Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1929: 1 Words are the law of the world, the prestige of the emperor...

That Xiao Tiansha was the heir carefully cultivated, and it could be said that he devoted most of his efforts.

And Xiao Tiansha did not disappoint, finally breaking through the realm recently, proving the Dao Immortal King.

This made Dou Yin'an even more cherish him, and even planned to hold the Immortal King Ceremony for him after Xiao Tiansha's realm became stable.

But never expected that all these plans were destroyed by Xue An.

How could this not make him angry.

The supreme majesty of the immortal emperor surged out.

In an instant, countless bottomless cracks appeared on the surface of the planet where Xuanmingling headquarters was located.

But this is just Dou Yinan's anger.

This shows how terrifying the Immortal Emperor's might is.

In fact, when he reached the realm of Dou Yinan, his every action affected the vitality of the world, and all things lived and died.

Even he himself has melted into Tao, becoming an immortal existence.

So even if the opponent is Xue An, he is still not afraid.

"The order goes on, and I will try my best to detect Xue An's whereabouts. I want him to bury the gods." Dou Yinan said in an infinitely high and majestic voice.

With the order, the entire planet and even the entire star field trembled, and then countless Xuan Ming guards bowed together.


The sound is like thunder, shaking the world.

Then these Xuanming guards scattered like a swarm of locusts, dispersed into the heavens, and disappeared.

At the same time, a similar scene was happening in the Palace of Human Emperor.

As the top sect that is not inferior to Xuan Ming Tomb, the reaction of the Human Emperor Palace is no less than that of Xuan Ming Tomb, even worse.

Because Luo Rongjin is not only the descent of the Royal Palace, but also the prince of the East Palace, a direct line of blood.

His fall is undoubtedly much more serious in nature.


The lord of the Human Emperor Palace, Luo Ruqing, who is respected as the Emperor Dongming, is simply raging.

"Xue An, you are really deceiving people too much. You are reincarnated and returned. I haven't gone to find you to settle the account, but you came to the door and killed my blood. It is really unforgiving."

No one dared to speak.

Because just now, several ministers were torn to pieces by the furious fall.

"Presenting my will, Renhuangdian has vowed not to be at odds with Xue An since then, no matter where he is, he will be killed!"

When it comes to the end, this man wears a flat crown, his face is shrouded by the emperor's air, but he adds infinite majesty to the ruthless, and the words are full of supreme killing intent.

And following his voice, a golden imperial decree suddenly appeared in front of him, which recorded every word he said.

Luo Ruqing waved his robe sleeve, and a seal was placed on the imperial edict.

The moment the imperial decree took shape, a great might of heaven came crashing down, and then the imperial decree rippled and finally merged into the void and disappeared.

And Tiandao Qi Ji also changed a little with it.

In a word, it is the law of the world, this is the power of the emperor!

And with the expressions of Xuan Ming Ling and Human Emperor Hall, the entire heavens also boiled completely.

Jingyuesi, Qinghailou, Guishuizu, Xunfengfang...

At almost the same time, these sects all expressed their views, but there was only one goal.

That is Xue An!

At this time, countless people were shaken.

"Tsk tsk, being able to be named and killed by so many sects, this former Red Lotus Immortal Venerable can be regarded as unprecedented." Someone sneered.

"The key is that both Xuanmingling and Renhuangdian are completely furious. The two Great Xinghai Great Masters joined forces, plus so many Void Great Masters. Now unless this Xue An can return to the position of Immortal Venerable, otherwise..." The person shook his head, the meaning behind it was already obvious.

"Haha, what luck? No matter how powerful he is now, he is nothing more than an immortal king, but don't forget that the Lord Xuanming Ling and Emperor Dongming are both strong immortal emperors. Under such a situation, what else can he have? "Some people disagree.

This is all hostile to Xue An, or gloating.

Of course, there are also many people who are kind to Xue An, or simply people who have followed Xue An, are extremely excited at this moment.

"The adults are finally back. These idiots still want to fight the adults. Don't they understand that the throne of the adults is made of blood?" On a planet, a shameless young man was very excited. Whispered.

"In this battle, the lord has proved his strength with iron-like facts. This time, he will return the king and return to the top. All the ants who try to resist him will become the powder at his feet." In a hidden sect, a gray-haired old man reacted after learning the news.

All in all, the heavens, as calm as a pool of stagnant water, almost turned the sky over because of this incident.

But when the major sects expressed their opinions, only Qianheshan remained silent.

Many people cast doubtful glances, wondering why this sect who also had a descendant was killed is so peaceful.

But they didn't know that at this time in Qianhe Mountain, the mountain owner Hua was speechless and talked closely with the high-level elders of Qianhe Mountain in a secret room.

"What? Haven't found any clues about him yet?" Hua said silently.

An elder shook his head, "No clue!"

"Strange, the curse in his body, it stands to reason that unless he is dead, it is impossible to disappear, why can't it be found?" Another elder questioned.

"Could it be... he noticed it and then untied it?"

As soon as this statement came out, Hua Wuyu and several elders shouted in unison: "Impossible!"

"The curse cast by Nianzhi is the immortal law left by that adult, even if he is the Immortal Venerable, it is impossible to untie it!"

"Then how can it disappear?"

Everyone was in doubt.

"Is he already leaving the heavens and going to an unknown place?" the famous elder said suddenly.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent.

After a long time, the flower stood up speechlessly and said coldly: "No matter where he goes, he has to pay for this matter. Send me Huajian Order and hunt down Xue An!"


This time the entire heavens became more and more shocked.

The news of such a sensation naturally spread to the territory of the monster race.

Qingqiu Fox Country.

When Hu Ye heard the news, he couldn't help but get up, and then said with a shocked face: "Fuck, Old Xue, what are you doing? Are you planning to overthrow the heavens alone?"

A Rou was also worried on the side, "Now that the heavens are in a mess, will Master Xue be in danger?"

Hu Ye shook his head and chuckled, "Don't worry, since Lao Xue has done this, it means that he must be fully prepared and don't worry too much about him."

After talking, Hu Ye sighed lightly: "Old Xue, I really didn't expect that after you were reborn, you would be so crazy about doing things, and you would have killed most of the sect Tianjiao of the heavens. You can do nothing. , The first shot is Wang Fried!"

But when the entire sky was turned upside down, Xue An, the initiator, didn't even have a trace of information, as if... completely disappeared.

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