Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1992: Tell me, who are you guys!

"You almost came up with words again. In short, remember that these things are not what you should worry about now."

"This can't be said, that can't be said, so what can you tell me?" Xue An was silent for a moment, and finally said coldly.

"There is a lot to say, such as how to use these weapon armors!"

The tabby cat said with a smile, and then the scene in front of him changed abruptly, from the previous desolate battlefield back to the arsenal filled with countless armors.

There was no sign of the whole process, it seemed so natural, as if everything was supposed to be.

Xue An didn't look at these armors, but stared deeply at the tabby cat, "So... you have been waiting here for thousands of years, just to tell me this?"

The tabby cat shrugged, regardless of how it did it, but the feeling for Xue An was that it shrugged, and then said indifferently.

"In fact, when the master sent me to stay in this arsenal guarding, he didn't expect that there would be descendants of Chinese people coming. Everything is just for the slightest possibility. If you wait for the natural joy, it doesn't matter if you can't wait. Right when I slept with a big dream for 10,000 years!"

Xue An was stunned. After a long time, he said in a daze, "You mean you are spending 10,000 years to blog about a possibility that you don't know if it will appear?"

"Yes! Is there any problem?"

Xue An was suddenly silent.

Because he really didn't know how to respond to this tabby cat's words.

Ten thousand years, this is an extremely long time even for the top powerhouse among the heavens.

In fact, the general immortal king powerhouse may dissipate on its own within less than 10,000 years.

After all, the increase in entropy is everywhere, if you fail to hold the destiny, even the fairy king will eventually die.

But the other party didn't care about spending such a long time waiting for someone who eventually didn't know if he would show up. What else could Xue An say?

Sigh, **** it?

"Little brother, I know you are a little surprised, but since you can come here, it proves that you are the man who bears the destiny, so sooner or later you will understand that when your life grows to a certain extent, there will be no so-called waste. Just as you don’t care about one minute, I don’t care about these ten thousand years of sleep!"

"If you say so, you have almost unlimited life?" Xue An asked.

"Hehe, how can I be called infinite!" The tabby cat laughed at himself, then a frightened expression appeared in his eyes, and said in a low voice.

"You know... in the eyes of some existences, even time is just a plaything of wanton kneading!"

Xue An was thinking deeply in his eyes.

The tabby cat consciously failed to speak, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Of course, it is too early for you to consider these. I will teach you how to use these armors as soon as possible. You must know that these items are all selected by the owner. The power is very powerful!"

With that, as soon as the tabby cat raised his hand, several sets of armor flew over, and then he was about to demonstrate to Xue An.

But at this moment, only Xue An said calmly: "Hold on!"

The tabby cat was taken aback.

Then Xue An slowly raised his head and looked at the tabby cat with dazzling eyes, "If I'm not mistaken, you and your owner should all have an inseparable relationship with the Chinese. Then ten thousand years ago Are you also aware of the Chinese catastrophe?"

"And since this arsenal is left by your master, does it also prove that he expected riots in the future generations, so he stayed on purpose?"

Facing Xue An's series of questions, the tabby cat backed away again and again.

It wasn't until Xue An finished speaking that he sneered and said: "Sorry, I don't know anything, I only know that I want to leave these things to you, this is my mission!"

"Okay! I'll ask you again, since these things are left to me, why didn't you give them to me when I entered the arsenal last time, or even show up?"

As soon as the words came out, the tabby cat's eyes showed a panic, "Uh...this...this..."

In the end he sighed helplessly, "Oh, forget it, I have a showdown, that's right! I should have given you these things last time, but at that time I happened to fall into a deep sleep, leaving only a part of consciousness. Waiting here, so..."

"So you only gave me the soldier talisman letter that entered this arsenal, right?"

The tabby cat nodded in frustration, "That's it!"

But then he said infinitely wronged: "But I didn't mean it. I have waited here for nine thousand years, but no one has come in. Although I can endure loneliness, nine thousand years is enough, so I I planned to take a nap, but who would have thought that you came in just as soon as I fell asleep..."

Xue An ignored him and said lightly: "Well, since this is the case, then you have delayed a major event. Now these soldier talisman armors are no longer useful to me, goodbye!"

After all, Xue An turned and left.

The tabby cat became anxious at once, and appeared in front of Xue An with a flash of figure, "Hey, don't go! This is a talisman armor that can arm an entire army, how can you go? ?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested!" Xue An continued to walk forward without blinking his eyelids.

The tabby cat is really anxious now, "Don't you understand what this means? Once so many soldiers and armors are used for you, you will become the mighty power of the separatist side, and it is even possible to aspire to the heavens. what!"

"Does that have anything to do with me?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, his footsteps still unstopped.

"Oh, let me wipe it, you can think clearly, if you leave, all these things can be left to others, then don't regret it!" Tabby cat began to threaten viciously.

Unexpectedly, Xue An would not eat his suit at all, and his pace did not slow down at all and walked out in a stride.

at last.

When Xue An took dozens of steps, he was about to tear open the void and leave here.

The tabby cat couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Okay, I'm afraid of you, come back, I can tell you some information now, this will be done!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth, and then slowly turned around, looking at the tabby cat with piercing eyes.

"What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true! Mr. Cat is never a lie!" The tabby cat replied dejectedly, and then murmured.

"I didn't expect that someone could use this method to threaten me. What a miscalculation!"

After that, he raised his head feebly, "Let's talk, you want to know something, there is only one chance!"

Xue An's eyes became extremely bright, and he said in a deep voice: "I just want to know, who are you?"

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