Amid the laughter, the sound receded like a tide.

Xue An stood on the spot, his eyes flickering, then slowly raised his hand and sniffed lightly on the tip of his nose.

Although the phantom shattered very quickly, his fingers still touched the edge.

So at this moment, there was still a very faint breath remaining on his fingers.

But it was just such a breath that made Xue An suddenly think of something, his eyes widened, and then turned to look at Yue Qinghuan who was standing behind the crowd.

Yue Qinghuan shrugged slightly, and then nodded with a smile.

Xue An stared at Yue Qinghuan deeply, then turned his head and said to the people who came up.

"Get ready now!"

"What are you going to prepare?" Hu Ye asked in a daze.

"Meet...the real battle!"

At the same time, in front of the bronze gate of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom.

Looking at Yingluo, who was still not waking up in her concentration, a look of sadness appeared on the pale face of Yuesha.

Maitreya walked to his side at this time, first glanced at Yingluo surrounded by golden light, and sighed.

"Brother Yuesha, I really didn't expect this little benefactor to have such a deep root of wisdom, and he would break several realms in such a short period of time, and now he is about to be promoted to an intangible place. If he succeeds, it would really be said. It is the cultivation speed of the ancient Shuo Jin!"

Yuesha nodded when she heard the words, and said slowly: "She can definitely do it!"

"Then why are you still worried?"

"Because... I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day!" Yue Sha whispered.

Maitreya understood something in an instant and couldn't help but sighed for a long time, then turned around and left.

But at this moment, the calm Tongmen suddenly became brilliant.

In an instant, the entire battlefield shook for it.

The two bodies of Li Jingxing and Huhuan who were left to guard instantly appeared in front of the bronze gate, and then looked at this scene with solemn expressions.

"End!" Li Jingxing ordered immediately.

When everyone heard the wind, they formed a formation in an instant.

The two sects of Jingmi also rushed forward immediately.

At the same time, among the bronze gates, huge figures began to emerge.

When they completely appeared in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help but horrified.

Therefore, the evil things that appeared this time were obviously much stronger than before.

And the number is densely packed, as if it were endless.

"Hands!" Fox Huan shouted, and the Nine Tails appeared immediately. Several foxtails plunged into the void and turned into several moats in the air, blocking the attack of these evil things.

This is a trick he tried repeatedly in the past.

But this time, this trick failed.

After seeing these evil things being blocked by the first sky moat, they immediately went to the side. The action was as if someone was commanding it, and it was very organized.

In the blink of an eye, these evil creatures rushed to the front, so fast that they even set off a gust of wind.

With a cold snort, Li Jingxing slashed at these evil things.

Puff puff!

Jian Guang was completely swallowed after extending for several miles.

At this time, even Li Jingxing's expression changed.

Because he is very aware of the power of his sword, if it is left in the past, this sword can at least cut hundreds of miles long.

But when facing the evil army this time, only a few miles were cut out.

The gap in this can hardly be calculated.

But when he was shocked, suddenly, a sword intent quickly condensed over the evil army, and then smashed toward everyone with a monstrous force.

"How is it possible?" Li Jingxing couldn't believe his eyes.

Because the sword light that was split back at the moment was his own sword intent.

But he immediately stopped with a sword, just because he was caught off guard, after the two swords collided, even Li Jingxing couldn't help but snorted, and then took a half step back.

Upon seeing this, Hu Huan suddenly thought of something, and immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Hydra?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a grinning laugh from the evil army.

"Yes, it's me! Nine-tailed fox, long time no see!"

Following the voice, but seeing the evil creature army above, a man in a black diadem gradually emerged.

It was the Hydra that had fought Xue An before and was eventually severely injured by Fox Huan and escaped.

After seeing him, Huhuan's expression became more solemn.

Because he found that the strength of this Hydra at this moment is countless times stronger than before.

Especially the aura on his body is like a vast ocean, which makes people desperate.

Reminiscing about its almost incredible ability, Hu Huan's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

At this moment the Hydra turned his head, looked at Li Jingxing with a sinister face, and said gloomily: "Did you just hit me with the sword?"

Li Jingxing didn't respond at all, but took a step forward and then cut out a sword again.

"Old Li, don't!" Hu Huan screamed and wanted to stop.

But everything is too late.


The sword came towards the hydra like a river of heaven.

Wherever he went, tiny cracks were cut in the space.

But this Hydra didn't even move, but Jiejie laughed strangely.

"It's really stupid, don't you know that after using any trick on me, I will be immune to it?"

Following the voice, Jian Guangye was already present, but the moment he touched the Hydra, this mighty sword dissipated silently.

Li Jingxing snorted, apparently suffering some minor injuries.

And just at this moment, the hydra took a step forward with a grinning smile, "Since you like to do things so much, then I will let you die by your own sword!"


The sword light that had just dissipated instantly condensed in Hydra's hands, and then slashed towards Li Jingxing.

This sword was even stronger than the one Li Jingxing had cut before.

Not only that, an extremely cold aura suddenly fell on Li Jingxing, causing his actions to slow down for a moment.

At this moment, Jian Guang has already been cut to the front!

Even the nearest Huhuan had no time to react at this moment.

But at this moment, a brilliant sword light suddenly flew from the side, directly shattering the sword cut by the Hydra.

The violent sword power caused Hydra to take a half step back.

Li Jingxing shook his whole body even more, turning his head to look.

But when I saw a figure flying there, in white, it was Xue An!

When he appeared on the court, there was a commotion in the audience.

After seeing him, the Hydra was even more furious.

"Xue An, we two meet again!"

Xue An nodded, "Yeah! See you again! I let you run away last time, so this are you going to die?"

Hydra gave out an extremely angry laugh, "Xue An, you don't know it when you die, I will take your life today!"

After speaking, he saw him blast out with a punch, and the power directly penetrated through the layers of space, and came to Xue An's front door.

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