Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1942: 0-generation merit, empowerment and re-construction

"Goodness is good, the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable actually entered the realm of juveniles, and can display the roar of the King Kong lion, suppressing the demons, it is the supreme merit." The Buddha exclaimed with joy.

Xue An did not respond to these words. Instead, he stared at the bronze door behind the Buddha and slowly said: "Master, you guard in this boundless loneliness, but for this bronze door?"

The Buddha smiled slightly, "Yes!"

"Then what's behind this bronze door?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in a deep voice.

"Unspeakable, unbelievable, unbelievable existence!"

Xue An's eyes flickered slightly, "But where did those demons come from?"

The Buddha smiled and suddenly said, "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, do you know why I am waiting for you here?"

Xue An was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know!"

"You are here, but are you here for the hatred of the Chinese people back then?"

The brilliance in Xue An's eyes instantly condenses to the size of a needle, "Yes!"

"Goodness." The Buddha put his palms together, "Come here, I have a word, you should listen to it."

Xue An did not hesitate, and stepped forward.

A lotus petal appeared out of thin air, and then landed on Xue An's head.

In an instant, Xue An's body was shocked, and then his face showed a pensive look.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, eyes full of coldness.

"Since you already knew this, why didn't you tell me when I was the Immortal Venerable in the last life?"

The Buddha smiled faintly, "It's very simple, the opportunity was not there at the time, even if I told you, it would not help."

"Then the opportunity is here now?"

The Buddha shook his head, "It's not a chance, but a catastrophe!"


"Yes!" The Buddha nodded, "Not only you, but the entire heavens will face a catastrophe."

Xue An was silent because he wanted to digest the words of the Buddha.

It wasn't until a long while later that Xue An said quietly: "So you know all this for a long time?"

"Forget it! At least a long time ago, I have seen all this in the future."

"Then why don't you try to change?"

"Change?" The Buddha smiled, "From the moment the Chinese people succumbed to the catastrophe, everything has long been doomed and no change is allowed. Even me, there is nothing I can do!"

"I can't do anything?" Xue An suddenly chuckled, "Since you are powerless to change all of this, why are you guarding the bronze gate here? Even if your own Buddhist kingdom is polluted, you are indifferent?"

The Buddha smiled helplessly.

"The Red Lotus Immortal Sure enough, it’s okay to be clever and arguing, that’s right! Even if it’s me, I can’t be completely ignorant. Although I know it’s useless, I still want to do something, even if it’s postponing everything. It doesn't hesitate, after all...This way, at least many people can be saved."

Xue An was silent.

Because he suddenly found himself unable to refute this sentence.

At this moment, the Buddha raised his head and looked at the bronze door, and said lightly: "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, you know that I have never despaired from beginning to end, because I can see that all the catastrophes will be yours in the end. Ends in his hands."

"On your body, you carry the luck of the entire heavens, or...hope!"

"What about you?" Xue An said suddenly.

"Me?" The Buddha said with a wry smile, "I have run out of time. Hundreds of years of guarding have made me almost exhausted. That's why the devilish energy leaked for nearly a hundred years and poisoned all living beings."

Xue An was shocked and looked at the Buddha in disbelief.

At this moment, I saw that the Buddha slowly eased the clothes between his chest and abdomen.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying scar appeared in front of him.

The Buddha's chest and abdomen seemed to be penetrated by some great magical power, and he opened a big hole, and the black air lingered in the hole, and the internal organs were faintly visible, and the void behind him could be seen from the front.

And this hole is still beating slightly, like a heart.

"This..." Xue An was shocked beyond words for the first time.

The Buddha smiled lightly, "Five hundred years ago, this door was just opened. I came here, guarded, and fought a battle with the evil creatures from it. In the end, I won, but the price was staying. Get this scar!"

Xue An was silent suddenly because he really didn't know what to say.

He has supreme power, can suppress all the strong in the heavens, and even the Buddha's vajra lion roar can condense.

But at this moment, he felt truly powerless.

Because he could feel that with the beating of this injury, the vitality of the Buddha was fading a little bit.

What a cruel punishment this is!

Staying alone in the darkness, silently enduring intense pain, feeling the passing of life.

And it will last for five hundred years.

Such torture, even if the mind is slightly weaker, will completely collapse.

But the Buddha has been waiting silently for now, until his arrival.

"Don't be sad, all this is worth it, after all, I have waited for you, the only life in the dead end of the heavens." The Buddha smiled very happily.

"What do I need to do?" Xue An said sadly.

The Buddha shook his head, "Nothing is needed. After I die, I will seal the bronze door with the merits of my centuries of painstaking practice, but no more than ten years at most, the dark power behind the bronze door will come back. So the time you can prepare is only ten years."

"Ten years? Enough!" Xue An's eyes flashed brightly, and a thick murderous intent appeared on his face.

"I believe in your strength, but before leaving, I still want to help you again."

The words fall, but seeing the Buddha put his palms together, bow his head and chant, "The world is empty, which can contain all things and colors, the sun, the moon and the stars, the mountains, rivers, the earth, springs, streams, vegetation and jungles, the wicked and the good, the evil and the good, the heaven and hell, all the sea , The mountains of Xumi are always in the air, and the human nature of the world is empty.

Then the Buddha raised his head and exclaimed with joy: "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, today I will help you re-train your body and go further."

After that, the Buddha raised his palm and stuck his finger out.

Xue An shook all over, and then felt a majestic and powerful force coming down, and began to instill in his body madly.

At the same time, the voice of the Buddha came from his sea of ​​knowledge.

"You have suffered internal injuries and have been fighting again and again, and a Dao heart has loomed cracks. Then you have to relax completely. I will reinvigorate you with the spirit of cultivation for a hundred generations!"


With the words, the divine thoughts like the vast sea rushed to Xue An's sea of ​​consciousness madly. These divine thoughts were full of all the knowledge of the Buddha for thousands of years.

These things are actually more precious than anything else.

Because this represents all the experience of a top power.

Xue Anlian force urged the sea of ​​knowledge, absorbing everything frantically.

In an instant, the instillation of divine consciousness was completed.

If it hadn't been for Xue An's mind, he might have been blown up by such a huge amount of information.

And when everything returned to silence, Xue An's body brilliance flickered, and all the previous internal injuries were wiped out, replaced by a steadily rising momentum, and even had a promotion.

But Xue An didn't mean the slightest joy, because he knew what it meant.


But seeing the pale face of the Buddha, he smiled slightly after meeting Xue An's gaze, and then said lightly: "I have done everything I can, and I will leave it to you! May you Can be brave and diligent to lead the heavens out of this life and death catastrophe."

Talk about it.

Cracks began to appear on the Buddha's body, which broke apart in a short time, turned into a sky full of brilliance, and flew towards the bronze gate.

That is the supreme merit accumulated by the Buddha for hundreds of years.


Every glorious arrival makes this bronze door tremble.

In the end, bright brilliance appeared on this bronze door, and then it was completely sealed.

When everything returned to silence, the void in front of him became empty, and the previous Buddha was gone.

Tears loomed in Xue An's eyes, and finally narrowed his gaze, folded his palms together, and bowed deeply.

"May the Blessed One go here, happy world, no more fetters!"

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