Shu Liu's tears burst into her eyes when she heard the words of high temperature.

"Then... what should I do?"

Gao Gaoyan sighed slightly, "The healer does not heal his life, so be mentally prepared!" He left first.

As a good friend of Shu Liu, Gao Shengnan naturally wants to stay with her.

"Okay, life and death are destiny, the old man is not too young now, don't be too sad!"

Shu Liu looked up at Gao Shengnan, her face full of grief and anger.

"Grandpa hasn't died yet. The Chi family is already aggressive. If he is gone, what should I do?"

Hearing these words, Gao Shengnan couldn't help sighing, "What the Chi family did... is indeed too much!"

Shu Liu walked into the ward full of grief and looked at her only relative in the world, who was now lying unconsciously on the bed, tears falling down.

After walking to the bed, she leaned down and whispered in her grandfather's ear: "Grandpa, if you leave, what should I do?"

As if he had heard it, the old man's body trembled slightly, and a tear came out from the corner of his eyes.

Shu Liu was about to take out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe it off for Grandpa.

Suddenly, she touched the glass bottle in her pocket.

A flash of light flashed in her mind.

I couldn't help but think of the group of people I saw today, and what the indifferent man said, the magic medicine that can prolong life for 20 years.

Is there really such a medicine?

If it was normal, Shu Liu would definitely scoff at it.

But now that her loved one is about to die, she is also confused.

Why don't you give it a try?

Shu Liu tremblingly took out the glass bottle and gently opened the lid.

A strange scent came, making people feel refreshed and happy after smelling it.

As soon as Shu Liu gritted his teeth, he poured the potion into his grandfather.

Nothing happens for five minutes!

Ten minutes, still nothing!

An hour later, Shu Liu looked at his usual grandpa, completely desperate.

I'm so stupid, how can I believe this kind of thing?

Shu Liu laughed mockingly, then sat on the side of the bed, preparing to accompany the elderly for the last time.

These days of exhaustion and the heavy pressure from Chi's family made this girl tired.

So I don't know when, Shu Liu fell asleep on the side of the bed.

I don't know how long I slept.

Shu Liu felt that someone was touching her hair gently.

The palms are warm and generous, just like... Grandpa often touched his hands when he was young.


Shu Liu woke up.


How is he?

Shu Liu looked up, and then saw his grandpa leaning against the bed with a ruddy face, looking at him with a smile.

Shu Liu was stunned.

Is this a dream?

It should be a dream, I may be too tired recently!

While he was in a daze, Shu He chuckled and shook his head, "Silly girl, what are you doing in a daze?"

Shu Liu's tears kept falling, "Grandpa, this is a dream, right? Are you leaving?"

Shu He wiped the tears from Shu Liu's face and chuckled softly: "I am Grandpa, this is not a dream, I really woke up!"

Shu Liu didn't believe it at first, but when he pinched his face, Shu Liu was stunned.


This is real!

An ecstasy came to my heart.

Shu Liu hugged Grandpa and burst into tears.

At exactly this time, Gao Gaoyan and his father and daughter Gao Sheng walked outside the ward.

After hearing the cry inside, Gao Shengnan's face changed, "Father, did Mr. Shu leave?"

Gao Gaoyan sighed, "I saw it when I checked his pulse yesterday. He can't survive today. Pity this Shu Liu..."

Gao Gaoyan didn't finish his words, because he and his daughter were both staring at the scene in the room with dumbfounded eyes.

I saw Shu He, who was diagnosed as mortal by Kaoyan yesterday, sitting on the bed with a ruddy complexion, and nodding and smiling at them after seeing the Gao and his daughter coming.

Gao Shengnan was so excited that he thought he was hell.

And Gao Yan frowned, and said in his heart that it would not be a glimpse of glory, right?

But this one is too powerful.

Shu Liu stopped crying at this time, stood up and said to the high temperature, bending over, "Uncle Gao, my grandpa said he is all right, but I don't worry, you can take a look!"

High temperature Yan went forward to check his pulse, his face changed drastically.

"Uncle Gao, how is my grandpa's illness?" Shu Liu asked with concern.

Kaoyan shook his head, "Your grandpa's illness... is all healed! Even now his physical condition is better than mine!"

In a word, everyone in the room was shocked.

Even Shu He was a little surprised.

And Gao Yan's eyes were sharp as a knife, and he stared at Shu Liu and said, "Xiao Liu, I ask you, did you give the old man anything?"

Shu Liu was shocked and suddenly thought of the small glass bottle and the words Xue An said.

She nodded, and said about the passing.

Gao Shengyan's eyes burst into infinite light, and even Gao Shengnan has never seen his father so excited.

"Where is that bottle? Quick! Let me see!"

"After feeding Grandpa last night, I threw it away!"

"Where did you throw it?" Gao Gaoyan asked impatiently.

"The trash can outside..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Yan had already rushed out.

Fortunately, I went out Otherwise, the garbage will be transported away as soon as the morning cleaning comes.

Gao Gaoyan looked very solemnly and picked up the small glass bottle, leaning to the end of his nose and smelling it.

Then he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Uncle Gao, what's the matter?" Shu Liu asked.

A tear came out of the corner of Gaoyanyan's eyes, and then he suppressed the excitement in his heart, "Koyanagi, you tell uncle, will those people still come today?"

This sentence reminded Shu Liu, she said, "That person said yesterday, just give me one night to think about it!"

"Quick! Make a call!" Ke Yan shouted hoarsely.

When Shu Liu dialed Xue An's number, Gao Haiyan couldn't wait to **** it, then took a deep breath, and said respectfully, "Senior!"


This title changed everyone's complexion.

Kaoyan's status in Zhongdu is detached, and no matter how powerful and powerful, he must be respected.

After all, no one can not get sick.

And Gao Yan has never been in the world, and will always look calm.

But today, he behaved like a pupil who saw an idol!

But Xue An smiled faintly on the phone, "What? Have you tried it out?"

Gao Gaoyan gave a hum, and respectfully said: "Senior, do you have time today? Me, Xiaoliu and Elder Shu, we all want to see you!"

When Xue An and others came to this pharmaceutical factory again, they just walked in.

High temperature Yan had already rushed all the way, and was coming straight to Xue An.

Nearly before and after, Kaoyan bowed respectfully and said, "The apprentice has seen the senior!"

Xue An looked at the young man in his sixtieth birthday, and smiled slightly, "High doctor?"

Gao said with a wry smile, "In front of you, who in the world dares to call the word genius doctor?"

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