Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1937: Everyone has flaws, and you are no exception

"What about this strength?"

The triangular head's eyes changed abruptly, "In that case, you really have beaten Master Nine?"

But soon, his eyes changed to a strange and chaotic state again, he said with a wicked smile.

"What you just said is correct. I really sent out the evil creatures that eroded the earth to weaken the strength of this group of bald donkeys. Who made them so pedantic would actually sacrifice themselves for others!"

"And you certainly can't think of it, those devilish energy that condense the evil creatures are all I got from these monks who don't hesitate to sacrifice themselves to protect themselves, isn't it ironic? Hahahahaha"

Triangle head laughed triumphantly.

But in this extremely cheerful laughter, Xue An suddenly said coldly: "You have worked so hard to... it's the underground thing!"

As soon as the words came out, the laughter of the triangle head stopped abruptly, and then stared at Xue An, and roared: "What did you say? How do you know this?"

Xue An's eyes were cold, and his white clothes were even more like snow and jade. In this weird and **** environment, he was like an immortal.

"Of course I know, because from the moment I stepped into this city, I knew that this entire city was actually transformed by your body, right?"

In fact, Xue An felt something was wrong when investigating the memory of the warship pilot.

When he saw this magic city, he finally confirmed his guess.

Because these seemingly prosperous buildings are in essence transformed by endless resentment.

Its purpose is for the thing underground.

As soon as the words came out, the triangle head on the opposite side instantly quieted down.

An extremely terrifying power was condensed and formed in the dark.

"It seems that I really underestimated you, but you shouldn't be so big, and actually came to this bar, because you are now in my belly!"

The voice just fell.

However, countless tentacles and vines suddenly grew on the surrounding walls and floor, covering Xue An like a sea of ​​creeping flesh and blood.

Wherever it goes, space breaks and time stagnates.

This also shows how terrifying these tentacles and vines are.

But more terrifying than this kind of attack is the omnipresent mental attack.

As if countless mental patients are whispering in your ear, a maddening sense of consternation arises spontaneously.

You may even feel that this world is so unreasonable.

Even a Da Luo-level existence would instantly collapse when faced with this kind of attack, becoming a lunatic who lost his mind.

But Xue An didn't even have a slight expression on it, as if everything was just blowing the breeze, watching quietly.

When these tentacles and vines just rushed in front of Xue An, there was a bang, Xue An's body burst into flames, and boundless flames bloomed like lotus flowers, and its color was red and white, just like glass.

The advanced version of Red Lotus Karma is finally here.

In fact, after stepping into the Immortal King, Xue An rarely used the red lotus karma fire, but this time, he did it again.

Because facing the boundless monsters, fire is the best way to attack.

In an instant, these tentacles and vines turned into fly ash, and the flame spread up, attached to the walls and the floor, and burned crazily.

The triangular head howled miserably, and then roared in anger and anger: "Red and white flames, why do you have such a **** flame?"

Xue An smiled coldly, "Are you surprised? But... it's just the beginning!"

When the words fell, Xue An's figure had rushed to the front of the triangle head, and at the same time he exhaled and opened his fist, directly blasting.


After a very dull loud noise, the triangular head was blasted into blood.

But Xue An knew that this would not kill it.


I saw the blood melted into the floor and the walls in an instant, and then a sarcasm voice came from the void.

"No matter how powerful it is? As long as I get into my stomach, I still have to die!"

When the words fell, the walls and floor suddenly began to shake, and layers of blood gas were filled. These blood gas was strongly corrosive, and even the space was eroded out of big holes.

Xue An's eyes condensed slightly, and then he stepped down. The red lotus karma fire suddenly spread along with the layers of sword light, sweeping away the blood around him.

But only a moment later, the blood was filled again, and then continued to press towards Xue An.

Xue An's expression sank, and he took a step forward and threw out his fists.


After a loud noise, the punch directly shattered a wall that was constantly squeezing.

But only a moment later, these broken blood gas condensed into one again.

This triangular head laughed extremely cheerfully in the void.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's useless. Any resistance and struggle are useless in front of my extremely powerful digestion. You will soon become the best food I have ever caught. After all, those bald donkeys all day long. Being a vegetarian, even the meat is very weak!"

Speaking of this, the triangular head became more and more excited, and then his figure appeared on the ceiling.

"Have you seen? These blood qi will corrode your skin first, then the bones, and finally the internal organs. In the end, even the most indigestible hair will be digested completely. Then the world will no longer have you. There is a trace of existence, but I can take your place! Hahahahaha!"

The triangle head shouted with excitement.

Unexpectedly, he did not see the slightest expression of fear on Xue An's face, and he did not even lift his eyelids.

This couldn't help but astonish him, "Aren't you afraid of what I said?"

"Afraid? Of course not!" Xue An smiled coldly, then raised his head to look at the triangle monster on the ceiling, "You just called the Hydra Lord Nine Heads, right?"

"So what?"

" of course not so much, but there is a problem." Xue An's eyes became cold, "Judging from your current strength, it is not inferior to that Hydra. , Then why do you use honorifics for it?"

The triangle head's eyes changed.

Xue An went on to say: "For your existence, it must be divided according to strength. If you call it an adult, it means that your strength is not as good as it. So... you must have one of these abilities. Fatal flaw, am I right?"

As soon as this statement came out, the shape of the triangular head began to change rapidly, from the standard triangle at the beginning to a square, a rectangle, or even a circle.

Because it really didn't expect Xue An to reason out so much based on just one name of himself.

It roared hysterically: "So what? But my flaws, you will never find them."

"Haha!" Xue An chuckled lightly, then shook his head, "You are wrong, as long as it is a defect, it will definitely be found!"

"Even you... is no exception!"

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