Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2110: All parties gather lv one

"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

Hearing this name, Tianzhe was taken aback for a moment before Xuan Even sighed slightly.

This Tao Zhuxing's eyes lit up, "Fan Wangan... a poetic name, then dare you to ask Miss Fan's age?"

After that, Tao Zhuxing looked at Fan Mengxue with fiery eyes, and tried his best to show his gentleness.

But Fan Mengxue didn't move anything about it. He didn't even look at Tao Zhuxing. Instead, she turned her head and said to Tian Zuna: "Master, if there is nothing wrong, I will go to the Sword Palace Star Territory first."

After that, she turned and left.

This almost ignorant attitude made Tao Zhuxing very embarrassed, and he was a little overwhelmed to stand still.

When Tianzhe saw this, he couldn't help but sighed, and then said: "Disciples, let's go together. Anyway, I will be an ally in the trenches in the future, I have to get to know!"

Fan Mengxue stopped immediately, then nodded, "Yes!"

But other than that, she no longer had any words or expressions, but stood on the side like an iceberg.

Tao Zhuxing tried to talk to each other several times, but after seeing Fan Mengxue's face full of strangers, he finally ran away.

Tian Zhai couldn't help but smile a little bitterly when he saw this, then secretly shook his head.

His original intention was good, and he wanted Fan Mengxue to have more contact with these young talents, so as to play down the obsession in her heart.

But looking at the performance now, this idea is obviously lost.

In desperation, he had no choice but to nod to this group of sword repair boys, "Let's go!"

The group of people headed for the sword palace star field mightily.

And at the same moment, at the other end of the void, there was also a team moving fast.

It's just that this team is different from the average team, and the momentum is much greater.

Because in this team, the ones responsible for pulling the wheels are actually giant dragons.

That's right.

It is a dragon with a length of several thousand feet.

I saw these giant dragons biting the reins, dragging a huge chariot that looked like a city, and flew forward rumblingly.

Wherever he went, there was a real power of change.


In this chariot, Ao Qing, the princess of the dragon clan, sits in the center, and sitting opposite her is his sister, the second princess Ao Yi.

The two sisters were relatively speechless, Ao Yi lowered his head and fiddled with a brilliant pearl, and the whole hall was quiet and terrifying.

It was not until a long time later that Ao Qing suddenly said, "How far is it?"

"There is still one day away." Ao Yi replied.

"I heard that the people from Qingqiu Fox Country have arrived." Ao Qing said suddenly.

As soon as he said this, Ao Yi's fingers trembled slightly, and the beads fell to the ground in an instant, and then he rolled out a long way.

"So what? What does it have to do with me whether those foxes come?" Ao Yiwu said stiffly.

"Haha!" Ao Qing chuckled, "It's not so good, but since the people from Qingqiu Fox Country are here, then someone's favorite must have arrived, otherwise why would someone be so excited?"

These words caused Ao Yi's face to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he still refused to admit it, "Sister, you nonsense, how can I be excited?"

"I'm talking nonsense, who was it that secretly tried on the wedding gown last night?"

"Oh, are you peeking at me?" Ao Yi's face flushed to the base of his neck.

Ao Qing smiled, "It's not a peek, I just happened to see it!"

"Doesn't that still mean something?"

The two sisters laughed for a while, and then Ao Qing said seriously: "Sister, when I was in Qingqiu Fox Country, the nine-tailed fox Zuhuhuan personally promised you to marry Fox Ye, but because of the time. It was too hasty, so I waited before returning to my ancestral land to raise the wedding for you."

"Originally everything was ready, even your wedding clothes were ready, ready to hold the wedding, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly."

"Seeing the great calamity of the heavens is approaching, it is natural for me to wait for the dragon clan to be responsible, but your marriage can't be delayed, so I ordered someone to bring the dowry along with me on this trip, just to bring you and Huye into marriage as soon as possible. Do you know?"

As Ao Qing said, during this trip, the Dragons not only moved out all the elite families, but also brought a generous dowry.

In order to take advantage of this highly anticipated opportunity, Ao Yi and Huye's marriage can be handled.

Ao Yi blushed and nodded, "Well, I know all of this."

"Very well, just know it! It stands to reason that you are a well-deserved palace after you marry Fox Ye, but the heart of Fox Ye is helpless, and the mortal woman with the blood of the blue bird is also difficult, so after you marry you This temperament has to be restrained, it should not be so arrogant anymore. You must pay attention to strategy in everything, understand?"

Ao Qing tried to persuade her, for fear that her sister would be wronged because of her character after she married.

Ao Yi was a bit disapproving about this, "Alright sister, don't worry, I am not a three-year-old kid anymore, and Rou'er is just an ordinary person no matter how good it is. Can I still be afraid that she will fail?"

"Of course I know that you will not be afraid of her, but you must remember that if you want to catch the heart of a man like Fox Ye, you must pay attention to strategy. UU reading will only be counterproductive. Huh?" Ao Qing said helplessly.

Ao Yi nodded at this, "Well, I know it is."

"You, just don't let me worry, just like the third sister..."

The expressions on Ao Qing and Ao Yi's faces became sad when they mentioned the third sister.

"Is there no news from Shuer?" Ao Yi said softly.

Ao Qing shook her head, "I have sent countless people, and I have searched through the entire heavens, but there is still no news!"

"Huh, I blame Xue An for his chaos and abandonment. That's why the injured Shuer abandoned the book and left." Ao Yi said bitterly.

Ao Shu, the Princess of Longsan, had deep roots in Xue An at the beginning, but she did not expect that Xue An would have family members after she returned from rebirth. Unable to accept the reality, she eventually left the book and left, and has not found it until now.

Ao Qing sighed softly when he heard the words, "In fact, this can't be blamed on Mr. Xue. The so-called falling flowers deliberately flowing water and ruthlessly, this is not something that can be forced.

"That's what I said, but I still think that Xue An has done a little too much." Ao Yi was still a little bit angry.

"Okay, now that the great calamity of the heavens is approaching, Mr. Xue has stepped forward to integrate the forces of all parties, intending to turn the tide, not to mention anything else, this heroism alone is not comparable to others, so I wait for the dragon race now All we can do is to support him unconditionally, without the slightest bit of resentment."

"I understand this. It's a pity that my stupid girl, I don't know where she is now!" Ao Yi sighed lightly, his face full of gloom.

And it was at this moment that the car that was moving at high speed suddenly stopped, and then he heard a gentle male voice in front of him.

"Dare to ask, but is it the princess of the dragon clan? Ye Hanshang, the ghost world, it's polite here!"

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