Facing the ignorance of these two monks, Jin Yuebin couldn't help but furious, "Since you monks are lining up to find death, then I will fulfill you!"

With that, Jin Yuebin waved his hands, and the huge Qing Ming Jueqi turned into a giant net, and slammed it towards the two monks.

When one of the monks saw this, he sighed slightly, "Why should the donor be so upset? To know everything in the world, but just smile, so let the donor let go!"

As he said, the monk smiled, then raised his palm to slowly press it down.


All Qing Ming's unrelenting energy disappeared in an instant. Jin Yuebin only felt that an invisible huge force suddenly descended on his shoulders. Unprepared, he thumped and fell to his knees, even unable to lift his head.

"Sect Master!" The elders of the Qingming Immortal Sect exclaimed in unison.

At the same time, Yuesha, who had just dissipated the image of the deity, couldn't help but his eyes condensed after seeing this scene, "The Tantric Handprint!"

Another monk said with a smile upon hearing this: "Monk has good eyesight!"

Yue Sha took a deep look at the monk, and said in a deep voice; "Are you from the tantra realm or the diamond realm?"

"The little monk is from the fetal Tibetan realm, and his dharma name is Maitreya. This is my junior and brother incompetent!" The monk said with a smile.

Even the moonshak, whose heart was as firm as iron, couldn't help being shaken after hearing the monk's self-report of his home. He lost his voice and said in shock: "Douli Gong Maitreya Bodhisattva?"

"Don't dare not, the little monk is just a Buddhist cultivator, what about the word Bodhisattva?" Maitreya said with a smile.

But Yue Sha knew very well that this was just his self-humility.

Because this monk who seems to be indifferent and smiles all the way is actually one of the best masters in Tantric Buddhism, and his Dharma cultivation is simply unfathomable.

There are even rumors that he has proven the way and become an instant Buddha.

Here is a brief introduction to this tantra.

Since the creation of the core pure land by the Blessed One, the disciples of Buddha cultivation have spread out among the heavens and eventually become a major genre.

Basically all the disciples of Buddha cultivation regard the World Honored as their leader.

But Tantric Buddhism is different, because the roots of Tantric Buddhism are much longer than the Pure Land Buddhism founded by the Blessed One.

In fact, even the Blessed One was once a disciple of Tantric Buddhism. It was not until after traversing the three thousand Buddhist scriptures and proving the Dao that is the Buddha that the Blessed One left Tantric Buddhism and came to the heavens to establish the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom.

Therefore, Tantra has always held a very subtle attitude towards the Blessed One.

In Tantric Buddhism, it is divided into two realms, one is fetal storage and the other is vajra.

Touliya is the top master in the fetal Tibetan world, and this Maitreya is a long-established tantric master.

But under normal circumstances, Tantric disciples never go down the mountain, and they rarely appear in the heavens.

Therefore, this time Maitreya Bodhisattva suddenly descended from the mountain and appeared in the heavens, so the moon was so shocked.

At this moment, these people from Qingming Xianzong suddenly screamed.

Then he listened to the Maitreya Bodhisattva's younger brother incompetent with a smile.

"I think all the donors are full of hostility, and they are obviously greedy and hateful! My Buddha is merciful, so why don't you come to my place to meditate for a hundred years, so that you can get rid of the mortal womb and have a pure sermon. What do you think?"

Although it sounds like he was asking for the opinions of Jin Yuebin and others, with his words, golden rays of light trapped Jin Yuebin and others like vines.

Not only that, but these golden lights seem to have some inexplicable suction, constantly sucking everything around.

As a result, the people of the Qingming Immortal Sect were extremely horrified to find that their cultivation base was madly dissipating.

Especially this Sect Master Jin Yuebin, but in the blink of an eye, he fell from the cultivation base of Da Luo Peak to a true immortal, and then the golden immortal...

This kind of high-level diving-like strength and blood collapse caused Jin Yuebin's liver to break, and he roared in despair.

"Do not……."

But everything is too late.

Wu Neng Sheng waved his hand, and a cloth bag draped on his shoulders suddenly flew out, turning into a golden pocket in the air, and then sucked at the people of the Azure Underworld Immortal Sect.


Including Jin Yuebin, everyone was sucked into this golden light pocket before they even had time to react.

Then the pocket flew back to the hands of the incompetent, and the incompetent weighed it, and then satisfactorily put it on his shoulders again.

At this point, all the members of the Azure Underworld Immortal Sect who had just flaunted their might have been wiped out.

The whole process is astounding.

But the incompetent monk smiled at Maitreya as if he had done a trivial thing.

"Brother, do you think this is appropriate?"

Maitreya nodded and turned to look at Yuesha.

"Bhikkhu, don't you know your dharma name?"

Yue Sha took a deep breath and folded his palms together, "Chujiala Shoushan Temple, Dingchan Temple disciple Yue Sha, I have seen two great virtues!"

"Zhou Jialuo?" Maitreya and his junior brother looked at each other incompetently, and then Maitreya said with a smile.

"So you are a member of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, so why do you appear here and where do you want to go?"

Yuecha laughed bitterly, but didn't answer directly, just whispered: "I wanted to return to this monastery, but I was stopped by these people. Fortunately, I have to meet two people, otherwise I will be seriously injured if I am not dead today!"

"Good, good, Bhikkhu is too polite. Although you and I have different sects, we are both Buddhas and we should help each other. And it happens that we also have to go to the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom. How about walking together?"

After that, Maitreya smiled and looked at Yuecha, waiting for his answer.

Yuesha was shocked.

These two top esoteric masters actually want to go to the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom?

What are they going to do?

You must know that there has been little contact between Tantra and the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom.

But soon, Yue Sha buried these questions deeply in his heart, and then nodded.

"In that case, thank you two!"

"Huh! What is this?" At this moment, the incompetent was quite curious and pointed to the rucksack on the side. The rucksack opens.

But as soon as the lid was opened, Xiao Yingluo jumped out of it, then hugged Yuesha and started to cry.

While crying, she choked and said, "Big...uncle, I...I'm so scared, don't leave me, don't abandon me, okay?"

Yue Sha was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes became gentle, and he said softly: "Okay, am I okay? Don't worry, I will not leave you, let alone abandon you!"

Xiao Yingluo was still sobbing and crying.

Yuesha looked at Maitreya in a little embarrassment, and wanted to explain.

However, they saw that these two people were looking at Xiao Yingluo in his arms with different colors, their eyes flashed slightly, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Yue Sha couldn't help being a little startled, and then coughed slightly.

"Brother Maitreya, what are you looking at?"

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