Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2116: Return to the emperor, blood and blood

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The majestic power is scattered everywhere, if it is in the heavens, the leaked power alone is enough to destroy a star.

But in this arsenal, it just made the void slightly shake.

Even the Jingguan at the ancient battlefield under his feet did not shake a half.

Suddenly, the three separated.

Looking at the three people at this time, they are all panting, and there are many scars on their bodies.

Despite this, the three of them laughed loudly after looking at each other.

"Have fun, it's been a long time since I played so happy!" Hu Huan said excitedly.

"Yes, I have no scruples about pouring this sword in my chest, I even feel that my sword heart is more understanding and clear!" Li Jingxing also smiled.

Xue An shook his head, and then suddenly stretched his hand forward, a long sword purely condensed by the intent of the sword appeared in his hand.

"It's still not enough, come again!"

When the words fell, Xue An's figure flashed, and he took the initiative to rush to Li Jingxing and Hu Huan.

The two were also inspired by Xue An's actions.

"Good job!"

The two shouted together and greeted them without fear.

The three fought together again.

This time the power is more violent than just now.

The rumbling impact ran across the four fields, and the Jingguan began to tremble slightly.

Xue An's uprising suddenly yelled, "Heavenly Law!"

Then he displayed the sword of heaven, earth and man.

This is a sword technique unique to the Chinese, and it is even more powerful when displayed in Xue An's hands at this moment.

The three people who were on the rise did not even notice. When Xue An's three-talented sword was displayed, the eye sockets of these skulls suddenly began to seep a little light.

These brilliances are extremely thin, but they cannot hold up to a large number, so they quickly converged into a huge ancient seal script.

This scene finally attracted the attention of Xue An and Li Jingxing.

"What is going on? What is this word?" Hu Huan said in astonishment.

Xue An's expression changed drastically, "This word..."

Before the words were finished, the seal character was completely formed.

The moment it took shape, it radiated thousands of rays of light, and then the seal characters appeared on the top of Xue An's head at an incredible speed, and then began to instill brilliance into Xue An's body madly.

"Xue An!" Li Jingxing exclaimed, and wanted to step forward.

But Huhuan stopped him, "Don't go over, he's okay, on the contrary this word is still helping him!"

At this time, Li Jingxing also noticed the changes in the field, but couldn't help asking.

"What the **** is going on? What is this Jingguan, and what is this weird word?"

A dignified look appeared in Hu Huan's eyes, "I don't know, I should ask him after he comes out!"

Li Jingxing stopped talking, but stood aside and watched quietly.

The speed of instilling these brilliance is extremely fast, but with the time of a cup of tea, this seal character is already blurred and almost transparent.

Xue An closed his eyes and stood in the void, his whole body was like boiling, and he kept climbing.


The seal character trembled suddenly, and then shattered like a bubble.

But it was such an understatement that shocked the entire arsenal.

And the powerful power emanating from Xue An shook both Hu Huan and Li Jingxing a few steps back.

The expressions on their faces became more solemn.

Because they know that Xue An is now breaking through the barrier, so this time is the most critical.

Once he has broken through, he will be successfully promoted to the next level, but if he fails, the consequences will be unimaginable.

We must know that among the heavens, those who can become immortal kings are already rare, and those who prove the way to the immortal emperor are even rare in a billion.

There is no other reason, because the threshold of Emperor Immortal is too difficult to cross.

Fox night is an example.

As the absolute heir of the Qingqiu Fox Country, he has massive resources and a unique bloodline talent.

But even so, he was still stuck in the realm of the fairy king for hundreds of years, and only recently did he take a step forward and become a half-step fairy emperor.

This shows how difficult it is to prove Immortal Emperor Dao.

So even if they knew that Xue An had passed this level, Li Jingxing and Hu Huan still raised their hearts to their throats.

But when the two of them were in fear, Xue An suddenly opened his eyes.

The brilliance in the eyes is like electricity, making the entire arsenal bright.

Then I heard a sound like a broken eggshell coming from Xue An's body.

With these sounds, Xue An's temperament became more and more ethereal, and his muscles and bones became almost jade-like, extremely clear.

Li Jingxing and Hu Huan let out a sigh of relief.

Then Huhuan excitedly said: "Xue An, congratulations on your successful proving, and then return to the position of the emperor!"

Li Jingxing did not speak, but the smile on his face also proved the joy in his heart.

Xue An didn't speak, or even glanced at them. Instead, he walked straight to the Jingguan.

This scene also made Hu Huan and Li Jingxing startled slightly, and then the smiles on their faces gradually reduced and followed.

In the blink of an eye, Xue An came to this Jingguan. After he stopped, he raised his head and looked up at this horrible building made up of countless skulls, with infinite pain and anger in his eyes. color.

Then he slowly leaned down and fell to the ground in the startled gaze of Huhuan and Li Jingxing!

"This..." Li Jingxing couldn't believe his An, who was the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable and re-appointed the Immortal Emperor, actually knelt to a Jingguan.

This is really unbelievable.

But Huhuan seemed to have suddenly understood something, and sighed slightly, "This is really...a **** hatred!"

At the same time, after three solemn kowtows, Xue An stood up and said in a deep voice: "Chinese ancestors, late-born Xue Anye already knows the blood feud back then, rest assured, those hands are covered with my Chinese blood The initiator..."

"I won't let it go!"

This statement came out.

Li Jingxing finally understood.

This Jingguan was originally cast from the heads of Chinese people!

As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't help but see a cold light in his eyes.

You know that there are more than thousands of heads here, and you can imagine how cruel the Chinese were treated.

Huhuan watched silently, his eyes filled with magnificent brilliance.

And just as Xue An's voice fell, the Jingguan suddenly began to tremble, and then cracks began to appear on the skulls.


When the crack reached a certain level, the Jingguan finally collapsed completely and turned into flying ashes, and then gradually disappeared.

This strange and tragic scene silenced all three of them.

Suddenly, Xue An raised his hand and bit his finger, then put it on his lips, and shouted.

"Senior, go well!"

Swear by blood!

The highest etiquette of the ancient Chinese.

Once displayed, it means immortality.

And at the same moment, in a corner of the arsenal, Yue Qinghuan showed his figure, and then couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"Sure enough to be a Chinese person, really...deadhearted!"

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