Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1955: The borrowed sword intent!

The leaked power shook this general out of the distance.

As for the residents of the small town, they were crushed to their knees, not even daring to lift their heads.

The old man in Tsing Yi had a grinning smile on his face, as if he had already seen the scene where Yue Sha was slapped to death by his palm.

This Azure Underworld Immortal Sect is the top sect guarding this planet, although it can't compare to those Void Great Sects, Xinghai Shenzong, but it is not bad.

This old man in Tsing Yi, as the elder in charge of punishment, also possesses the cultivation of Da Luo.

Even if this strength is placed in the heavens, it is considered a strong first-class.

So he could naturally see that Yue Sha seemed to have suffered a serious injury, and even made him look tired.

That's why he was sure of this palm, and Yue Sha was absolutely unable to resist.

But at this moment, I saw the moon with palms together, and whispered in a soft voice: "The impermanence of all forms is the law of birth and death, the birth and death of oneself, and the death of happiness!"

As soon as the Buddhist scriptures came out, a golden wheel loomed behind his head, and then the brilliance exploded, directly resisting the blasting Qing Ming dead energy.


After a dull loud noise.

Qing Ming Jueqi was stagnated in the air and could not be stored in it.

But the golden light on Yuesha's body was as firm as the earth, unshakable.

The old man in Tsing Yi was shaken back for a few steps, and only after adjusting his breath for a long time did he calm the boiling blood.

Then he roared, "Dead bald donkey, you are seriously injured, I see how long you can last!"

With that said, the old man in Tsing Yi blasted out again and again, as if he did not need money, the Qing Ming bombarded the golden light of the moon.

The muffled sound of dong dong dong came and went one after another, which made people feel shocked.

Everyone looked at this scene pale.

Especially Ning Zhu, she stared blankly at Yuesha facing the powerful enemy alone in the sky, her heart gradually tightened into a ball.

Xiao Yingluo is not as relaxed as she used to be, and her face is a little pale, but she still smiles strongly: "Don't worry, uncle will be fine, he is not injured!"

But as soon as the voice fell, just hearing a click, a crack suddenly appeared on the golden wheel behind Yuesha's head, and then the brilliance on his body dimmed a lot.

Seeing this, the old man in Tsing Yi couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Well, I can't hold it anymore! Today I will let you pay for my disciple!"

With that, his offensive became more and more crazy.

The golden light on Yuesha's body gradually appeared to collapse, and the golden wheel behind his head was constantly shattering.

Ning Zhu's tears burst into his eyes.

Xiao Yingluo was even more frightened, and suddenly shouted, "Uncle, don't have anything to do with you, you said you want to take me home, you can't break your promise!"

Yue Sha didn't look back, only a faint smile raised at the corner of his mouth, "Of course he won't break his promise!"

After all, Yuesha took a step forward.

At this moment, the golden light on his body was completely shattered and turned into powder.

The golden wheel behind his head was also broken together.

The old man in Tsing Yi looked ecstatic.

"Die me!"

Having said that, he urged his whole body cultivation base and issued a strong blow.

But just when he thought it was a ten-and-one blow, Yuecha suddenly raised his head, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in his tired eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling sword light appeared between his eyebrows.

When this sword is out, it will overwhelm the world.

The Qing Ming Jue Qi that had just condensed from the hands of the old man in Tsing Yi dissipated directly, and he felt the strong sword intent all over his body, and then screamed.

"This is impossible. Are you not a Buddha? How can you have such a tyrannical sword intent?"

Yuecha said indifferently, "Why is it impossible? I borrowed this sword intent to know!"

When the words fell, I saw this sword light suddenly cut out.

The old man in Tsing Yi screamed in despair, "No!"

Then turned around to escape.

But everything is too late.

With his speed, how could it be faster than Jianguang.

I saw a brilliance that slashed the sky and the earth across the sky.

Everything is cut off wherever you go.

In an instant, people felt as if there was a flash in the sky, and when they opened their eyes, everything had disappeared.

Only the old man in Tsing Yi and his subordinates stood in the air, motionless, like wood-carved clay sculptures.

But in the next instant, a spectacle appeared in front of everyone.

Starting from this old man in Tsing Yi, a red line suddenly appeared on everyone's waist. Then the red line expanded rapidly, and then the upper body soared into the sky, blood gushing out like spring water, dyeing the entire sky red.

Then the dead corpses fell one after another, leaving behind the empty sky.

Everyone looked silly.

Xiao Yingluo flushed with excitement, and suddenly applauded.

"Uncle, you are amazing!"

Yuecha smiled, but the exhaustion in his eyes became thicker, and then fell back to the ground.

Xiao Yingluo rushed over immediately and said happily: "Uncle, the sword you just made was so handsome, I didn't know that you still use the sword! Teach me?"

Yue Sha barely covered the exhaustion in his eyes, then shook his head and chuckled: "I can't teach you, because I said that I borrowed this sword from someone else. If you want to learn, you'd better find him!"

"Who is that person?" Xiao Yingluo said curiously.

Yue Sha did not speak, but looked at Ning Zhu aside with a solemn expression.

"Miss Ning, the sword just exposed my whereabouts, and it can be regarded as attracting their attention, so you are temporarily safe, but for the sake of safety, I suggest you move out of this town as soon as possible. Don't stay!"

Ning Zhu was shocked, and said with a look of astonishment: "Big...sir, are you leaving?"

Yue Sha nodded, "Yes, if I don't leave, then you will be all over. Now that I leave, I can just draw attention to me and you can escape safely!"

Ning Zhu's tears have never stopped like a flood that bursts a bank.


Yue Sha didn't give her more time, but put her palms together: "May the girl cherish it, and you can meet her beloved in the future and be safe for life!"

After that, Yue Sha said to Xiao Yingluo on the side: "Let's go!"

After all, he took a step and walked out.

"Good! Goodbye, sister!" Xiao Yingluo picked up the cloak on the table and quickly followed.

Ning Zhu wanted to say something but couldn't say I could only watch Yuecha leave from behind, his face was full of infinite sadness.

"I have to meet my beloved... but you are my beloved!"

The shopkeeper of the restaurant who had been standing by the side and had not spoken suddenly sighed slightly.

"Zhu'er, don't look at it. The identity of this adult is obviously extraordinary. For ordinary people like us, don't go into wishful thinking. Let's go. Don't let the adults' painstaking efforts be disappointed!

With that, he dragged Ning Zhu away.

Ning Zhu finally glanced at the back that disappeared in the distance, and his heart was filled with infinite desolation.

The residents of the small town naturally understood that this place could not stay for long, so they began to evacuate.

When they had just evacuated from the small town, they saw several Guanghua suddenly rushing to the sky above the small town and waited for a closer look.

The leader suddenly showed ecstasy, "Sure enough, it is the red lotus sword intent. It should be the reward of the big sects, but has been searching for Xue An!"

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