclaimed and rushed over.

But Xiao Sha didn't move, and seemed to have passed out to death.

Zhang Xiaoyu was completely frightened and stupefied. Her face was as pale as a piece of white paper. With her hands and feet in a mess, her tentacles were still tied into a knot in the air, and then stumbled over.

"Master Xiaosha, what's the matter with you? Don't be okay, Master Xiaosha, are you smashed to death?" Zhang Xiaoyu cried out crying.

"You were smashed to death!" Xiao Sha lying on the ground cried out in a muffled voice, then slowly got up from the ground and dusted his body.

Only then did Zhang Xiaoyu take a breath, and immediately thought of something, and forced a flattering smile on his face, "It's all right, it's all right, I'm going to work now."

After all, she hurriedly returned to work and devoted herself to becoming a porter.

The episode passed quickly.

Everyone was busy with enthusiasm, and even the two little girls, Thinking and Nian, were doing their best.

Everything was fine, but at this moment, the tentacles of the octopus trembled again.

At this time, several pieces of jade mixed with various instruments all fell down.

Xiaosha standing below was knocked to the ground again.

Now Xiao Sha is hot, "Xiaoyu Zhang, what do you want to do? Do you want to die?"

In the roar, Xiao Sha wanted to rush over to clean up the octopus.

But at this time, the octopus looked at the sky with horror, and trembled: "It's not me, but the space is shaking."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words and quickly began to investigate.

really. 315 Chinese Network

The void was oscillating with a slight amplitude, and all the planets within the scope of the Qingqiu Fox Country that it was driving were shaking lightly.

Now, everyone's complexion changed.

Because they all know that there is only one reason why the void trembles so softly, and that is that a very terrifying existence is coming.

at the same time.

Hu Yeye had already appeared on the high platform, with a solemn expression on his face and slowly said: "It's Heavenly Dao Sect, they are here!"

Beside him, Xue An and Zhuge Zang did not know when they had already arrived.

Even Princess Long Er noticed the strangeness, and led her to rush over.

Qi Liqing was full of horror, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

Because she recognized the breath.

Her family was destroyed under this breath, so she was unforgettable about it.

Everyone's complexion became serious, only Xue An's complexion was calm, his eyes piercingly looked up at the sky, and he said lightly: "It's not just them, but there are many familiar auras."

Words fall.

But seeing the sky above the sky suddenly rippled, and then saw a huge chariot ramming out of it, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye, and even squeezing the star field of Qingqiu Fox Country. It's a dead end.

And on the chariot that traveled hundreds of thousands of miles away, there were countless disciples of Tiandaozong standing densely.

Every disciple has a decent cultivation base, so when they assemble into a square formation, their aura is strong, and even a illusion of Taoism formed above the square formation.

Even more shocking is to stand in the front phalanx, because those who make up these phalanx are all deacons of Tiandaozong.

Anyone who gets outside is always a resounding powerhouse, but at this moment, it is like a car fighting, making the scalp numb.

And on the top of the magnificent chariot, Tiansu and the many high-level deacons of Tiandaozong stood together, looking down at everyone with cold eyes.

Seeing this scene, the Saint Slaughter Temple who came afterwards couldn't help but sigh, "It's over, Qingqiu Fox Country is defeated."

That's right.

This time, it was not only the people from the Heavenly Dao Sect who came to Qingqiu Fox Country, but also many people with good deeds.

But most of them didn't dare to get too close, but stood in the void in the distance and pointed to the Qingqiu Fox Country.

"Tsk tusk, looking at the current state of Qingqiu Fox Country, it should definitely be defeated!"

"That's right, the Heavenly Dao Sect's army is overwhelmed. If this group of foxes wants to survive, they have to surrender."

of course.

These people talking are basically small roles.

The existence like the Saintess of Slaughter Temple ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all stand in a certain corner, looking at the scene before them with sinking faces.

As for how many of these come from ulterior motives, only they know.

Not only that, when the Dao Sect people descended on the Qingqiu Fox Country that day, the big monster races also received the news at the first time, and then watched the scene through various means.

The atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

No one speaks.

Quietly in the field, you can hear the hunting sound of the wind blowing over the corner of the clothes.

Finally, Tiansu's gaze stayed on Xue An, and then he sneered.

"Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, long time no see!"

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