Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1901: How much did he eat from you, I gave it! ...

"Yeah!" The two little girls nodded together.

"let go!"

At this time, the two little girls let go of their hands, and then they all grieved and moved closer to Xue An.

"Dad, sister bullied me!"

"Dad, it's obviously my sister who bullied me!"

Then the two little girls raised their heads together, looking at Xue An with teary eyes, waiting for his ruling.

Xue An: "..."

Even facing the strong immortal emperor, Xue An has never had such a headache.

At this moment, An Yan faintly said from the side: "Now you know how I feel? I play a dozen games like this every day, and I have to be the referee. If I change it, I have to be a big head!"

Xue An smiled bitterly, "Understood!"

Then he had an idea, raised his hand and pointed to the front, "Hey, I miss you, I seem to smell the fragrance coming from the front, it should be delicious, let's go and take a look!"

When they heard something delicious, the two little girls instantly threw the grievances in their hearts out of the clouds, and happily followed Xue An and ran forward.

An Yan looked at the cheerful back of the three of them, and couldn't help showing a faint smile.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang walked up to her and said softly, "Madam, I really envy you, you have a good husband who is unique in the heavens!"

An Yan smiled like a flower, "Thank you!"

After that, he quickly followed up.

Xue An didn't lie, he did smell the fragrance.

So when they walked through this long street and turned a corner, a food street filled with the aroma of various dishes appeared in front of them.

On both sides of the street are restaurants and restaurants next to each other.

At this moment, it was dinner time, the whole street could be described as brightly lit, and the business of every restaurant was extremely hot.

Standing at the corner of the street, you can hear the sound of coveting and eating in the restaurant.

The saliva of thinking and thinking is about to flow out.

Xue An couldn't help smiling when he saw this, and then led the two daughters into it.

Not only the restaurant, but there are many different kinds of snacks on the roadside.

"Let’s take a look at the freshly baked frog ham. A woman can keep her youth if she eats it, a child can rejuvenate and increase her intelligence if she eats it, an old man can live longer and prolong his life, and a guy can be suave after eating it!"

"Mom, I want to eat dragon blood tofu, eat it, eat large pieces, is it enough? Enough, thank you mom!"

"Shendu Roast Duck, carefully selected wild day ducks in Shengchi, the elixir is fed big, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender, you can add a year of skill after eating it!"


The sound of screams one after another, and the variety of snacks is even more dazzling.

Before taking a few steps, the two little girls already had a lot of branches and branches in their hands, and then they feasted on them.

An Yan and Mu Wushuang also carried a cage of steamed buns made of mutton.

Xue An is naturally no exception. He tasted a bunch of snacks. Although the taste is average, this street snack often has a unique flavor that the restaurant and restaurant do not have.

"Is it delicious?" Xue An asked with a smile.

The two little girls ate the grease on their faces, and they didn't care about talking, they just nodded.

"Don't eat too much, Dad will take you to a big meal later!"


The group continued to walk inside.

The further you go in, the more magnificent and magnificent the restaurant and restaurant on the side of the road, and the higher the grade.

When they came to the center of the street, a towering jade building stood in the middle.

That's right!

The whole building is carved with exquisite jade, and when illuminated by the light, it emits a magical and colorful light.

An Yan couldn't help but be speechless at this level of luxury.

She wouldn't be like that even if it was a golden building, but after being with Xue An for so long, she naturally knew that fine jade was much more valuable to a monk than gold.

Because fine jade is extremely versatile, it is an essential material in practice.

The restaurant in front of me is actually made of fine jade, which cost more than hundreds of millions.

Xue An only smiled faintly when he saw it, then looked at the plaque of the building and said softly: "Baiyu Tower."

Mu Wushuang leaned forward and lowered his voice and said, "My lord, this white jade building is the leading restaurant in Ziwu City. The owner behind the scenes is an elder from Shangqingshan. Those who can get in and out not only need to be rich, but also must You must have a very prominent identity."

Xue An nodded slightly and said lightly: "I can see it."

Because just when they were talking, several Huaguang flew directly to the front, and after they showed their figure, they were all young and powerful men with splendid clothes and arrogant faces.

After these people appeared, a waiter immediately led them in, and the whole process was very rapid.

In addition, even passers-by avoided the open space in front of the white jade building, as if they were afraid of getting into trouble.

"It looks good, let's eat here!" After that, Xue An stepped in.

Mu Wushuang was shocked, just about to stop.

At this moment, I heard someone scolding in Baiyu Lou.

"Did you fool into our Baiyu Lou? I think you really have enough life!"

After all, a strong man dragged a person out of the white jade building with a full face of anger, and then directly threw the person to the ground.

This person was wearing a shabby moon-white gown. He couldn't see his face on the ground, and he didn't even move after being thrown to the ground.

"Huh? Are you pretending to be dead here? Do you think that the food has been eaten in your stomach, we can't help you?" The strong man sneered, then raised his hand.

"Call me."

With an order, a dozen Tsing Yi servants rushed up like wolves.

Although they are servants, all of these people also have the strength of a quasi-golden fairy.

This group of people started without mercy, their fists hit this person like raindrops, making a popping sound, as if the flesh and blood were hammered.

But despite this, this person still didn't move, not even saying a word.

"Hehe, I don't see that the bones are quite hard, do you not say anything? Then beat me to death, when will he beg for mercy, and when will it be finished!" The strong man roared with a grim look.

This time, this group of people played more vigorously, and every time they played dead hands.

Many onlookers in the distance were unbearable when they saw it, but no one dared to stop because everyone knew that this strong man was the person in charge of the first floor of the Baiyu Building.

The person who was beaten apparently came here to eat for nothing, but was caught by the brawny man. Now this is about to stand up in public.

Many people can't help shaking their heads secretly.

It’s not good to go to eat free food, and I actually went to Baiyulou to eat free food. Isn’t that a death hunt?

At this moment, the brawny man saw that the man lying on the ground still said nothing, and couldn't help furious.

"The mouth is really hard. Uncle, I want to see if it is your mouth or my fist."

When the words fell, he was shocked, and he was the cultivation base of the top true immortal.

Then you have to hit with a fist.

At this moment, his fist was suddenly blocked by **** that seemed to cut onions, and someone wrote lightly.

"Well, how much did he eat from you, I will give it!"

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