Because the costumes of these people are too weird, and each of them is as fierce and evil, which is daunting.

In contrast, Xue An, dressed in white, is more pleasing to the eye.

Especially the gentle temperament that radiated from him, it made many women passing by.

The daring whisper whispered a few words with the female partner, and then let out a silver bell-like laugh.

But more often, he took a peek at Xue An, and then ran away with red cheeks.

Xue An smiled faintly, and then said softly: "Let's go, it's the business to find Haoran College first."

After all, Xue An took a step and walked forward.

Xue An's words awakened Yunyang from the beautiful imagination, then wiped the saliva from his mouth, and said in a deep voice: "Go!"

They walked along with Xue An.

But I don't know if it was because of carelessness or other reasons. Yunyang and the others didn't know at all. Just after they left, two teenagers in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared on the spot.

The two looked in the direction where Yunyang and the others had left, their expressions very solemn.

"The smell on these people is very wrong, there should be a big problem, you should report it to Sanniang, I will follow them behind!" An older teenager said in a deep voice.

"Brother Ling, let me follow it up, you..." The other teenager was a little worried.

"Stop talking nonsense, your ability is still far short!"

After all, the young man walked a few steps forward, then merged into the crowd like a drop of water and disappeared.

The teenager gritted his teeth secretly, then turned and left.

Xue An walked in the forefront, strolling on the street like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, and stopped from time to time to watch the heroes doing business in the street.

He even applauds and applauds even when he sees the highlights.

Yunyang and others who followed were speechless and bewildered.

You are a dignified half-step fairy king, what big scene has you never seen, and you are so interested in some fist-fighting artists?

Until Xue An cheered a little girl who stepped on a big tank, Yunyang finally couldn't help it, and stepped forward and said: "Brother Dingzun, didn't you say you are looking for Haoran Academy? Why do you think of these boring tricks? "

"I'm not looking for it all the time." Xue An smiled innocently.

"Find? Where do you find?" Yunyang looked suspicious.

"Look, these people have unique skills. What if there are practitioners from Haoran Academy? So I have to identify them!" Xue An smiled happily.

Yunyang almost didn't come up with a breath, choking him coughing again and again, but he didn't dare to have it. He could only helplessly say: "Then you found it now?"

Xue An shook his head, "No, it seems that this Haoran Academy is very hidden, but I think you should be able to find it in front of you!"

With that, Xue An turned around and continued to walk forward.

As soon as he turned around, the smile on Yunyang's face disappeared without a trace in an instant, replaced by a cold face and murderous intent.

"Master Yang..." his men leaned forward and whispered.

Yunyang waved his hand, motioned his subordinates not to speak, and then said lightly: "Follow him, I will see what tricks he can do!"

Continue walking along this long street and after crossing a small curved bridge, Xue An and others came to a more prosperous place.

The shops along the street here are all with red lights high, and from time to time there is the sound of silk and bamboo wind music and endless cheers.

At the same time, there are all kinds of restaurants and restaurants flooding it, with the fragrance wafting out, the sound of arrogant **** and **** rang through the sky, making the whole street full of mundane smoke and fire.

The eyes of Yunyang and the others kept aiming at the woman on the street, and the expressions on their faces became more wretched and excited.

Xue An didn't change his expression, and walked straight to the middle of Long Street. There was a magnificent teahouse beside the road.

At this time, bursts of applause came from the tea house, the sound was so loud that it was almost overturned.

Xue An raised his head and took a look at the teahouse, and then stepped inside.

Yunyang and others followed.

After entering the teahouse, but seeing the crowds of friends, all the people upstairs and downstairs looked at the high platform in the middle of the teahouse attentively.

On the high platform, there is a desk horizontally, and behind the desk stands a pretty girl wearing a moon-white cheongsam.

At the moment, this girl is telling stories about ancient times.

I saw her telling the fascinating stories one by one with a cold and refined voice.

The people who heard the whole teahouse were ecstatic.

Xue An stood behind the crowd and watched quietly.

Yunyang and the others did not urge, because at this moment they were also attracted by the **** the stage.

You must know that although these people are not strong, they are somehow half-step Da Luo strong, but at this moment they are all deeply attracted by this girl.

Especially Yunyang, the greed and excitement in his eyes almost overflowed.

Because he can clearly feel that this girl's temperament is so pure and flawless, and this kind of physique is simply suitable to be used as a furnace for evil cultivators.

This also means that this girl is very valuable.

But at this moment, I saw the girl’s voice suddenly changed, and the story in her mouth also came to a climax. Under this awkward plot, in front of the girl, a number of virtual images began to appear, and followed Her narration changed into various forms.

Yunyang's body was shocked, and then he said in amazement, "Say the law?"

Xue An shook his head, "No, it should be the power of words."

Nevertheless, Yunyang and others are still very excited.

Because they walked all the way, all they heard and saw were ordinary people who had no spiritual power. Now they suddenly saw a girl who mastered the power of speech and spirit, and naturally it proved that they were not far from the Haoran Academy.

"Damn, this little girl can pinch water out of her and she has the power to speak up, which is really salivating!" Yunyang's men couldn't help but start to move around.

At this moment, Xue An said indifferently: "If you want to start a war, you can do it now."

As soon as this remark came out, Yunyang glared at his group, and then smiled: "Brother Dadzun said and laughed. Naturally, my group of brothers will not be so short-sighted. After the people here disperse, let's consider the longer ."

Xue An was noncommittal, just watching the stage quietly.

After a while, the voice of this girl suddenly became high-pitched, and it was full of murderous air. With her voice, countless swordsmen appeared around her, and black pressure enveloped the entire teahouse.

The crowd exclaimed.

At this moment, the girl suddenly slapped the eye-catching on the table, and said in a cold tone: "Foresee the future, and listen to the next time!"

After all, she stood up and bowed to everyone in the audience.

In a short time, the whole teahouse was shaken by the roar of the mountains and the tsunami.

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