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After listening, Yingluo's eyes began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But suddenly, as if she had made up some determination, she suddenly raised her head and said firmly.

"Teach me the Dharma, I will find a way to save you in three years!"

Yue Sha was stunned, and then wanted to laugh.

Because no matter how you listen to it, it is an impossible task.

But when he saw the fiery and seriousness in Yingluo's eyes, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Then he stretched out his hand to gently stroke Yingluo's head, and sighed lightly.

"Fool, why is this Buddha cultivation so simple, and even Xue An can't do anything about my injuries, let alone you?"

This time, Yingluo broke free from his hand and said firmly: "Mr. Xue is Mr. Xue. I am me. He can't find a way. It doesn't mean I can't find it. As long as you are willing to teach me, I believe I can do it!"

Yue Sha couldn't help being infected by the firmness in Yingluo's tone, and nodded seriously, "Okay, then I will teach you!"


After the two of them got out of the void, Yue Ji and the others immediately surrounded him, looking at Yue Sha with concern.

Especially Yue Ji, as a senior, he is naturally very concerned about his junior's injury.

Although everything seemed to be normal on the surface, after a closer inspection, Yue Ji's heart quickly sank to the bottom.

"Yue Sha..."

He just wanted to say something, Yue Sha smiled and shook his head at him, then folded his palms, "I have seen brother!"

Upon seeing this, Yue Jing had to swallow all the words back.

The storm ended in such an unexpected way.

But everyone couldn't relax.

Everyone already knew about the seal of the bronze gate.

Originally, there were still six or seven years of breaking the seal, but after this twists and turns, the time was suddenly shortened, and it was only three years.

This is definitely too bad news.

Therefore, everyone's mood has become extremely heavy.

Only Xue An behaved as usual, and called Yue Jing and Maitreya to his side.

"Master!" Everyone shook their hands.

Xue An nodded slightly, and then said faintly: "Since this has happened, you don't have to worry about it all day. It's just that the time has advanced a little bit. I have my own measures."

Having said that, the atmosphere of everyone is still slightly dull.

At this time, Xue An turned his head and said to Yue Ji: "Yue Ji!"

"Subordinates are here!" Yue Jing immediately took a step forward.

"From now on, you will integrate the strength of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, and at the same time harvest the medicinal fields, and make all preparations before the war, understand?"

Yue Jing's expression was solemn, "Understood!"

"Cheng Hao!"

Captain Fire Phoenix, who followed Xue An out of the earth and has been rooted here for several months, immediately stepped forward and said: "Instructor!"

"You lead the Fire Phoenix and monitor the seal around the clock. If there is any change, I will report it immediately, understand?"

With that, Xue An threw a talisman seal over it. Through this talisman seal, even if Xue An was not in the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, Cheng Hao could still send the message in time.

Cheng Hao immediately stood at attention after receiving Fu Zhuan, and then shouted: "Instructor rest assured, promise to complete the task!"

"Mille!" Xue An shouted again.

Maitreya also immediately stepped forward, "Master!"

"You lead the people of Tantric Buddhism who are responsible for defending the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom. If anyone with bad intentions approaches, kill them without mercy!"

"Yes!" Maitreya took the order without hesitation.

In an instant, the entire Pure Land Buddha Kingdom became boiling under Xue An's orders.

Yue Qinghuan, who was watching coldly all the way, couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Because every step that Xue An arranged was just right, it not only wiped out the pessimistic atmosphere that originally pervaded the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, but also mobilized everyone's fighting spirit.

Based on this alone, it surpasses many powerful people who have nothing but do not know how to plan.

She deserves to be greatly appreciated by that lazy cat, it seems that this girl is not in vain!

Just as Yue Qinghuan was thinking to herself, Xue An turned his head and looked at her.

That kind of weird gaze made Yue Qinghuan a little bit cold, and couldn't help but step back for a while, "What do you think of me for?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't do anything, I just want you to help!"

"Help?" Yue Qinghuan immediately shook his head, "Impossible, I said before, I'm just a bystander, so I will definitely not intervene in this matter!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to intervene in this matter, just borrow your ability to travel through the void!" Xue An said lightly.

"That won't work either." Yue Qinghuan once again categorically refused, "Anything that violates principles, I will not do it."

"Oh?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Well, then, can't just hurry?"


Xue An laughed, "I think you'd better think about it in advance."

"Don't think about it, it definitely won't work, you..."

Before Yue Qinghuan's words fell, she saw Xue An suddenly step forward, came to her, and looked at her condescendingly.

Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly, just about to move away, but he did not expect that Xue An suddenly leaned down, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said lightly in her ear.

"Since you said you should not intervene in this matter, why did you tell me the origins of the evil thing before and secretly remind me that its goal is the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom?"

This sentence made Yue Qinghuan's extremely beautiful lavender eyes condensed slightly, and immediately said: "When did I remind you? I just thought it was fun, so I told a story!"

"Oh?" Xue An's mouth raised a dangerous smile, "Is that really the case?"

Somehow, after seeing the smile on Xue An's face close at hand, and smelling the faint fragrance of green grass on his body, Yue Qinghuan's heartbeat could not help but speed up a little.

But she still strongly denied: "Yes, that's it!"

"Then your story is just right. It not only reminds me that this evil thing is a projection sent into the past, but also deliberately guided me that its goal is the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom."

"So if I'm not wrong, the forces represented by these evil things must be hostile to you, right?"

Yue Qinghuan didn't say a word, and only after a long time did he say: "So what?"

"Not so, but I always believe that the enemy's enemy is a friend, so since our goals are the same, why don't we help each other?"

Yue Qinghuan raised his head and looked at Xue An with a meaningful smile on his face, and finally sighed slightly.

"Well, I can help you on the way, but you remember, this is just a little help between friends, other than that, I will not end up helping you deal with these guys!"

"Don't worry, I won't agree with you even if you want to end, because these evil things...must die in my hands!"

When he said this, an extremely dangerous light flashed in Xue An's eyes.

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