Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1909: The cattle and sheep will form a team, the beasts will only go alone...

"So I ran out of money and sold myself in the Baiyu Lou, just to find out the news."

Speaking of this, Gong Yunjun's face was filled with determination.

Xue An sighed softly, "But I heard that he seems to be born again."

"Yes, my lord has indeed been born again, and I heard that I have already proclaimed the Dao Immortal King, but this cause has been raging, and the whole world has been a sensation. As far as I know, many people have unpredictable opinions about him, especially this time The Thousand Sect Profound Society seems to have a direct relationship with him."

"So if possible, I really want to contact him and tell him that he must stay away from here and never come."

The look on Gong Yunjun's face was already extremely serious.

Xue An smiled when he heard the words, and then stood up.

"It's a wonderful story, but I think if this person is really as heroic as you said, he will not be afraid, but he should come. After all...the cows and sheep will form a team, and the beast will only walk alone, you say Right?"

"The cows and sheep will form a team, the beasts will only walk alone..." Gong Yunjun muttered idiotically, and suddenly trembled, and wanted to say something.

But at this moment, Xue Anye turned around and got off the wheel, and at the same time said indifferently: "If I can see that guy, I will convey your words for you, goodbye!"

After that, he walked into the post and disappeared.

Gong Yunjun stared at the direction Xue An was leaving without speaking for a while.

In the end, Xier couldn't help it, and said softly, "Miss, people are gone."

In fact, this little maid was also full of surprise at the moment.

First of all, she didn't expect that the person Gong Yunjun would come to meet despite being drunk would be a man.

You must know that apart from the usual entertainment in the wine bar, Gong Yunjun never comes into contact with any man.

Not only did I come to see me in person this time, but I also talked in the car for a long time, and looking at the current state, it seemed that I had cried.

How could this not make this little maid shocked.

Gong Yunjun also recovered sober at this time, then took a deep breath, pulled down the curtain, and said lightly: "Let's go, go back!"


Although she was full of curiosity in her heart, Xier nodded her head obediently, and then drove the car to the sky.

But Gong Yunjun didn't know, just when she came here to see Xue An in disguise, she had a pair of eyes that had been hiding in the dark and peering at all this.

When they had all left, this figure flashed past the darkness, and then disappeared.

At the same time, in the post, Xue An's mouth also showed a cold smile.

"What are you talking about? Bai Yulou's oiran Gong Yunjun secretly steals the foreign aid who will Slaughter the Temple?" The young hall master of Feihutang, Chu Xiong, said with a shocked expression on his face.

One of his men knelt down and said: "Hui Young Hall Master, this is what I have seen with my own eyes, and there is no doubt."

The brilliance flickered in Chu Xiong's eyes, and then he began to pace back and forth in the room.

That's right.

The person who spied out of the post where Xue An lived before was the one he sent.

His original intention was only that Mu Wushuang and Xue An would run away again.

But I never expected to receive such a message.

Chu Xiong knew the importance of this piece of information.

Because now in the entire Ziwu City, who doesn't know that Prince Luo Rongjin of the East Palace of the imperial palace is bound to win over the oiran Palace Yunjun of Baiyulou.

Although Chu Xiong was arrogant, he was also self-aware, knowing that his strength was extremely difficult to compare with Luo Rongjin.

In fact, Xiao Tiansha still has a few descendants of the top sects that are not present for a day, and all the descendants of the sects in the Purple Wist City have to be the only ones who have fallen for the first time.

Of course, Chu Xiong had also heard of what happened in Baiyu Tower last night.

Unexpectedly, Luo Rongjin wanted to eat Mu Wushuang's leftovers.

Although the final result was persuaded, everyone knew that this matter would not end so easily.

With Luo Rongjin's temperament, he would definitely find his place in the Qianzong Profound Society.

But now this incident gave Chu Xiong an opportunity.

An opportunity that can be used...

Thinking of this, a smirk appeared on Chu Xiong's face, and then he waved his hand.

This subordinate leaned in immediately.

Chu Xiong whispered in his ear, "I will write a greeting post. You take it to see Luo Rongjin, and then tell him what you have seen, especially the water mirror that you want to record. Let him watch it again. After I come back, I will have a great reward, understand?"

"Subordinates understand." The subordinate nodded with joy.



This subordinate led away excitedly.

Chu Xiong stood on the spot, looking at the back of his subordinates, a smug sneer gradually appeared on his face, and then said to the person next to him: "Pass the order and get rid of his name."

"Huh?" The man on the side was unclear.

Chu Xiong said indifferently: "It's very simple. Luo Rongjin will definitely tear him to pieces after hearing his report, so he goes here... he can't come back."

The people around shuddered when they heard this, and then they all bowed their heads and dared not say anything.

"Hehe, I really don’t know what kind of expression this hallowed hostess would have when she knew that she couldn’t ask for it when she went to tryst with other men in After that, Chu Xiong Can't help but laugh, the laughter is full of pride and madness.

Sure enough, as he said.

After listening to the vivid description of this man and watching the video of the water mirror, Luo Rongjin, who was thunderous and furious, tore this life into pieces directly.

Even so, he still remained angry and roared: "Come here!"

Twelve guards with bright armor immediately walked out of the void, but under that armor it was not a person, but a skeleton with blue ghost fire floating in its eye sockets.

It is the famous ghost guard in the Palace of Human Emperor.

"Tear my order to tear up all the **** Gong Yunjun and Mu Wushuang and others!" Luo Rongjin roared with a twisted face.

These ghost guards retreated silently.

The audience was silent, everyone was trembling, for fear of being implicated again.

But at this moment, Luo Rongjin suddenly calmed down, and said in a cold voice, "Hold on!"

The ghost guard stopped immediately.

Luo Rongjin's eyes flickered, and finally gritted his teeth, "That kid from Chu Xiong is deliberately provoking me to take action, but I am not as good as his wish."

After that, he said coldly: "Gong Yunjun don't do anything yet, as for Mu Wushuang's side..."

A violent killing intent gradually appeared in Luo Rongjin's eyes, "You guys dressed up in disguise, then kill that kid."

The twelve ghost guards glanced at each other, and then six guards trembled. The armor on their bodies instantly changed shape, and even their faces turned into a cold male image.

Then the six guards retreated silently.

Luo Rongjin sneered a few times, then sat back on the chair, and said lightly: "Notify Teng Hongbo, that I will hold a dinner tonight, and entertain... Gong Yunjun!"

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