Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2076: Life and death in the palm of your hand

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The words fell, but seeing Xue An stepped on it, the sword of seeking evil burst out and appeared in front of everyone.

When countless white sword beams turned into turbulent waters and rushed toward everyone in the banquet hall, Xue An did not see the final result at all, but turned around and flew out.

When Jane saw this in her heart, she was about to step forward and follow, when Xue An's voice came from afar.

"Don't come over, just wait here, I'll be back soon."

Jane had no choice but to stop, and at the same time a hint of doubt appeared on her face, what did you do?

At the same time, the screams in the banquet hall were ringing one after another, forming a symphony called death.

Although this **** end tried his best to avoid, under this evil-seeking sword, there was no way to hide any evil.

So just in the blink of an eye, these sword lights surrounded like tarsal maggots.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

This Blood Ya was extremely frightened, screamed hysterically, and at the same time struggled to resist.

I have to say that this Blood End is worthy of Xuan Ming Ling's second **** general, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

It was especially related to his own life and death, so this Blood Ya almost madly poured out all his tricks at the bottom of the box, and at the same time, he retreated sharply, trying to break out of the banquet hall and escape.

In his opinion, all of this is still very possible.

After all, no matter how good Xue An is, it is also the best of others. Now that everyone else has left, there is only one sword intent left. He is struggling desperately. Is it possible that he can't beat a single sword intent?

With this thought in mind, Xue Ya really rushed to the wall of the banquet hall, seeing that he was about to break through the wall in the next second, and even an excited smile appeared on Xue Ya's face.


But seeing a sword light passing by, the speed is so fast that even this blood has no time to react.


After a muffled sound, a huge wound was cut open in the throat of Xueya.

The blood mixed with the residual gas in the trachea spouted out, and a coquettish picture was splashed on the white wall.

Even so, this bloodya is still alive.

I saw him firmly covering the wound in his throat with both hands and rushing forward desperately.

In his opinion, as long as he broke through this wall, he would have escaped.

But the fragile walls in the past are like copper walls and iron walls at this moment, making them insurmountable at all.

Xueya's eyes were about to split, his muscles trembled, and he wanted to break the wall.

But then, his whole person was completely relaxed.

Because another evil-seeking sword flew across the sky, penetrated directly from behind, rushed out from the chest, and at the same time brought out a blood line mixed with organ fragments.

If you look closely, you can still see pink marrow mixed in the blood.

That was the performance of Xueya's spine being severed.

Even with the bravery of Xueya, when the spine shattered, it was still limp to the ground like a puddle of mud.

The disorder of his nerves made him stare blankly at the ceiling of the banquet hall, and a pool of blood poured out from his throat.


Xue Ya's eyes quickly dimmed, and finally turned into two pieces of ground glass, muddy, and died.

His death also announced the end of the battle in the banquet hall.

The sword of seeking evil receded like a tide.

At this moment, no matter if it is Xuanming Tomb or Human Emperor Hall, almost no one survived.

There are many dead bodies lying on the ground, and everyone's face is solidified with the fear before death.

There was blood flowing on the ground, and the strong smell of blood even made people breathless.

The night sky is silly.

Ye Bufan couldn't help but smile when he saw it, and then sighed softly: "Grandson, now you know why I say that an adult will definitely win! Because you don't understand what is true power!"

Speaking of this, Ye Bufan looked in the direction of Xue An's disappearance with a face of reverence, "The palm lives and kills, he asserts life and death, but never bullies the weak, uses the power to overwhelm others. This is the real power!"

Ye Kongming's face also showed awe-inspiring and respectful expression, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I understand!"

And when the killing in the banquet hall ended, Xue Anye had already appeared in front of the underground palace of Xuanming Tomb.

At this moment, the underground palace is empty before.

The people who were in charge of guarding here are all dead.

Xue An stood in front of the underground palace and watched quietly, his eyes flickering.

After a long time, Xue An said lightly: "Similar structure, similar space, I am really curious, what is the relationship between you and this arsenal?"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand, and the wind and thunder were faint in his palm, and a quaint building was suspended above it.

It is the arsenal.

Xue An had opened the arsenal on the earth and distributed the armors of soldiers to help everyone in the trial, but when he left, Xue An only left a clone of the arsenal to maintain the trial of the arsenal.

As for the body, Xue An brought it with him.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy in this battle against Dou Yinan and Li Xuanyi.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Xue An smelled a smell similar to the arsenal from the underground palace of the Xuanming Mausoleum.

That's why he rushed over immediately after eliminating Dou Yinan.

However, Xue An was not eager to confirm the guess in his heart, he opened his palm to the Buddha Kingdom.

The dozen or so zombies flew out of it, UU reading www. stood in a row in front of Xue An, then bowed and saluted.

Although unable to speak, the respect and gratitude in his eyes is enough to make people feel.

Of course they must be grateful to Xue An, because Xue An helped them break the shackles, otherwise they would be slaves forever.

Feeling the feelings of these zombies, Xue An smiled faintly.

"You don't have to be so polite. I ask you now, do you want to go back to the tomb to sleep? Or do you continue to maintain this state and fight for the heavens of the future?"

These zombies looked at each other after hearing this, and then nodded at Xue An.

Xue An laughed.

"Okay, it really deserves to be the top powerhouse who was the best at the time. Even if he dies, his strength is still there."

Without exception, these zombies all choose to fight for the heavens.

Especially the zombie that I had communicated with Xue An before, said very calmly and divinely.

We are people who have died once. We just didn't want to bear the shackles and become slaves to people. Now that the shackles have been released, then the heavens are robbed, and we are naturally not afraid to die again.

Xue An restrained his laughter, his expression solemn, "If that's the case, then you should step back and wait for me to pull out the underground palace!"

The zombies stepped back, and then they saw Xue An step forward, stretched out his hands, hugged the sky, and shook suddenly.

Bang bang bang!

Along with the loud noise of the shaking mountains, I saw the underground palace of the Xuanming Mausoleum rise little by little, and it was actually pulled out by Xue An from the ground.

The zombies are also shocked.

But this was just the beginning, but seeing Xue An who lifted the earth palace in the air with the overlord's tripod, suddenly shouted.



The brilliance above the underground palace exploded, and then it shrank quickly.

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