Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2154: Xue An is really angry

Although Luo Wuqing and Dou Yinan struggled hard, as Xue An said, they had lost the heart of the strong and were swallowed by their luck, and they had no power to fight back in front of Xue An.

However, after a few face-to-face encounters, the two were defeated by Xue An.

This scene was also watched by Hu Ye Ye Hanshang and others who came afterwards.

"Fuck, is Old Xue so fierce? One person against two strong men?" Hu Ye exclaimed.

Upon seeing this, Hu Huan shrugged disapprovingly.

"It's very simple. These two people have been abandoned. How could it be Xue An's opponent who was reborn once and walked step by step?"

At the same time, the whole world is boiling because of the arrival of everyone.

"Hahaha, countless strong people have gathered, I think how arrogant these two people are!"

"Yes, Xue Shenzun is indeed invincible in the world, and these two are about to be finished!"

The voices of discussion one after another.

Only a few people remained calm while faintly feeling something was wrong.

Because this group of strong men who defected from the outside world spent so much energy, and even used an extremely powerful ability to block the earth, did they lose so easily?

And they have one master at a time, why hasn't the person behind the master show up yet?

At this moment, when Xue An snorted softly, the violent sword intent directly smashed Dou Yinan's hands and feet, and then countless hair-like brilliance tied him in them.

In the blink of an eye, only Luo Ruqing was left on the battlefield.

When Luo Ruoqing saw this scene, he was so scared that he didn't dare to love the battle anymore, but turned and left.

He knew very well that if he didn't run anymore, it would really be too late.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt the brilliance exploding in front of him, and then his hands and feet were also chopped off, and then he was bound to be strong.

At this moment, the two of them were trapped in Guanghua like two silkworm chrysalis, only two heads were exposed, and their faces were full of horror.

At this moment, Xue An was still as clean as ever in his white clothes, not even stained with blood.

Xue An stepped up to the two of them.

As he approached, their faces became pale.

"The last name... The last name is Xue, you are indeed amazing, but I am not afraid of death, let's do it!"

Dou Yinan knew that it was useless to beg for mercy, so he sullied his heart and said angrily.

Xue An gave a chuckle, then slowly raised his hand and dropped it gently.

Dou Yinan closed his eyes in despair, but to his surprise, Xue An's hand did not shatter his head, but patted his head lightly.

What do you mean?

Could he not kill me?

There was a burst of ecstasy in Dou Yinan's heart.

But at this moment, Xue An's next sentence made his heart fall to the bottom.

"Don't you think it's cheaper to kill you like this?"

Dou Yinan was shocked and opened his eyes blankly, not understanding what Xue An meant.

At the same time, Xue An turned around and smiled at An Yan in the distance.

"Yan'er, cover the eyes that miss you!"

An Yan didn't ask why, she pulled her miss into her arms and covered their eyes.

This move made many people look at each other, wondering what Xue An meant.

Only Hu Ye bared his teeth when he saw this, "It seems that Old Xue is really angry this time, these two guys are going to be unlucky!"

After doing all this, Xue An slowly turned around, and Chong Luo Ruqing and Dou Yinan smiled slightly.

"Next is game time, I hope you will like it!"

This kind of smile fell in Dou Yin'an and Luo Wuqing's eyes but looked like a devil, making them scream in shock.

Xue An frowned slightly, and then made a silent gesture.

"Shhh, keep your voice down, otherwise I can hardly guarantee that I won't make the game time longer!"

When it came to the word game, Xue An deliberately increased his tone.

This also caused Dou Yinan and Luo Wuqing to tremble all over, and immediately closed their mouths.

But soon Luo Luo ruthlessly said calmly: "What do you want to do? Xue An, if you have the ability to kill me, what is the abuse of punishment?"

"Yes! Don't you claim to be benevolent and righteous? Why treat us two like this?" Dou Yinan also echoed.

Xue An smiled.

"Abuse of punishment, called benevolence? You are wrong. I am only charging a small amount of interest on what you do!"

When the words fell, Xue An's eyes flashed Guanghua.

Luo Wuqing and Dou Yinan screamed, and then their entire bodies were dragged by Guanghua, and finally lined up in the air.

Immediately after Xue An waved his hand, the fine sword light passed over their heads.

All the hair was shaved in an instant.

There were only two big bald scoops left in the air, which looked particularly dazzling in the sunlight.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they didn't understand what Xue An was planning to do.

However, Yue Qinghuan seemed to be aware of it, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he said lightly: "Don't say anything else, the technique of shaving his head is quite high!"

At this moment, Xue An also slowly walked to the heads of Luo Wuqing and Dou Yinan, and looked down at them both condescendingly.

"Xue...Xue An, what on earth do you want to do? Have the ability to give you a good time!" Dou Yinan was about to be tortured and collapsed.

You must know that he is also a strong immortal emperor, but at this moment he is kneaded at will by Xue An like a puppet.

This fear of being dominated made him almost crazy.

Xue An smiled slightly, and then stretched out his hand slowly, with the sword light in his hand, and it turned into bat in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, close your eyes."

With that, Xue An raised his hand and smashed a stick.


After a loud noise, Dou Yinan screamed.

Because this stick was hitting his head, smashing half of his head in, the fragments of brain and skull flowed out with the blood.

But because it did not hurt the fundamentals, UU reading www. Therefore, under the blessing of Immortal Emperor's powerful cultivation base, this seemingly terrifying wound is quickly recovering.

But Xue An's hand did not stop at all, and then another stick fell, which smashed the newly grown skull again.

The extreme pain made Dou Yin'an almost faint, and Luo Ruqing on the side saw this scene as a dead soul.

"Do not……."

Before he could speak, the stick in Xue An's hand slammed on his face.

With two bangs, Luo's ruthless eyes burst directly, and his nose was directly smashed into his head.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An was another stick. This stick was hitting his wide mouth, and his mouth full of teeth fell instantly.

This scene of blood flying stunned everyone.

Many people are frightened for it.

Only Xue An looked indifferent, "Enjoy slowly, just the beginning!"

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