Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2011: Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you were so deceiving? ...

"Master, can you give me this futon? I am willing to pay 10,000 Chinese coins!"

"I pay 20,000!"

"Thirty thousand!"

The shouts came one after another.

A touch of joy appeared in the man's eyes, but his face was still light and windy.

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't collect money from you. After all, I am a compatriot in China, and it is reasonable to help you improve your cultivation. However, this futon does cost me a lot of effort, if..."

Before he finished speaking, I saw the young man who spoke first raised his hand with a flushed face, and said solemnly: "Master, I will pay 100,000 yuan, please sell this futon to me!"

Hearing this price, the man's eyes were full of joy, but he still sighed with difficulty.

"Well, it seems that you really want it, so I will give you this futon with reluctance! But you must remember, no matter what you realize, you must not have the slightest treacherous heart, otherwise I will not take you away , Xue Shenzun will also take care of you!"

The man gave a few serious warnings.

The student nodded solemnly, and then respectfully took over the futon from the man's hand.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations!"

"Yeah!" The man nodded, and suddenly took out a QR code, "Come on, scan the code and transfer!"

The young man couldn't wait to transfer the money, and then hurried to the small lake, chose an open position, then put down the futon, sat on it and started to meditate with closed eyes.

Upon seeing this scene, the remaining students couldn't help being anxious.

"Master, do you have any futons? Sell me one, and I'm willing to pay one hundred thousand!"

"Yes, there is me!"

In the noise of the drum, the man made a few chuckles because it was difficult.

"Oh,'s not without it, the point is that I keep these futons for my own use, this..."

"I beg Master, you should sell it to me. If I can understand the principle of the great principle, I will definitely not forget your great kindness, Master!" Some students begged.

"Yeah, yeah, please, Master, you can sell us the futon!"

That's it, the man still pondered for a long time before he reluctantly said: "Well, then I will give you all the futons that I planned to keep for my own use!"

These students were overjoyed, "Thank you, Master!"

So it was another scan code transfer, and then these students rushed to the lake with their futon in their hands, and started to meditate with their eyes closed.

For a time, the entire small lake was filled with students.

The man laughed a few times when he saw it, and then he decided to turn around and leave contentedly.

But at this moment, only a faint voice reached his ears.

"You are so deceptive, don't your conscience hurt?"

Upon hearing this, the man suddenly turned his head, but saw a young man in white standing not far away looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that it was not a security guard, the man let out a sigh of relief, and then said sternly.

"Young man, what you said is wrong, where am I deceiving? Those futons are all made by me with a lot of effort, and they can really improve their talents and understand the great truth left by Xue Shenzun! If you speak such nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander!"

"Oh, is it? So what is this?"

With that, Xue An flipped his wrist, and a supermarket shopping receipt appeared in his hand.

It clearly says that the futon pays 20 yuan!

Upon seeing this, the man suddenly touched his trouser pocket, his face changed in an instant.

"Friend, can you take a step to speak!"

The man glanced at the students who were meditating in the distance, then lowered his voice and said.

"Okay!" Xue An said lightly.

Seeing the expression on Xue An's face, the man gritted his teeth, turned and walked towards a flower garden in the distance.

Xue An followed slowly.

After arriving here, the man suddenly turned around and asked in a deep voice: "Friend, dare you to ask which way you are on?"

"Me?" Xue An smiled faintly, "I am not in any way!"

But the man didn't believe it at all, so he asked in a deep voice, "This is the site of Big Brother Lu Kunlu, dare you to ask if you are his subordinate?"

"Lu Kun?" Xue An suddenly remembered the name, then smiled and shook his head, "Of course not!"

The man even breathed a sigh of relief, "After a long time of trouble, it turned out to be a passing snake!"

"What is a passing snake?" Xue An asked in surprise.

"Haha, my friend, it's not right for you to pretend to be so confused. Since you are not on any of the roads, isn't it a passing snake?"

As he said, the man's expression became more relaxed, "However, since you have broken my whereabouts by drinking this time, I think I am unlucky. I can share half of the proceeds with you this time, but please don't show up here in the future, otherwise You will hurt me!"

But he never expected that Xue An would not be moved at all, but looked at him with a strange look.

"What else are you looking at? This half of the income is already the highest price I can give me out of justice, don't be too greedy!" The man said with a vigilant face.

Xue An suddenly laughed, "Don't worry, I won't ask for any of your benefits."

"Then what do you want to do?" the man asked suspiciously.

"I just want to know what happened to your injury. What is it that can make a strong man who is also an immortal realm fall here."

This statement came out.

The man's expression changed suddenly, and he took a few steps back and looked at Xue An with a guarded face.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, and I don't want to tell you!"

After that, he turned around and left.

But at this moment, only Xue An said calmly: "As a monk, if you don't even have the courage to face, how can you go against the sky?"

Hearing these words, the man stopped abruptly, lowered his head and was silent for a moment, before he smiled bitterly.

"It's useless, even if I dare to face it, what can I do? It's not something I can and young people, I advise you to ask less, otherwise it will be easy to get angry. By then, no one can help you."

After all, the man strode away without looking back.

Xue An looked at his back and fell into contemplation.

At the beginning, Xue An thought this person was just a liar, but after a little investigation, Xue An suddenly discovered that this person was actually a strong man of longevity.

Although this strength is not enough in front of Xue An, it is already considered good above the earth.

No matter what you do, you won't fall here.

But a closer inspection of Xue An found that all of this man's strength had been sealed by some insidious means.

That's why Xue An asked just now.

And listening to what this man said, there seemed to be something hidden inside.

Therefore, Xue An quietly concealed into the void after a moment of silence, and followed from behind.

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