"Yes, as a sword repairman, I naturally can't let these monsters go crazy!" everyone shouted in unison.

Linghu Jue felt that his nose was sour, and he focused on his head: "If this is the case, then everyone will work together to destroy this demon!"


With an order, the sword repairmen moved after hearing the wind and began to deal with the monster.

Although everyone has rallied all their strength and displayed it without reservation.

However, the strength of this monster is really too tyrannical. The siege of the people only caused it to suffer some skin injuries, and it did not hurt the root at all.

Not only that, because the sword repairs kept harassing, this monster also began to become irritable.

It suddenly roared, and then the pattern on its body suddenly brightened, forming a strange magic circle.

When this magic circle took shape, everyone felt that their bodies sank and their own cultivation was actually suppressed to the bottom.

Someone with less strength almost fell from the air.

"No, it is controlling the surroundings to suppress us, quickly get out of the way!" Ye Bufan yelled, his face full of anxiety.

But it was too late.

I saw this monster let out a few grinning laughs, and then with a big wave of his hand, the spikes regrouped on his hand and blasted toward the ailing crowd.

"It's over!" Ye Bufan whispered in despair, and then closed his eyes.

Not only him, but many sword repairmen are also full of despair, thinking that this time they must definitely die.

But at this moment, the void not far from the monster's side suddenly rippled.

Immediately afterwards, the void exploded, and the huge power overturned the monster.

The audience was shocked.

Everyone was unclear, so they all looked up.

At the same time, a calm voice came from the blasted hole.

"After searching so many worlds one after another, I finally found it!"

He said, but saw Xue An walked out of the empty hole with his head high, and came in front of everyone.

When he saw his appearance, there was a violent commotion in the audience.

"Huh! Your lord really arrived in time!" Linghu exhaled.

"Haha, I know that adults will never leave us alone!" Ye Bufan was also overjoyed.

At the same time, behind Xue An, the zombies began to appear one by one.

The existence of these people, neither ghosts nor ghosts, made the audience shocked.

Xue An just smiled faintly, "Don't be afraid, they are the thugs I just found!"

With that, Xue An raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and stared coldly at the monster in the distance.


This monster also just woke up from the explosion just now, but seeing the confusion in his eyes gradually faded, it was replaced by infinite anger.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" the monster roared, and then a series of spikes quickly formed in front of him.

Not only that, but the patterns on this monster's body became more and more brilliant, and there was only one goal, and that was Xue An.

But in the face of these movements, Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, but said indifferently: "Fortunately, I move faster, otherwise these people were harmed by your beast?"

This time Xue An didn't deliberately delay it to the last moment to be handsome. In fact, Xue An didn't delay even a moment, but instead fought all the way.

From the world where the tomb masters of the past were buried, Xue An fisted into the void and entered another world.

But there were no Jianxiu and others in that bubble world, so Xue An punched the void again and entered the next world one after another.

If you look at this underground palace from a bird's-eye view, you will see Xue An blasting from the easternmost end of the underground palace world to the westernmost end with an almost domineering attitude. Wherever he passed, the void shattered one after another, leaving only one Two inter-connected space-time channels.

It was at this speed that Xue An was able to catch up.

And if it is a step late, the sword repairs in front of him may be met by accident.

Therefore, Xue An was naturally full of anger and killing intent towards this monster.

It may also have felt the killing intent from Xue An, the monster suddenly roared, and then the spikes around his body rushed towards Xue An.

The speed was so fast that he almost rushed to Xue An with his fingers.

But in the next instant, Xue An's figure disappeared.

That's right!

It just disappeared completely.

As if Xue An hadn't existed there at all, these spikes passed straight through and threw a blank.

The monster couldn't help but froze, obviously he didn't expect this move.

But at this moment, a slender and slender hand that contained supreme power suddenly appeared in the void on one side of his head.

He grasped the fist in his hand, and then blasted directly on the monster's head at an incredible speed.


There was a loud noise.

First, the monster's head was smashed by this fist and flew out, and then it drove its entire body to fly out together.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The monster screamed, its huge body like a broken sandbag, and was blasted far away.

After landing, look at this monster again, the head has been smashed in, and brown blood is flowing out along the wound.

But this is just the beginning.

I saw Xue An sneered: "Does that guy Dou Yinan think that he can sit back and relax by looking for an evil thing like you to guard the underground palace? He is so naive!"

With the voice, Xue An's figure disappeared again, and then the monster was bombarded out of the spot again before he even had time to react.

While in the midair, the monster howled miserably, and at the same time shot all around with spikes frantically, trying to stop Xue An.

But everything is in vain.

This time before it landed, Xue An bullied himself again and appeared above the monster's head.

The monster raised his head, his mouth opened wide, and his face was full of frozen fear.

Xue An's eyes were as cold as ice, and then raised his hands and slapped them straight down.


The loud noise this time is louder than before.

Then I saw that the monster was smashed down from the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so fast that it even made a sharp whistle.


The extremely hard ground of the underground palace was smashed into a big hole by this monster. The intensity was so great that the whole underground palace trembled.

Everyone looked silly.

You know that all the sword repairs that this monster pressed just now can hardly look up.

But when he arrived in front of Xue An, he didn't even have the power to fight back. It was like a meat sandbag, and it was solved by a few simple tricks.

The disparity in strength implied in this makes everyone awe.

Xue An didn't have any expressions, as if he had shot a mosquito to death, he didn't even blink his eyes.

He just stood in the air with his hands on his back, his face indifferently overlooking the big hole on the ground.

He knew very well that this monster would never die so easily.

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