"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

I saw him standing in the void, staring coldly at the group of strange snakes in front of him, his eyes flickering uncertainly by the swaying fire light from the sky.

After feeling the breath of Xue An's body, this group of strange snakes all stepped back a little, showing that they were very afraid of him.

At this time, Cheng Hao also flew up, came behind Xue An, respectfully said: "Instructor!"

Xue An didn't turn his head back, but said indifferently: "Needless to say, I already know that you did a good job. Let me leave the rest!"

"Yes!" Cheng Hao immediately retreated.

And it was at this moment, but seeing countless brilliance rushing to the front like a torrent of torrents, it was the powerful ones who followed.

The power of so many powerful people gathered together is simply inestimable.

At least this group of strange snakes let out a sharp scream, and then tried to escape into the void.

But in the face of Xue An, how can its tricks succeed.

Although these strange snakes twisted their bodies madly and tried to penetrate the void, under Xue An's might, the void around this group of strange snakes had condensed into one body, becoming as solid as an iron plate.

So all the struggles of this group of strange snakes are in vain.

At this moment, Hu Ye, Ye Hanshang, Zhuge Zang and others all appeared beside Xue An.

Huye couldn't help frowning when he saw this, "This thing looks so **** disgusting!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and chuckled, "Is it disgusting? I don't think it."

"I can't, I have a intensive phobia, I can see my hair is up!" said Hu Ye.

The group of people just stood in the void and talked about this group of strange snakes, without paying attention to it during the whole process.

This scene also fell in the eyes of the strong.

These people couldn't help looking at each other, and then started talking in a low voice.

"I have to say that it is Mr. Xue! Facing such a monster, he can be so calm and relaxed!"

"Hehe, I said a long time ago, any **** and evil thing is **** in front of Mr. Xue!"

"Could it be over? I was so excited for a long time, I'm still ready to show my skills!"

Just as everyone was talking about it, this group of strange snakes seemed to have become angry, and suddenly raised their heads together and made a sharp and piercing cry.

As the sound waves passed, many people with weaker strength immediately appeared painful.

Because this sonic attack was actually directed at Shenhun.

But before the sound wave was completely diffused, someone chanted loudly: "Nanwuwu Buddha, concentration!"

With a sound, golden light was everywhere, and at the same time the sound of the majestic Buddha horn sounded in everyone's ears, completely destroying the sound wave attack of this strange snake.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around.

I saw a monk put his palms together, and a golden wheel appeared behind his head, as if he was an invisible big bodhisattva.

The monks of the two camps of Pure Land and Tantra could not help but a commotion.

Because this monk is not any of them, but a face.

"Who is this fellow practitioner? Why don't I know that there are invisible meditations in the heavens?" Maitreya asked in astonishment.

Yue Ji suddenly smiled, and then said lightly: "So it was him!"

"Why, do you recognize him?"

Yue Jing nodded, "Yes, he is the Jin Jue Seng who guards the alchemy **** that has spread all over the world before, and has made a great wish that **** is not empty, and he swears that he will not become a Buddha. His name... Jizo!"

The monks were shocked when they heard the words.

"It turns out that he is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! Sure enough!" Maitreya admired the words.

At this moment, the group of monsters saw that the sonic attack had failed, and suddenly began to disintegrate.

That's right!

It just begins to disintegrate like broken ice sculptures.

"What? Seeing that the attack was ineffective, did you commit suicide with anger?" Hu Ye was surprised.

But Xue An's eyes suddenly showed a dignified color, and he waved his hand suddenly.

The flames all over the sky immediately swarmed towards this group of monsters that were disintegrating at an accelerated rate.

Wherever he went, the crackling sound of flames scorched into one piece.

But in the blink of an eye, the fire disappeared, and when I looked at the void in front of me, it had become empty and there was nothing left.

"Run?" Hu Ye asked in disbelief.

In his opinion, no existence can escape in Xue An's hands.

Xue An did not speak, but took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at the large dense forest.

Everyone followed his gaze, but found nothing unusual.

"What's the matter? Old Xue, look..." Before Fox Ye finished speaking, the dense forest suddenly changed drastically.

I saw that the torso of the towering giant trees suddenly became soft, and at the same time scales appeared on them, and then the crown gradually converged and turned into a huge snake head.

But in the blink of an eye, these giant trees turned into giant pythons.

Not only that, the low bushes were not idle, but also turned into strange snakes.

In the blink of an eye, this dense forest became a sea of ​​snakes.

"Fuck it, did the **** fall into the snake's den?" Hu Ye said, holding back his nausea.

Xue An didn't say a word, but a little bit in the void in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A flame quickly flew to the sky above the strange snake, and then spread, and it fell like rain in an instant.

But these snakes are different from the strange snakes before, and they are not so afraid of these falling flames.

Despite the sizzle of the body being scorched by the high temperature, it still rushed towards everyone frantically.

Seeing this, Zhuge Zang, who had not said a word, suddenly said solemnly: "They are evolving!"


"Yes, it's evolution. Everything that kills them will become immune to them when they are reborn."


Although many more snakes died under the flame, the snakes behind them became more and more fearless of the flame.

"What the **** are these monsters? Can they evolve?" Hu Ye couldn't help but spit out, then looked at Xue An.

"Old Xue, what should I do now?"

Xue An kept looking at the depths of the snake sea, and then said coldly: "Cold!"

After all, he suddenly cut out with a sword.

Jianguang directly smashed countless monsters, but a road that had just been cleared was quickly reoccupied by newly emerged monsters.

"Let's do it together!" Zhuge Zang suddenly shouted.

With an order, the strong were moved.

"It can be considered that I took the opportunity to shoot, kill these long worms!" Someone screamed and rushed forward.

"Dick your mother, so many snakes are just caught back to make snake soup!"

Amid the shouting, I saw countless brilliance flying out of the crowd, smashing into the mighty army of snakes as if they didn't need money.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly raised his eyes, "No! This is a trap!"

The words have been spoken, but everything is too late.

I saw that the attacks of the people directly collided with these snakes. The power was so powerful that it directly aroused a mushroom cloud.

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