Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1987: Secret of the Arsenal

Speaking of this, let's briefly introduce the origin of this arsenal.

The so-called arsenal is actually just a very general term. It is not a warehouse for storing weapons as imagined, but a secret storehouse.

Back then, when Xue An had just proclaimed the Immortal Emperor Dao and had not yet cultivated into the Immortal Venerable, he entered this secret store because of various chances and coincidences.

Xue An was shocked at that time.

Because in this secret storage there are almost a large number of soldier talisman armors, and each one can be called a boutique.

Not only that, but the weapon armor in this arsenal is divided into many grades from low to high.

Placed on the outermost layer, that is, the lowest-grade battle armor, even ordinary people can wear it, and once it is put on, it has the strength that can liven up the cultivators of the Unexpected Realm.

You should know that this is an ordinary person with no cultivation base, but just because of a piece of armor can make such a earth-shaking change.

And the deeper you go to the arsenal, the higher the level of the armor of the soldiers.

In the innermost layer, Xue An even saw a battle armor suitable for the strong immortal king.

And once you put it on, you can increase your strength by at least 30%.

You must know that for a strong man in this realm, 30% strength is an extremely terrifying astronomical figure, which also shows the horror of this talisman armor.

At that time, Xue An was completely shocked by the arsenal, but it was not over yet. There was a separate isolated space in the deepest part of the arsenal. Even Xue An, who had the strength of the Immortal Emperor at that time, took a lot of effort. Entered it.

The space inside is not as vast as the arsenal of the outside world, but there are a halo floating inside, just like a safe, it is impossible to see what is inside from the outside.

Xue An felt extremely strong pressure in this, so after a quick glance, he was ready to withdraw.

As a result, at this moment, a small seal suddenly appeared in Xue An's palm.

At that time, Xue An didn't care too much. It was not until after he came out that he discovered that this seal was the key to the arsenal.

Looking at the almost massive amount of armored weapons, Xue An felt the seriousness of the matter.

Although he didn't know where this arsenal was left, he knew that if the things in this arsenal were spread out, it would definitely cause an uproar among the heavens. He didn't know how many unpredictable careerists would make trouble.

Therefore, Xue An decisively used the seals he obtained to reclose the arsenal and put several seals on it.

When encountering this arsenal, it happened that Xue An brought You Huahui, who had just been subdued at the time, to work, so You Huahui also saw this scene.

This is why he knew the arsenal.

The situation is different now. Seeing that the ten-year period is approaching day by day, what terrifying monsters will appear behind the bronze gate at that time, even Xue An is a little bit unsure.

After all, based on Xue An's experience in dealing with these monsters several times, all these monsters have unpredictable weird abilities.

For example, the Hydra that appeared suddenly and disappeared into the heavens. He actually possessed an immortal body and could perfectly replicate the opponent's abilities. Any trick that was used against him once would completely fail.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the nine-tailed fox Zuhuhuan, Xue An would have to pay a painful price to defeat him, and even then he could not kill him and let him run away.

As for the triangle head encountered in the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, although its strength is slightly weaker, it has the almost abnormal ability of being strong and weak and weak.

And these are just two monsters, God knows how many weird monsters there are behind the bronze door.

This shows that if you don't prepare in advance, even if Xue An can dominate the heavens, it will be unpredictable when facing these weird monsters.

So now is the time to use this arsenal.

This is also the reason why Xue An will come to Haoran Academy at the first stop in Zhutian.

At the beginning, Xue An disguised the seal letter of the soldier talisman that opened the arsenal into a piece of writing and left it on the upper floor of the Buddhist scriptures of Haoran Academy.

It is ridiculous that even though Jing Haomiao has searched for countless times, and even turned the entire Buddhist scripture building upside down, he never expected that the key to open the arsenal was always on the bright side.

When Xue An was remembering, only Ouyang Xiaoman said expectantly: "Master, now the key to the arsenal is also obtained, when shall we leave?"

Xue An turned his head to look at her, "Are you so worried?"

"Oh don't mention it, don't you know, Master. After you left, I looked at the old face of the big brother all day, and the whole person almost collapsed. Afterwards, I was sealed in the white tower for so long. Who can stand it? "Ouyang Xiaoman said with a pouting face of dissatisfaction.

Xue An smiled, "Okay! In that case, let's set off when we finish handling the affairs of this world!"

Ouyang Xiaoman couldn't help cheering when she heard the romance, but suddenly she remembered something, and asked curiously: "Master, where shall we go next stop?"

Xue An looked at the sky outside the window and said lightly: "Now that the key has been obtained, the next stop... Of course, I will go to the arsenal first!"

Ouyang Xiaoman wanted to ask where the arsenal was and what it was, but when she saw Xue An's bright eyes, she couldn't help but swallowed the words back.

At the same time, Xue An whispered: "You should be aware of it now, and if I'm not wrong, you must be ready to act first. After all... with your personality, since you know things It has been exposed, it will definitely make a desperate move, right? You Huahui?"

Speaking of the last time, Xue An's eyes suddenly rose up with a bright brilliance, which was shocking.

At the same time, in a deserted planet in the depths of the Star Sea, hot magma is constantly surging.

The temperature here is enough to incinerate It is difficult for even strong practitioners to survive here.

But even in this extremely dangerous environment, there was a figure sitting cross-legged on top of the magma.

Suddenly, the surrounding magma began to boil violently, and the spewing flames caused the temperature here to rise sharply.

But no matter what kind of fiery flames, the moment they approached this man, they would be completely vanished.

At the same time, the man slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, the boiling magma around him instantly condensed, and the entire space was like a flash of lightning, which made people feel palpable.

Because what kind of eyes are these.

It was as if someone had packed all the evil under the sky and condensed it into these eyes.

People with slightly weaker minds may be completely crazy just by being looked at by these eyes.

But soon, the man blinked his eyes, and all the evil spirits before were condensed and disappeared without a trace.

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