Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1996: witch! It's the breath of witches!

Xue An looked at the tabby cat, who was immersed in the romantic past of the past, and was suddenly speechless.

What kind of existence would it be that would allow a tabby cat that misses the little female cat all day to take charge of such an arsenal?


At the same time, the tabby cat wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and waved his hand again and again: "Okay, now you have mastered how to use this arsenal, and the cat is about to leave. Before I leave, I still I want to tell you something!"

Speaking of this, the tabby cat has a serious look (don't care how a cat looks serious, he is serious anyway!).

"This arsenal is an opportunity left by the master for this purpose. I hope you can do it for yourself, and you must not rely on the power of the arsenal to do evil!"

Xue An couldn't help but burst into laughter when he heard this, because what the tabby cat said was what he often said to others.

But he nodded solemnly, "Okay, I understand!"

"In this case, I'll go ahead with Master Cat, little brother, I hope we can still have a chance to see you again, the green hills will not change and the green water will flow, goodbye!"

After all, the tabby cat jumped up, then blended into the void without a sound, and disappeared.

Xue An looked at the direction the tabby cat was leaving, was silent for a moment, and then turned and left.


With a loud noise, this arsenal shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a stream of light, flying into Xue An's eyebrows.

And as this arsenal shrinks and disappears, the light on the surface of this blue supergiant star is also dimmed in an instant, and at the same time the volume shrinks sharply, and it quickly becomes an ordinary red dwarf star.

Such a change can be called a spectacle in the starry sky, but the billions of evil soldiers lined up in the void are like wood-carved clay sculptures. They have no response to everything that happens in front of them, just standing quietly. Well, waiting for their master to return.

Xue An looked at this scene with a complex look in his eyes, both angry and regretful.

Angrily at this You Huahui's heart is so vicious, that he even made these hundreds of millions of creatures become evil soldiers.

Regrettably, it was because these people should have had a better life of their own, but now they can only stand there like puppets that are off the line, waiting for their master who can never return.

But Xue An couldn't just sit back and leave.

After all, these billions of evil soldiers are also a huge force, and if they cannot be used wisely, it will also be a big hidden danger for the heavens.

Therefore, after Xue An was silent for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then a monstrous evil spirit appeared all over his body.

It is the breath of You Huahui.

For Xue An today, it is not difficult to simulate the aura on You Huahui, after all, he planted a secret door in You Huahui's soul.

But when they felt this evil spirit, the billions of evil soldiers shook together, and then looked at Xue An with piercing eyes, waiting for him to give orders.

Xue An said indifferently: "You wait for the orders, all of them will be in my palm!"

As he said, Xue An slowly raised his hand, and then a huge brilliance appeared in the void.

With his order, these evil soldiers also flooded in like a tide, rushing into the golden light one after another, and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of evil soldiers also entered the Buddha Kingdom in Xue An's palm.

After doing all this, Xue An turned his head and glanced at the star that was already dimmed, smiled faintly, and then turned around, turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the vast starry sky.

After he left, a pair of emerald-like eyes suddenly appeared in the shadow of the void. It was the tabby cat who claimed to be the uncle cat.

I saw him staring at the direction of Xue An's departure, muttering to himself: "Master, I don't know if this kid can win this bet as you have deduced!"

But at this moment, there were sudden fluctuations in the distance, and the tabby cat shook all over, took a closer look, and then an extremely shocking light appeared in his eyes.

But seeing several brilliances suddenly appeared in the distance, the most powerful man seemed to be a half-step immortal emperor level master.

If it were nothing more than that, it would not have shocked the tabby cat so much.

The key is that the tabby cat feels a different breath from these brilliance.

This breath made his whole body tremble slightly, and a few words were whimpered in his mouth.

"Witch! It's the breath of witches!"

Then, like a snake and scorpion, he immediately retreated silently into the darkness, and disappeared.

As soon as his front foot disappeared, these brilliance rushed to the front.

After Guanghua dissipated, the leader was a good-looking middle-aged woman.

The temperament of this middle-aged woman is very noble, and her eyes are like crane eyes, pure and noble.

If there are other people present, she will definitely exclaim in exclamation when she sees this woman.

Because this woman is not someone else, she is the lord of Qianhe Palace, Hua is speechless.

And standing behind her are the elders of Qianhe Palace.

It can be said that almost all the high-levels of Qianhe Palace came out, and they all arrived.


Hua Wuyu looked at the dim red dwarf star in front of him with a solemn expression, and said solemnly: "Have you found a clue?"

The elders, look at me and I look at you, and then shook their heads together.

"It's weird that the breath came from here, but why did it suddenly disappear? And the old man also smelled an extremely powerful evil. Could it be that evil cultivators have been here before?" This elder is simply Baisi Unexplainable.

Not only him, but all the high-levels of Qianhe Palace, including the palace lord Hua, were speechless.

Ever since the Battle of Qianzong Xuanhui Qianhegong has been searching for Xue An's whereabouts.

Hua Silent even issued a flower order, eager to get rid of Xue An and then hurry up.

But time has passed for so long, but they have found nothing, not even the slightest news about Xue An.

But they never gave up, because they were sure they could find Xue An one step ahead of others.

At the Qianzong Xuanhui that day, Hua's speechless disciple, Fu Nianzhi, the chief disciple of Qianhe Palace, cursed Xue An before he died.

You must know that this spell was left to Qianhe Palace by an indescribable or even unpredictable adult, and could not be cracked at all.

This is equivalent to putting an indelible mark on Xue An's body. As long as he appears in the heavens, the Thousand Crane Palace will be aware of it for the first time.

That's why they have been waiting for Xue An to appear.

Until today, Hua Wuyu and the elders were having a meeting in Qianhe Palace, and suddenly felt this familiar fluctuation.

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