Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1891: Come again, never let go

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At least many people turned pale.

Because Hong Yi, who had just stood there alive, became a lump of rotten meat in an instant.

But Xue An didn't even move his hand.

The power represented by this is enough to deter many people.

But the saint of Slaughter Temple who watched the whole process in the depths of the void suddenly laughed.

There was a bit of comfort and joy in his smile, but more... but hope.

at the same time.

Xue An once again raised his eyes and looked into the void, and said lightly: "What? Everyone has watched such a good show for free, but are you not ready to show up?"

"Or do I have to ask me to invite you out one by one?"

Xue An's voice was as cold as ice.

But the voice just fell, but seeing the void trembling, one by one began to appear.

Everyone's complexion was so pale.

There was also a silent uproar among the onlookers.

"Fuck, isn't that the White Leader of the Blood Sacrifice League?"

"Lord Sha from Juxianlou is here too!"

"There are also the Hero Pavilion, the Shenjue Palace, the Absolute Fairy Pavilion... God! So many people have been hiding in the void!"

Whichever one of these people picks out is to guard one side, the famous strong.

But at this moment, they all stood tremblingly in the void, not even daring to lift their heads.

Xue An smiled coldly, "So they are all my old acquaintances!"

When talking about the three words old acquaintances, Xue An deliberately increased his tone.

This group of people shuddered, their faces all showing panic and despair.

That's right!

They are indeed Xue An's old acquaintances.

But this old acquaintance needs to put quotation marks.

Because these people are without exception, they all had feasts and hatreds with Xue An.

This time I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Tiandaozong to invade the Qingqiu Fox Country to fish in troubled waters.

In the end, he took himself in.

"I know exactly what you are doing here, so you should I clean up you?" Xue An said with a smile, but his eyes were full of palpitations.

"Big...sir, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!" The leader of the Blood Sacrifice Alliance who stood at the forefront couldn't bear the pressure, and collapsed and shouted.

But as soon as the voice fell, a strand of sword light exploded his head and the dead body fell to the ground.

Then Xue An said calmly: "I don't like listening to these nonsense, so you should go to death!"

After that, he looked at the remaining people and smiled sensibly, "It's up to you next, do you have anything to say?"

The rest of these people have been shaking.

Someone yelled desperately, "The surname is Xue, I don't believe you can continue to be so rampant, sooner or later someone will clean up you!"

It was the Sha Louzhu of Juxianlou who was talking.

At this moment, his face was full of hysterical madness.

Xue An glanced at him, and then slowly said: "Sha Chen, back then you indulged your subordinates to behave and cruel innocent civilians, and when I destroyed your orthodoxy, what did you say to me?"

"You promised yourself that you would never harm civilians in the future, and you are willing to correct evil and return to the right. I just let you go. Have you forgotten all this?"

Sha Chen opened his mouth wide and looked at Xue An dumbly.

A murderous intent flashed in Xue An's eyes, "But I can see that the blood cloud above your head is lingering, and the resentment is soaring. It can be seen that you have not fulfilled your promise at all, and even want to attack me. Do you think... my temper Has it always been so good?" Dream Literature Network

When the words fell, a ray of sword light flashed by, and in an instant he cut off Sha Chen's limbs.

Sha Chen screamed and fell to the ground.

Then Xue An said coldly: "My mistake in the last life was that I shouldn't be kind to you people. I always have a glimmer of hope that you will correct your evil, but this kind of thinking has killed more innocent people. ,so now……."

An extremely bright sword light appeared between Xue An's eyebrows, "You all go to die!"

When the words fell, the sword light exploded violently, rushing towards these people like mercury.

Faced with this situation, these people began to scream, cry bitterly, begging for mercy, despair and even hysterical abuse.

But no matter what kind of action, Xue An could not be moved at all.

In an instant, the sword light and body.

Puff puff!

In the muffled sound that pierced the skin, blood bloomed like flowers.

It wasn't until death really came that regrets appeared in these people's eyes.

If... I could keep the promise of the year, would I not die now?

But this regret came too late.

In the blink of an eye, the sword light receded like a flood, and when looking at the field, there was nothing but blood and stumps in the sky.

This **** and cruel scene made everyone take a breath of air.

Especially the melon-eating people who came to see the excitement were even more frightened, for fear that Xue An would kill his eyes again and clean up himself.

But Xue An just glanced at them, then turned and left.

Seeing his back, these people just let out a sigh of relief.

"Mom, is this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable so murderous?"

"Yeah, haven't I heard that he shot so ruthlessly?"

"Hey, the heavens are expected to be even more lively now!"

Only the saint of Slaughter Temple didn't say a word, took a deep look at Xue An's back, and then quietly hid into the darkness and disappeared.

The war finally came to an end.

Everyone dispersed, but the chain reaction brought about by this incident has just begun.

At the same time, the Qingqiu Fox Country was full of joy.

All the fox races were plunged into almost hysterical excitement.

But in this excited atmosphere, there is a hint of sadness hidden.

Because the great elder who is so beloved by the fox clan can't see this picture anymore.

In the hall.

Hu Ye stood with his hands down, A Rou stood on his left hand, and Ao Yi stood on his right.

Huhuan tilted Erlang's legs and sat in the upright position, looking at the three of them with interest.

The atmosphere in the hall is very strange.

People are afraid to speak.

After a long time, Huhuan suddenly chuckled.

"Interesting One is the blue bird transformed by the emperor flow, and the other is the dragon selected by the emperor! It's really interesting!"

With that, Huhuan looked at Fox Night, who bowed his head and said nothing, and said in a playful tone: "Boy, what do you think now?"

"Huh?" Hu Ye raised his head, looking at Hu Huan blankly, "What do you think?"

"Nonsense, of course it is the destination of these two girls?" Hu Huan said with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"Fate?" Hu Ye was stunned.

"Yeah! Look, this little blue bird was chosen by the kid Hu'an. It's a Mingzhong who is getting married. To be honest, I like it too! But this princess also has deep love for you, even for you. And against Tiandaozong, the friendship in this can be seen in general, don't you have the heart to give it up?" Hu Huan said with a smile.

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