Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1879: Say... Say what you say?

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Bang bang bang!

With a muffled sound, the scales on Ao Yi's body were torn apart by the explosion, and the dragon blood also splashed down, causing Ao Yi to let out a roar.

Hu Ye saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Ao Yi, go back quickly."

But Ao Yi didn't retreat but instead moved forward, like a beast aroused fierceness, desperately rushing towards the Hydra wrapped in thunder.

Her actions terrified the elders of the dragon clan.

"Second princess!" The Dragon Clan elder yelled, and then the original form of the body was also revealed, and they rushed up together.

In an instant, the battle in the sky became extremely fierce.

The dragons and the foxes unite to attack this hydra.

But even so, he still couldn't shake him, even close to him.

Because this sky full of thunder light seems to be endless, it can't be killed.

at the same time.

Standing on the chariot on the top of the sky, Tiansu saw that the time was almost there, and said with a grinning smile: "All Tiandaozong disciples follow the order, kill everyone!"


As soon as the order fell like a mountain, the chariots all over the sky began to rumbling over, and many battle formations composed of deacons or disciples of Tiandaozong flew up and directly killed everyone on the ground.

Tiansu came straight to Anyan.

He had seen An Yan's identity a long time ago, and knew that she should be a very important existence in Xue An's mind, so the first goal was to deal with her.

But before he rushed to the front, Zhuge Zang sighed lightly, already blocking the way.

"Tiansu, please go back."

Tiansu smiled grinningly when he heard the words, "God Zhuge, dare to stop me with your strength? Get out of my way, or you will have your old life!"

Zhuge Zang naturally knew that it was useless to say anything now, so he raised his hand and drew a symbol of Gen Gua in front of him.

The symbol was instantaneous, and then transformed into a towering mountain, trapping Tiansu in it.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the mountain exploded in an instant, and Tiansu walked out of it, sneered and said: "What? Just this trick wants to trap me?"

After that, he was fighting with Zhuge Zang.

Zhuge Zang himself is not very good at fighting, and now he is facing Tiansu, who is regarded as the top echelon among the immortal kings, so he fell into an absolute disadvantage after few encounters.

At this moment, I heard Tiansu grinning, "The old immortal, get out of here!"

When the words fell, Tian Su suddenly turned behind Zhuge Zang, raised his hand and patted his back.

Zhuge Zang was shocked, but it was too late to dodge, so he could only use his hand to pinch the formula and draw dozens of symbols of Kun Gu and Gen Gu in a flash.

Kun is the earth and Gen is the mountain, both of which can be used for defense.

But even so, the power of Tiansu's palm is beyond Zhuge Zang's imagination.

After only listening to a burst of explosions like firecrackers, Tiansu destroyed all these trigrams as if they were damaging, and finally patted Zhuge Zang on the back.

Zhuge Zang opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, which was shot and flew out like a kite with a broken string.



Zhuge Xuanqing and Wei Rulan were shocked when they saw this and rushed up immediately.

After catching Zhuge Zang, I saw that Zhuge Zang's face was like white paper, with a weak breath, and he was unconscious.

The tears of the two women's tears fell.

Tiansu clapped his palms proudly and sneered, "Now I see how you can be nosy."

After all, he came over to An Yan again.

An Yan's face was sinking, holding a pan in his hand, and said lightly: "Lei Zun, are you ready to fight?"

Lei Zun in the pan was silent for a while, and then smiled bitterly: "Anyway, it's already like this, I don't care anymore, please feel free to mistress!"

"Okay!" An Yan said solemnly, before going forward. E-bookstore

But at this moment, Xiaosha suddenly stepped forward and blocked her behind her.

"Xiaosha, you..."

Xiaosha said lightly: "My mistress, don't forget that there is still me. The master has asked me to protect you!"

"Yes, me too!" Zhang Xiaoyu said excitedly, waving his tentacles.

Even Chan'er silently walked up to the front, showing his attitude with practical actions.

An Yan was a little startled, even though her nose felt sore, tears appeared in her eyes.

at the same time.

Tiansu, who had already come close, sneered after hearing the words, "Tsk, it's really touching! It's a pity that you can only touch yourself if you don't have enough strength, right? Little Loach."

Xiaosha looked at Tiansu who came across with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you feel moved, but if you want to hurt your mistress, you must step over my corpse."

"Okay, then I will do you too." Tiansu grinned, his speed suddenly accelerated, and he rushed to Xiaosha's approach in an instant, and then raised his hand with a palm.

Xiao Sha's reaction was not unpleasant.

With the unique physical condition of the Dragon Clan, her reaction speed is much faster than that of ordinary people, so Xiaosha can actually react to this blow.

I saw her clenching fists with both hands, urging her whole body to try to resist the palm.

But soon, all efforts failed.

Because the difference in strength is so big that it cannot be made up with any willpower.

Just listen to a loud bang.

Xiao Sha was taken out directly.

"Master Xiaosha!"

Zhang Xiaoyu screamed, and her tentacles flew out instantly, wrapped around Xiaosha's waist, trying to pull her back in the air, but as a result, she was also taken away.

It wasn't until after a hundred miles of flying that Xiaosha was able to land. Looking at her at this time, half of her body was shattered.

This is because she is a dragon and has very strong physical fitness. If she were to change to another person, she would have been shattered by this palm.

Even so, Xiaosha struggled several times, but couldn't get up at all.

at the same time.

Tiansu Jiejie walked towards An Yan with a strange smile, "Woman, now Xue An is dead, don't you surrender obediently, when will you wait?"

An Yan's complexion was a little pale, but she sneered when she heard that, "surrender?"

"Yes, as long as you are willing to surrender, I promise that I will not kill you, and even make you a disciple of my Heavenly Dao Sect, what do you think?" Tian Su looked at An Yan with a silver evil expression, and was a little excited in his heart.

This woman is so beautiful that she is amazing even after seeing countless beauties.

If this income can be accounted for, it would be a good deal.

But An Yan slowly raised her head at this time, and said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I am the woman of the Red Lotus Immortal, I never know what surrender is!"

Tiansu's complexion instantly darkened, and then she sneered gloomily, "Honglian Immortal? Ha ha, people are dead, what kind of **** Honglian Immortal? Surrender is your only way to survive."

"Bah, you are dead, your whole family is dead! My father is a world-famous hero, so he won't die!" Thinking of suddenly poking his head out from behind An Yan, his face was full of irritation. .

"Yes, you should die!" Nian Nian also poked her head out and said bitterly.

Tiansu didn't care about these at all.

A joke, UU reading, the two stinky yellow-haired little girls, are not worth his attention at all.

But I never expected that after Nian-nian's words were finished, Tiansu's power instantly dropped to the bottom.

His eyes also dimmed, and the powerful aura that had lingered above his head disappeared without a trace.

Tiansu was dumbfounded.

Because not only that, but at this moment he also felt the repulsion of Tiandao against him.

And this kind of feeling can only appear in the strong man who is about to fall.

An ominous hunch came to Tiansu's heart.

Tiansu finally showed great horror in his eyes, hissed and screamed: "The words...the way they speak?"

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