As he said, Ye Ming repeatedly knocked his head towards Xue An, "But I don’t want to bring this thief to justice and save everyone, but I’m helpless, so I can only keep accumulating strength secretly. It’s pitiful for the heavens. Master Patriarch, you have actually returned, and there is finally hope for the Academy!"

Speaking of the end, Ye Ming was already crying.

Xue An was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "Get up, don't worry, since I'm back, I will naturally seek justice for you!"

"Yes!" Ye Ming stood up, wiped away the tears from his face, and then asked in awe and curiosity.

"Master Patriarch, why did you suddenly appear here? Xiaoer said that there are also a group of wicked people who followed you. What is going on?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Those are just bounty hunters that I deliberately put in. As for why I found here..."

"I look at this city with faint righteousness, so I came over."

"Then what do you plan to do next? Are you going back to the academy directly?" Ye Ming asked expectantly.

Xue An smiled, "The academy will naturally want to return, but don't worry about it, after all...I still have something to do!"

Ye Hong stood boringly outside the door, involuntarily recalling what happened today in his mind.

She learned from her grandfather Ye Ming from an academy since she was a child, and her talents, coupled with hard work, gave her outstanding strength at a young age.

And because of Ye Ming's years of planning, she began to secretly develop influence in this city very early.

In just a few years, she had a group of loyal followers, respected as Ye Sanniang.

And the reason why she wanted to show her face in that teahouse, tell stories and talk about ancient times, was to cultivate the righteousness in her chest.

This is also the uniqueness of the Confucian method founded by Xue An.

Although there is no aura, it can accumulate power in this way.

Today, Ye Hong performed in the teahouse as usual, but received a report from his subordinate Lingge, saying that a group of strange faces had broken into the city, and it seemed that the visitors should be unkind.

So Ye Hong stayed in his heart, deliberately showing some strength, and she saw Yunyang and the others.

At that time, she felt the strong fluctuations from Yunyang and others, which showed that their strength was absolutely extraordinary.

But this was not what impressed Ye Hong the most.

Her attention was attracted by Xue An.

Especially in the alleys, when Xue An broke her origins with a single word, Ye Hao couldn't help feeling full of shock at the time.

In particular, she also noticed a strange phenomenon, that is, she didn't seem to have the slightest resistance to this white-clothed boy, but had a faint urge to worship.

This is why she wants to lead Xue An to see Grandpa.

"Who are you?" Ye Xiao whispered softly, but a faint smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Because she suddenly remembered what Yunyang and others called Xue An.

My father...

God knows what this guy thinks, so he can take advantage of others.

At this moment, the courtyard door opened with a creak, and Ye Xiao was shocked, awake from the memory, and then stood up straight.

At this time, Xue An and her grandfather Ye Ming walked out one after another, and they were chatting and laughing.

Ye Ming's face was almost full of smiles.

Ye Hong couldn't help being a little silly when he saw this.

How is this going?

Why is it that after going in for a while, grandpa not only sent it out in person, but also so happy?

You know she hasn't seen her grandpa smile so brilliantly in a long time.

When she was in a daze, Xue An smiled at her.

"Three girls, please take me back!"

Ye Ming also said to her: "Xiao'er, quickly lead the ancestor... er, lead this distinguished guest back first, remember that his order is my order, don't violate the slightest, understand?"

Ye Hong nodded blankly, "Yes!"

Then he turned and led Xue An to leave.

After walking through the streets a few times, she finally couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what did you say to my grandfather? It made him so happy and still valued you so much?"

Xue An smiled and said, "I didn't say anything, it just solved the chess game that your grandfather was thinking hard and couldn't solve!"

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

Ye Xiao wanted to ask something, but glanced at Xue An's profile, and saw that although he was smiling, his eyes were full of unspeakable chills, and he closed his mouth.


The two of them crossed the street and returned to the alley.

At this moment, people like Yunyang are already a little anxious.

It wasn't until after seeing Xue An's figure that Yunyang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "Brother Dadzun, you really do what you say!"

Hearing this name, Ye Hao snorted, and finally couldn't help but let out a loud voice.

Xue An was also laughing, but his smile was full of chills, and then said lightly: "Three girls, please take your men and leave temporarily. I have something to say to my friends. !"

Ye Hong glanced at Xue An strangely and wanted to ask something, but even after remembering his grandfather's instructions, he nodded.

"it is good!"

After that, she waved at the group of teenagers, and then retreated like a tide.

In an instant, only Xue An and others were left in this alley.

Yunyang asked impatiently: "Brother Father, can you find out about Haoran Academy?"

Xue An nodded, "Of course!"

"Great, where is the specific location?" Yunyang said cheerfully.

Xue An remained unmoved, but quietly looked at Yunyang and others.

His reaction also made Yunyang startled, and immediately felt a trace of tension in his heart, and said with a strong smile.

"Brother Dadzun, what are you looking at? Let's go over now, otherwise it will change and we will be gone."

Xue An's face slowly bloomed with a cold smile, "That's not in a hurry, I just want to know, how do you know the news about this Haoran Academy?"

Yunyang froze for a moment, "How did you know? It's naturally the news that you bought it from people!"

"Then who is this person?" Xue An asked immediately.

Yunyang suddenly felt something was wrong, stepped back half a step, and asked without a smile, "Brother Dadzun, what are you asking about this? This seems to have nothing to do with you, right!"

Xue An looked down at his palm, and said lightly: "Of course it has a relationship, and it's a big one."

Yunyang felt that his entire body was erected, and he couldn't help winking at his men.

The group of people came up silently and blocked all Xue An's retreat.

Then Yunyang said coldly: "The surname Ling, do you want to swallow the battle results? I tell you, there are no doors! Now tell me the location of Haoran Academy, otherwise don't blame me for waiting!"

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