Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 212: Supremacy Megatron Tokyo

With this sound, the blood sword in Qianshan Yiye's hand was shattered.

The supreme coercion made Qianshan Yiye too late to resist, and he was crushed into flesh.

Juggernaut, die!

The audience was silent.

The female apprentice Chiba who came with Qianshan Ichiba was shaking all over.

In her mind, Master is like a god, invincible.

But who could have imagined that he died on the spot without being able to stand in front of this man for a minute.

At this time, the cold sweat on Masao Takeuchi's face was dripping down, when Xue An raised his head to look at him, he hurried forward a few steps and said very humblely.

"My lord, I am willing to let Kiyoko be the head of the Takeuchi family."

Xue An smiled and looked at Kiyoko Takeuchi, "He gave it to you!"

Masao Takeuchi trembled, and said in horror, "My lord..."

And Kiyoko Takeuchi walked over with a murderous look.

"Qi... Kiyoko, I am also your father anyway, you..." Takeuchi Masao wanted to play the emotional card.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kiyoko Takeuchi grabbed a dagger and pierced it into Takeuchi Masao's chest, then gritted his teeth and said: "In your eyes, am I not as good as a dog or a pig?"

He drew the dagger and stabbed it again.

Puff puff.

A few times later, Masao Takeuchi had been pierced into a sieve.

However, Kiyoko Takeuchi was still puzzled, with red eyes still drawing his sword crazy and stabbing!

Xue An frowned slightly, "Okay."

Only then did Kiyoko Takeuchi let go, but tears had already wetted her cheeks, and then turned and knelt in front of Xue An.

"My lord, Qingzi is willing to serve you as your servant for life!"

Commitment to slavery.

This is the highest respect a R country woman has to a man.

Xue An smiled faintly, noncommittal.

"These people..." Xue An glanced at the remaining people.

All these people were silent, and quickly bent over and bowed.

"Miss Kiyoko slashes the enemy, congratulations, and we wish the new Patriarch Takeuchi!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth.

It seems that there are still many smart people.

Even if you are not smart, you will learn to be smart in the face of blood and death.

There is one Takeuchi Hiro has not cleaned up.

But when Kiyoko Takeuchi wanted to find him, he found that this Takeuchi Hiro no longer knew when he ran away.

Only a large pool of blood was left on the ground.

Kiyoko Takeuchi was a little worried, but Xue An smiled.

Just run away, will you be related to the life and death of an ant?

Then turned his head to look at Yuichi Nakata who was still kneeling on the ground and daring not to move.

"My lord... forgive me! I..."

Xue An stepped forward and stroked the top of his head, directly retrieving his soul and memory.

The many images inside made Xue An frowned slightly.

These three priests relied on the power of the Yaki Shrine and did a lot of anger and grievances.

For example, kidnapping girls for living sacrifices.

Therefore, he directly waved his hand and made all the dead bodies of these three people disappear.

So far, this Yaki Shrine, which has existed in Tokyo for hundreds of years, has broken its heritage.

That night.

The Takeuchi family was destroyed, and the news of the murder of Kageshin Aichi, the sword sage Chiyama Ichiba, spread throughout Tokyo.

Xue An's supreme prestige shocked all Hedao families.

Even the place that was once occupied by other families was quietly let out at this moment, and he didn't dare to get involved anymore.

And many people are whispering about Xue An's origins, and they are infinitely curious about this mysterious and powerful man from China.

Just when there was a lot of noise outside.

Xue An is soaking in the hot spring.

I have to say that the people of Takeuchi will enjoy it.

He actually sculpted a hot spring in this Tokyo area.

Originally, Xue An was thinking of having a mandarin duck bath with An Yan.

But Anyan was thin-skinned and refused.

Xue An had to enjoy the beauty of the hot spring by himself.

At this moment, Kiyoko Takeuchi's voice came from outside the door.

"Master, there is news about what you asked me to investigate!"

Since the first battle at the venue, Kiyoko Takeuchi must be called the master. Xue An corrected it several times, but Kiyoko Takeuchi refused to change his mouth, and Xue An just let it go.

"Good!" Xue An replied.

But Kiyoko Takeuchi opened the curtain and walked in.

At this time, Kiyoko Takeuchi was wearing a maid costume with a short hem, showing long, slender, white legs.

"Master, let me squeeze your shoulders!" Takeuchi Kiyoko whispered.

Xue An's complexion was indifferent and nodded slightly.

Kiyoko Takeuchi walked to the side of the hot spring pool, knelt on the wooden board with her knees together, gently rubbing Xue An's shoulders.

Xue An narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly: "What did you find?"

Kiyoko Takeuchi's heartbeat accelerated a little at this moment.

Because she saw Xue An's body in a hot spring wearing only a pair of shorts.

Unlike those exaggerated figures after fitness, Xue An's figure is extremely symmetrical.

It can be said that if you lose one point you will lose weight, and you will get fatter if you add one point.

And the complexion is fair.

But just under this skin, there is almost explosive power.

Those muscle lines are even more like a chisel carved out, full of shocking beauty.

This kind of shock made Takeuchi Kiyoko, who was still a virgin, couldn't help speeding up with a red face and red heart.

Therefore, I forgot to tell Xue An about this.

She didn't wake up until Xue An asked, "Master, I just found a piece of news. It seems that there is a demon **** enshrined in the Yuntoi Mountain Tenichi Shrine in Saitama Prefecture. Someone has seen strange things, but this has been It's all secrets, but there have been a lot more missing people near Yuntu Mountain in the past few years! I felt suspicious, so I came to tell the master!"

Xue An nodded after listening, "Go out, I'll put on clothes!"

Kiyoko Takeuchi stopped the massage, and then said respectfully: "Master, let me wait on you to change clothes!"

Xue An smiled, "No need!"

"But as a slave, this must be done!" Takeuchi Kiyoko still insisted.

Xue An shook his head, "I said it doesn't have to be, I don't have to!"

Kiyoko Takeuchi nodded in disappointment and said, "Yes, master!"

When Xue An got dressed and walked out, Kiyoko Takeuchi was still waiting outside.

"Is there anything else?"

Kiyoko Takeuchi lowered her head and whispered: "Master, the mistress has already taken the two young ladies to sleep, do you want me to wait for the bed?"

Xue An was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard it, and waved his hand, "No need, you go!"

Kiyoko Takeuchi looked up, with a look of panic on her face.

"Master, my body is innocent, and I am definitely not a deceased person!"

In such a night, a beautiful 28-year-old girl tells you that she is innocent and has to wait for bed.

This temptation is simply unbearable for ordinary men.

But Xue An is not an ordinary He smiled faintly, "I said no or no, go on!"

"Yes!" Kiyoko Takeuchi had no choice but to respond and turned and walked back.

When she returned to her house, Kiyoko Takeuchi was a little depressed, and her mother Song Anzhen sighed.



"As I said, this Mr. Xue is not an ordinary person, your method will not work!"

"But... I'm afraid that the master will abandon me then!" Takeuchi Kiyoko said worriedly.

"I can see that this Mr. Xue is a real big man. Since he helped you, he will definitely help to the end!" Song Anzhen said seriously.

Kiyoko Takeuchi lowered his head, still faintly disappointed. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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