"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

Although they could barely restrain themselves because of their aura and Xue An's as good as Xue An, once someone took the lead, they would surely be able to tear off their disguise, and it would be all over by then.

And the cause of everything is just because of the little loli in front of him.

How could this not make him angry.

"What does my daughter's nickname have to do with you? Since you don't believe me, well, I will leave!"

With that, the evil thing turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, the Tantric master Guan Zi stepped forward and blocked the way, and then said with a smile: "His Master, how can you go if the matter is not clear yet?"

The evil thing stopped, staring at Guan Zizai coldly, and said coldly, "What? Even you began to doubt me?"

Guan Zizai shook his head, "This is not a doubt, I just hope you can make a reasonable explanation!"

"Ha ha ha ha." The evil thing began to sneer, "a reasonable explanation..."


The evil thing raised his eyes, and there was no human emotion in his eyes anymore, replaced by endless indifference.

"I wanted to let you go, but if you don't know what to do, you have to ask the truth, then don't blame me!"

In fact, before its voice, Guan Zizai and the Baimei and others had already understood it, and then all rushed towards it.

But everything is too late.

When the evil thing finished speaking the last word, a thick mist enveloped his entire body.

In an instant, Guan Zizai and Baimei, who rushed to the front, involuntarily fell into the illusion.

The crowd was in chaos.

At this moment, Yue Sha suddenly felt a shadow passing in front of him, and then heard a sneer.

"Little girl film, since you are willing to talk so much, then you can go with me!"

As he said, a scream came from Yuecha's ear.

It's Yingluo!

Yue Sha's heart suddenly stopped beating for a while, and then he felt all the blood rushing to the top of his head in an instant.

Furiously, he was full of golden light, instantly dispelling all the thick fog, and then roared: "Let down Yingluo!"

But everything is too late.

With just a snap of the finger, the evil thing had already grabbed Yingluo, and then passed through the fully guarded Fire Phoenix crowd to reach the big hole.

"Hahahaha, you idiots, wait to die!"

When the words fell, the evil thing grabbed Yingluo and flew directly into the pit.

From the beginning to the end, there was no change in this seal, not even obstruction.

This is because the aura of the evil thing is too much like Xue An, and even the seal that Xue An placed by himself has been deceived.

In an instant, the evil things and Yingluo disappeared.

Yue Sha watched this scene with a splitting eye, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and then hissed, "Yingluo!"

The voice was filled with infinite regret.

Regrets for his own foolishness, and was actually deceived by an evil thing, not only failed to see through its disguise, but also put Yingluo in danger.

At the same time, the audience was also full of uproar.

Cheng Hao and the people of the Fire Phoenix Special Forces were simply furious, because what this evil thing did was to challenge their bottom line.

It is simply intolerable to dare to pretend to be an instructor to deceive everyone.

What's more, in the end, he let him run away in front of him. If there was something wrong with that bronze gate, these people would be guilty of death.

Not only them, but Yue Ji Maitreya and others almost all thought so.

But it was Yue Sha who reacted first, and saw that he didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a vertical leap came over the big pit, and then hit it straight down.


After a muffled sound, the brilliance spread like ripples, and then Yuesha forcibly broke the seal through a big hole and flew in.

The whole process was almost at its peak, and before everyone even had time to react, Yuesha had disappeared.

"Yue Sha!"

"Uncle Master!"

Everyone in Dingchan Temple exclaimed.

Then Yue Jing grew up, and also entered the seal together.

Maitreya stopped him, "Brother Yueji, let me go, you still have to sit in the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom!"

After all, Maitreya flew in without waiting for Yue Ji's consent.

When the entire Pure Land Buddhist Kingdom was in chaos, Xue An and Zhou Daniu finally rushed outside of Chi Jialuo.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, Yue Qinghuan's figure suddenly appeared, and then said lightly: "You still seem to be a step late, that evil thing has already entered!"

In fact, without Yue Qinghuan's reminder, Xue An already felt the fluctuations from the seal he had set halfway.

Therefore, his face sank like water, he snorted sharply, and then he shook his body and jumped directly from outside of Chu Jia Luo to the front of the big pit.

When he appeared in front of everyone, everyone was stunned, but no one dared to speak.

Because no one knows whether the one in front of me at this moment is true or not.

Xue An didn’t have time to explain to everyone, only to see his eyebrows raised, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com flashed out with a brilliant sword light, and directly smashed the seal on the big pit, and then stepped out, that’s it. Disappeared in the big hole.

Everyone looked at them blankly, and then they heard someone whispering: "The one who just entered...should be the leader, right?"

Because only the real Red Lotus Immortal Venerable can have this domineering.

At the same time, I saw Zhou Daniu arrived panting.

As soon as he appeared, everyone from the Fire Phoenix screamed.

"big cow?"

"Brother Big Niu!"

Especially Zou Sui, who has the strongest relationship with Zhou Daniu, even flew up to Zhou Daniu. After looking at it, he beat him viciously on the shoulder.

"Fuck, it's really you!"

Seeing a friend whom he hadn't seen for many years, Zhou Daniu couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, but he was dull by nature and wouldn't say anything, he could only giggle.

Cheng Hao took a deep breath at this time, and said solemnly: "Since it is a big cow, the one who just entered is the real instructor. No, I can't stand by here, and I have to go in to help the instructor!"

The people of the Fire Phoenix suddenly promised, just about to get up.

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then said slowly: "If you are not afraid of becoming a drag on him, you can go in."

The sudden appearance of Yue Qinghuan caused another commotion in the audience.

Then I saw that the fire phoenix people immediately aimed at Yue Qinghuan.

Cheng Hao even coldly asked, "Who are you again?"

"Me?" Yue Qinghuan chuckled lightly.

In the next instant, her figure appeared on top of Cheng Hao's head, and at the same time her toes stepped on his shoulders and said lightly.

"I am the referee for your instructors!"

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