"Yes, the breath of the evil thing has disappeared!"

One of the old white-browed monks stepped forward, stared at Xue An deeply, and then put his palms together in a salute.

"Amitabha, dare to ask who the benefactor is? What happened here?"

Xue An looked at the monks who had practiced a little detour and shook his head.

"My name is Xue An, and the evil thing here has just been eradicated by me."

Xue An?

The monks looked at each other, and they had never heard the name.

But this does not prevent their vibration.

"What did you say? This evil thing has been wiped out by you?" The old white-browed monk said in a shock.

Xue An smiled and nodded.

at the same time.

The huge Buddha statue in the sky has turned around, and darkness has enveloped the earth.

Among the group of monks, a monk walked out slowly, with his palms folded together, "Brothers, I want to go one step first."

After all, he looked determined and wanted to fly to the iron pillar in the distance.

This has been their practice over the years.

Since these evil creatures began to make trouble at night a hundred years ago, a monk would use his merits to strengthen the iron pillar and suppress the darkness every night.

The price is that these monks will die without exception.

This is also because of the core pure land that was so prosperous at the beginning, but at this moment only their monks remain.

Because most of the monks are already martyred.

At this moment, according to the pre-arranged order, the monk was just about to go to the iron pillar.

Xue An suddenly stopped the way.


The monk was taken aback for a moment, "Donor, what do you mean? Get out of the way, otherwise, once those evil things overthrow the iron pillar, the whole world will be overthrown."

"Then you just continue to consume it like this? When you are all dead, what should you do next?" Xue An said coldly.

These monks bowed their heads and fell silent. The old white-browed monk couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Donor, we also know that this is not a long-term solution, but if we don't do this, these evil things will quickly pollute this pure land. Really powerless!"

"So even if we sacrifice all of us, we must stick to the last pure land of this side." The old monk said very firmly.

Although the rest of the monks did not speak, they clasped their hands together, showing determination and determination.

Looking at these monks, Xue An couldn't help but sigh.

It is undeniable that these people have indeed practiced Buddhism almost pedantically, but in any case, this spirit of sacrificing themselves is still moving.

No one can criticize such a group of people.

So he sighed softly, "Well, there is no need to do this again in the future. If you die like this, it will not exceed a year. Even if this pure land is not polluted, it will be broken."

"Then these evil things..."

Xue An waved his hand, looked down at the ground where the huge cracks were beginning to crack, and said lightly: "I have a way to solve all this fundamentally!"

These monks shook together, and the old white-browed monk said eagerly, "What can be done?"

Xue An raised his head and smiled at them, "This method requires unreserved help from all of you, and it may even damage your cultivation base. Are you willing?"

As soon as the words fell, these monks nodded without hesitation.


They are people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the ideals in their hearts, and their cultivation is damaged. Compared with solving these evil things, it is nothing to mention.

Xue An looked down at this huge magic city, and said quietly: "All the crux of the matter originates from the thing underground, so as long as it is eliminated or suppressed, everything can be solved."

"And all you have to do is to lend me all your Buddhist and Taoist cultivation bases."

The white-browed monk glanced at Xue An deeply, then folded his palms together, "If that's the case, it shouldn't be too late, so let's do it now."


These monks did not have the slightest hesitation or reservation, almost completely urging their own cultivation base at the moment they just agreed.

Especially this old monk with white eyebrows, the golden wheel behind his head is as bright as the sun and the moon.

Then these people put their palms together and bowed their heads.

The golden light all over his body rushed out from the top of his head and turned into a torrent to rush towards Xue An.


Xue An was a masterpiece of golden light, and a magnificent golden wheel appeared in the back of his head.

In an instant, Xue An entered the Unsullied Realm again.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of this old white-browed monk couldn't help showing shock.

Because only a Buddha like him can understand what this unsullied state means.

But this is just the beginning.

But seeing Xue An take a step forward, he said lightly: "All the Tathagata, body, speech, and karma are all pure."

Words fall.

Xue An's figure suddenly changed, and his face that had become extremely beautiful as a result of being promoted to the Immaculate Realm suddenly became immature.

The whole person's aura has become flexible to tough, like a little boy, innocent and full of vicissitudes.

The old white-browed monk trembled violently, and whispered softly with shocked eyes: "Rutong!"


A realm even rarer than the unsullied realm.

It can only be achieved by a person who is extremely determined and pure in mind.

After entering, it looks like a child, but has incredible power.

at the same time.

The golden wheel in Xue An's mind became brighter, and at the same time a crystal clear red lotus appeared under his feet.

He pointed his finger to the ground and said lightly: "Open!"


In a word, the ground of this magic city splits on both sides instantly.

What is even more mysterious is that no creature was injured in the whole process.

Even the ants were safe and sound.

A big bottomless hole appeared on the ground, and in an instant, violent black energy rushed out of it, disguising all kinds of weird and terrifying evil things, and rushed towards Xue An and the others with their teeth and claws.

Xue An was expressionless, raised his hand and extended a finger, pointing it in the void in front of him.


After a soft sound ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the void rippled like water, and rushed towards the evil thing that came.

When it was near, the shallow ripples had turned into huge waves, instantly destroying the first wave of attacks by this evil thing.

However, these evil things were born with evil spirits, invisible and innocent. Although they were destroyed, they recovered in a flash, and then rushed again.

Xue An lowered his eyes, the light on his face became more holy, and his black hair was like black jade.

Then Xue An said slowly: "All laws, no self, no one, no sentient beings, no life!"

"It's for King Kong!"

When the words fell, behind Xue An, a huge illusion of Buddha suddenly appeared.

This Buddha statue is as high as one million feet high, and its face is as majestic as the emperor of heaven, while his eyes are wide open and his face is angry.

The white-browed old monk looked up at the phantom, and murmured like a moan: "King Kong is angry! This is the roaring King Kong lion!"

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