Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1886: I don't know it when I die

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While talking, Xue An raised his hands, opened his bow left and right, and directly drew two completely different characters.

In an instant, the talisman light in the sky flickered and the sound shook the sky. Hydra was forced to retreat again and again, and he could not get close to Xue An's body.

Because Xue An's move can be described as a perfect hit on his death hole.

Can't you be immune to the second attack?

Well, now I will all use brand-new Fuzhuan to deal with you, so that you can't be immune to it at all.

Anyway, the way of Fu Zhuan is ever-changing, and often a change that is too subtle to be subtle will produce completely different effects.

So as long as Xue An is willing, he can even fight like this for ten days without repetition.

But at this moment, Hydra suddenly grinned, "Xue An, don't you want to consume with me? Well, then I have to see who can afford to consume!"

As he said, he waved his hand violently, and countless sword lights appeared in the air, and then went straight to the people on the ground.

Seeing that, the **** Fox Ye Ji Lingling had a cold war, and then shouted, "Go back! Everyone back!"

He knew the strength of the sword intent of Red Lotus, so after shouting, he immediately rushed forward and guarded the three Anyan mother and daughter behind him.

Ding Ding Ding.

With a crisp sound like raindrops, Jianmang confronted the Qingqiu Fox Country and the Dragon Clan people.

Ao Yi, who is guarding the outermost periphery, bears the brunt, a piece of scale armor on his body is directly penetrated by the sword light, revealing the dense white bones below.

Ao Yi snorted, but did not retreat, because as soon as she retreats, many fox tribes in Qingqiu Fox Country might have been killed on the spot.

At this moment, a turquoise flame flew swiftly, and instantly burned the sword lights that had hit Ao Yi.

Ao Yi turned his head to look, but saw that the blue bird that A Rou had transformed was hovering not far behind her, and nodded slightly when she saw her looking over.

Ao Yi was taken aback, then smiled and nodded.

The first wave of attacks was finally over, but it didn't wait for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.

The Hydra in mid-air laughed strangely, "How about Xue An? Is this performance still satisfactory? Believe it or not that the next wave of attacks will be more violent than this time? I see how much more energy you consume. time!"

Amidst the strange laughter, Hydra waved his hand again, and countless sword lights rained down again.

Everyone exclaimed.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Jianmang, abruptly blocking all attacks.

It's Xue An!

It's just that Xue An's complexion became extremely pale at this time, his hands hung to the left and right, and the blood slowly dripped down his wrists, apparently already suffering a serious injury.

"Husband!" An Yan felt that her heart was going to be broken, and she wished to replace her.

When Hydra saw this, he laughed in excitement, "Hahaha, the surname is Xue, why don't you use it?"

Xue An was expressionless, just looking at Hydra with cold eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

Hydra was trembling with excitement, "You know what? I like your look like you want to kill me but can't help me, because it makes me feel very fulfilled!"

Xue Anyu said coldly: "Really? Then I also like your kind of stupidity that you don't know when you die."

After all, Xue An rushed forward again, and then raised his hand with a punch.

Hydra didn't even hide, and sneered: "I said, all your attacks are not against me..."

But before he could finish speaking, Xue An's fist hit his face heavily.

The golden light flashed, and the Hydra was blasted into a direct flight, flipped its head in the air and flew out.

"Ah, ah, ah, whose surname is Xue, you actually put a seal on your fist?" The Hydra roared in midair.

Xue An shook his fists, and the talisman on it was changed instantly, and said lightly: "What? Is there a problem?" Xiaotao Chinese

Hydra is going crazy.

He had never encountered a difficult opponent like Xue An.

"This is what you forced me!" Hydra's eyes were red, urging the whole body's cultivation, all turned into a punch, and it went straight to Xue An.

This punch combines all the abilities that Hydra can imitate, the magical power of causality, the sword intent of the red lotus, and even the seventh form of the six forms of killing the gods. It can be said that the gods block the gods and the Buddhas.

Everyone's hearts instantly mentioned their throats.

Hu Ye whispered softly, "Old Xue, how should you deal with this?"

But in the next second, everyone fell through their glasses.

Because just when the punch hit halfway, Xue An suddenly turned around and ran towards the Sansheng Tree in the distance.

"Fuck, Old Xue actually ran away?" Hu Ye exclaimed.

At the same time, Hydra grinned, "Want to run? It's not that easy!"

After that, he chased after him.

The Sansheng Tree is about tens of millions of miles away from this planet, but at the speed of the two of them, it is only a short time.


Xue An stopped in front of the Sansheng Tree.

Hydra Jiejie smiled strangely: "Now I see where you are going, die for me!"

With that, he raised his fist and blasted towards Xue An.

But Xue An didn't even turn his head. Instead, he raised his head and looked at this extremely tall Sansheng tree, and said lightly: "What? Are you still refusing to show up at this time? How calm are you Angry!"

The sound was not loud, but it reached Hydra's ears.

He was startled, and he didn't understand what Xue An meant.

But now that the fist is halfway through, seeing that Xue An is about to be crushed, he naturally refuses to give up, so he sneered a few times.

"It's useless to say anything, die for me!"

The fist is like a great dragon, rushing towards Xue An with the supreme power.

Xue An frowned slightly, "Still pretending to be dead? That's fine! Then I will make you sober!"

After all, Xue An turned slightly to his side in the inconvenient time, and avoided the punch so wonderfully.

Hydra missed a punch, but at this time he could no longer stop the car, so he could only blast directly at the Sansheng tree in front of him.


Cracks began to appear on the trunk of Sanshengshu.

At this moment, I only heard someone sigh faintly, "The young people nowadays really don't know how to respect the old and love the young!"

With the voice a snow-white foxtail suddenly appeared in the void, and then lightly blocked the punch of Hydra.


The fist exploded, and the foxtail just trembled.

Hydra took three steps back.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge branch growing out of the Sansheng Tree, and on the branch sat a young fox clan with an extremely handsome face and two slender fox ears.

As soon as the boy appeared, he barked his teeth at Xue An.

"Honglian Immortal Venerable, I really didn't expect you to be so embarrassed!"

And with the voice, behind him, there were nine foxtails dangling in the wind.

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