Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2002: 1 punch birth and death

The brilliance in Xue An's eyes flashed, implying infinite anger and killing intent, just like a rough sea, which was daunting.

But soon, he took a deep breath, Qiang Zi calmed down, then stretched out his hand and lightly touched Gongliangxing's eyebrows.

In an instant, centering on the point where Xue An pointed, a faint halo spread quickly, and finally spread to the entire upper body of Gongliangxing.

"Old friend, wake up, I'm here!" Xue An called softly.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Song, who was standing behind Xue An, couldn't help tears in his eyes. He also whispered softly: "Lord Master, wake up! Mr. Xue is here!"

With their voices, Gong Liangxing's face no longer was so rigid, but gradually became soft and vivid.

And the eyelids began to tremble slightly, as if a long-sleeper person was trying to break his nightmare.

Xue looked quietly.

In this view of Qingyang, there is a secret technique called Qingyang Disruption of Life.

There is nothing magical about this kind of magic, its only function is to make people enter a state where they are not dead, thereby greatly improving their ability to withstand harsh environments.

But the price is that once you enter this situation, if there is no outsider awakened, you will never be able to wake up and eventually die.

And Gongliangxing and these Qingyang audiences in front of them clearly entered this situation collectively.

As for who they are waiting for...

Obviously, he was waiting for Xue An.

How can this kind of waiting with life as a bet not be moved.

At this moment, when Gong Liangxing finally opened his eyes, he looked at Xue An who was standing in front of him blankly.

Xue An smiled slightly and nodded slightly, "Long time no see, old friend!"

The confusion on Gongliangxing's face gradually faded, and a smile appeared, "Yes, long time no see!"

There was infinite fatigue and vicissitudes in his voice, but his eyes were bright as a diamond, and he looked at Song Bo and others behind Xue An.

"You are here too!"

Uncle Song and others knelt to the ground, "Watch the Lord!"

Gongliang Xing smiled, "You have suffered over the years!"

A word made Song Bo and the others cry.

You must know that they have indeed suffered a lot, but it is far from Gong Liangxing's current situation.

Unexpectedly, Gong Liangxing's first words after seeing them were to comfort him, how could this not make them moved.

Xue An watched silently, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.


No matter what happened, his old friend has not changed at all!

At this moment, Gong Liangxing turned his head to look at the people behind him, and then whispered: "Xue An, wake them up too!"

Xue An nodded, and then took a step forward, with a flick of his fingers, flashes of brilliance flashed past, and penetrated into these people's eyebrows.

In an instant, these people also woke up.

But even after waking up, the lower bodies of these Qingyang audiences were still firmly frozen in the ice, without the slightest change.

"What's going on? Mr. Xue, you can save Guanzhu and others!" Song Bo said anxiously.

But after hearing this, Gong Liangxing smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's useless, this layer of ice that freezes us is transformed by the rules of this planet. Unless we can shake this entire star, we won't be able to get out at all!"

"What?" Song Bo and the others all looked horrified.

Gong Liangxing raised his head to look at Xue An and smiled and said: "So I think it is better for you to cut off us people from the middle. Although that will lose half of the cultivation base, at least you can get away!"

The rest of the frozen Qingyang audience also nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xue, since you are here, let's do it!"

"Yeah! Cut us off from the middle first, so that we can get out of trouble!"

In the face of these shouts, Xue An remained silent, and it was not until their shouts gradually ceased that Xue An smiled at Gongliangxing.

"Since I am here, of course I want to save you, but if I want me to cut you off, I can't do this kind of thing!"

Gong Liangxing sighed softly, "Otherwise, what should I do? Could it be that..."

Before the Gongliangxing finished speaking, Xue An took a step forward.

One step later, Xue An came to the sky above the ice and snow palace and said lightly: "Close your eyes!"

Everyone was stunned. At the same time, when Xue An shook his palm into a fist, his eyebrows stood up suddenly, and then he punched the ice below.

Although this punch hit the void, under the squeeze of the air, the ice below seemed to have been bombarded by a nuclear bomb, directly exploding a big hole.

Then, a dazzling brilliance flashed.

Gong Liangxing and the others closed their eyes together, and then the whole body was shaken out.

The shackles that had originally needed to cut the body from the middle to get out of the trap, Xue An easily unraveled.

But this is just the beginning.

With the sound of clicking, the large hole on the ice began to spread rapidly, and the speed became faster and faster.

After just a few breaths, this ice and snow palace was completely shattered, and with it as the center, it spread across the ice and snow continent of this planet at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In front of this huge hole, the hard ice layer, which is several miles or even dozens of miles thick, disintegrated and shattered quickly like fragile glass.

Mountains and rivers change shape, rivers are changed course.

Even the frozen sea surface turned into ice powder after a cry.

However, after a quarter of an hour, look at this rigorous planet that was originally wrapped in ice and snow.

The dull whiteness receded like a tide, and was replaced by a large gray-brown ground.

The long-silent ocean became noisy once again, and the waves swelled with sprays, roaring toward the beach.

Everything... changed its appearance under Xue An's punch.

Gongliangxing, Song Bo and the others all stood there blankly, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

No one thought that such a planet that had been strangled by ice and snow would be rejuvenated by Xue An's punch.

This kind of boxing technique is incredible has reached an incredible level.

And just when these people were astonished, Xue An said lightly: "Let's go, the matter here has been processed, and's time to go to Huntianzhai to settle accounts!"

After that, Xue An waved his hand, and hundreds of sword lights fell like rain and sank into Gongliangxing and the others.

Gong Liangxing and others, who had been sluggish because of the long sleep, felt refreshed, and the whole person was full of vitality.

At the same time, Xue An flicked his arms back, and his whole body rose into the sky like a sword light.

Gong Liangxing and the others felt that their feet were light, and they couldn't help flying up, and they followed Xue An and disappeared into the vast void.

And after they left, on the muddy ground of this planet, a small grass slowly drilled out of the ground, and tremblingly unfolded its leaves, bringing a touch of green to this newly reborn world.

This punch not only destroyed everything, but also brought vitality.

This is the highest state of the Six Types of Killing God, one punch comes and goes.

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