"it is good!"

Dou Yinan patted the table very excitedly, "Just rely on these words to make a big splash! Come, I respect you for this cup!"

Li Xuanyi smiled and picked up the wine glass, drank the glass, and then pointed out: "Master Dou Ling, when I came, I found that Xuan Ming Ling was heavily guarded up and down. Did something happen?"

Dou Yinan laughed when he heard the words, then put down the wine glass, and said triumphantly: "Your Excellency Chief Guard does not know something, I also had a happy event in Xuan Mingling recently!"

"Oh? What's the happy event?" Li Xuanyi was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously.

"Did you know the battle between Jian San and Li Jingxing some time ago?"

"I have heard about it, but I heard that the results of this battle have not been announced, and even the participants in the meeting have not heard from them. There is a lot of rumors from the outside world because of this, and I don't know what happened."

"Hahahahaha!" Dou Yinan laughed for a while, "Of course those who attended the meeting will not hear from them, because they are now in my Xuanming Tomb!"

"What?" Li Xuanyi's expression changed suddenly, "right in Xuan Ming Tomb? Then where are they now?"

"Your Excellency Chief Guard, don't be nervous. These people have been locked up in the underground palace. They can be safe, and if I expected them well, they should be buried in the mouth of the monster by now!"

With that said, Dou Yin'an triumphantly told the story.

When he heard that the lord of the sword palace "Li Jingxing" had been imprisoned in the underground palace by Dou Yinan, Li Xuanyi couldn't help but get up.

"Is what Lord Dou Ling said is true?"

"It's true!" Dou Yinan said with a smile.

Li Xuanyi was shocked and inexplicable, because he knew too much about the strength of this Li Jingxing.

That is the dominant presence in kendo.

If he were really trapped by Dou Yinan or even fell, it would definitely be a major event that would shake the entire heavens.

"No, I want to report this matter to the palace master immediately!" Li Xuanyi suddenly stood still and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, you don’t have to worry about your honor, Chief Guard." Dou Yinan said calmly, "I guess the time is almost up now. When the banquet is over, we will go to the underground palace to have a look, and then tell. It’s not too late to fall to the Palace Master!

Although Li Xuanyi was extremely anxious, he was a guest at the moment, and Dou Yinan was the master.

Since Dou Yinan had said so, he could only reluctantly sit back down.

"Come on, let's continue drinking!" Dou Yinan laughed.

And at the same moment, Xue An led the sword repair industry into the Xuan Ming Tomb.

"Master God!"

"Have seen Lord God General!"

Wherever he went, everyone greeted Xue Anshili, who had turned into a crying face.

Xue An's face was expressionless, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.

For this, these disciples of Xuan Ming Ling were not surprised.

Because this Ling Qi is usually like this, defiant, arrogant and domineering.

In this way, Xue An led the crowd to drive straight in and went straight to the outside of the banquet hall, before meeting the first person who dared to stop him.

"Hey, who should I be? Turns out to be the first master of God! Why? Why did you run here without guarding the underground palace according to the order of the mausoleum?"

After the guard heard a bitter voice, and then saw a dark-faced, plain-looking man walked out of the crowd.

After seeing this man, Xue An's eyes moved slightly.

Because according to the memory of Ling Qi, this man is the second-ranked **** general in Xuan Ming Mausoleum, Xue Ya.

At the same time he was also the enemy of Ling Weeping.

The two are diametrically opposed because of the ranking of the generals.

And he was actually sent here to guard the banquet hall.

Being able to be entrusted with this task shows that Dou Yinan valued him very much.

Moreover, this task can also get close to Dou Yinan, which is much stronger than Ling Wei who was sent outside to blow the air.

No wonder he is so proud.

These thoughts flashed through Xue An's mind, and then he said indifferently: "I have something important to tell the mausoleum, and I will naturally come back."

"Oh? What's important? What's important?" Xue Ya sneered.

Xue An suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at Xueya coldly.

The words behind Xueya swallowed back.

Because Xue An's eyes were really terrifying.

It was terrible to the point where he was terrified.

"Xueya, what do I want to do, do I still need to report to you?"

With that said, Xue An took a step and walked inside.

Xue Ya took a step back with a guilty conscience, but immediately thought of something, and once again blocked Xue An's path, and then said with a smile.

"Ling Qi, of course you don’t need to report to me what you are going to do, but you have to figure it out. Now that the mausoleum master is receiving the distinguished guest inside, if you run into him, even if you are the number one general, you can’t afford the consequences. Right!"

Xue An stopped and seemed to be thinking about the words of Blood End.

Seeing this, Xue Ya couldn't help becoming more and more proud. He just wanted to say something next, but at this moment, but seeing Xue An stepping forward again, he ran straight into the blood.

This Blood Horizon felt a powerful force attacking and directly knocked himself aside.

Then Xue An drove straight in and went straight to the banquet hall.

At the same time, Xue An's indifferent voice came.

"What are the consequences, you don't bother to work hard!"

Following the voice, Xue An came to the entrance of the banquet hall and stepped into it.

Xue Ya looked at Xue An's back with a stunned face, question marks in his heart.

Although he and Ling Qi are rivals of life and death, he has never seen this arrogant Ling Qi.

He dared to trespass to the banquet of the tomb master, could he be crazy?

At this moment, Zhong Jianxiu walked behind Xue An into the banquet hall.

This Xue Ya opened his mouth and just wanted to talk, but even after thinking of something, a sneer appeared in his eyes, and then he stepped aside and said nothing.

at the same time. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Xue An walked into the banquet hall, then stood in front of the door, looking around the audience.

The banquet hall where the laughter and laughter were originally quieted down, and the officials of the Royal Palace who followed Li Xuanyi and the elders of Xuanming Ling who were accompanying them all looked up.

After seeing "Ling Weeping", these Xuanmingling elders couldn't help showing indecision.

One of the elders closest to the door said with a gloomy face: "Ling Qi, you are not guarding in the underground palace, what are you doing here? This is not where you should be, don't hurry up!"

The tone of the speech was extremely arrogant and rude.

Because for these elders of Xuan Ming Ling, what the first **** is just a relatively good dog, and he is the master.

As soon as the elder said, everyone in the entire banquet hall looked at Xue An with playful eyes.

Especially the Bloody End who followed the crowd at the end, with a joking expression, ready to see how his old adversary made a shame in public.

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