Imagine, when all the light disappears in your eyes, as far as you can see, you see endless darkness.

Do you feel desperate?

This is what Xue An is facing now.

Although his eyes were normal, he could not see any images.

Not only that, but even his spiritual thoughts couldn't see anything.

It was as if the area of ​​his brain responsible for processing images had completely disappeared, and it was all dark.

Faced with this situation, most people would collapse at that time.

Because 90% of the channels through which people receive information come from vision.

Now that vision is suddenly deprived, this blow is enough to defeat anyone.

But Xue An was calm and terrible. Although he couldn't see anything, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he held the Tianzhu sword and listened quietly to everything around him.


The sword in his hand pierced at an extremely strange angle.


After a muffled noise, the silent banshee snorted, obviously injured by this sword.

But soon, these voices disappeared.

Then he heard the voice of the Silent Banshee ringing in Xue An's ears.

"Xue An, you are indeed powerful enough to hurt me even after being deprived of vision, but do you think this is enough?"

But as soon as her voice fell, Xue An's sword pierced out again.

The location he stabbed this time was his own throat.

At first glance, it seemed as if he was about to slay herself, but in a blink of an eye, Jian Feng wiped the skin on Xue An's throat and then stabbed the Silent Banshee.

At this time, the Silent Banshee couldn't help being furious.

"Xue An, this is what you asked for, hearing, deprivation!"


With a short and extremely muffled sound, Xue An's ears suddenly became silent.

This silence is different from ordinary silence, it is a dead silence that completely disappears even the smallest sound.

Even the sound of blood flowing in his ears disappeared.

Following the crowd to the battlefield, Yue Qinghuan, who had been hiding in the corner, couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly after seeing this scene.

"Sight and hearing? Has this Silent Banshee actually cultivated a double sense?"

Of course, only she can see all this.

Others just saw Xue Anzheng standing silently in the battlefield, with a few hundred feet of empty space around him, seeming to be confronting something.

Although you can't see it, people know that this battle is absolutely dangerous, otherwise Xue An would not be indifferent to everything that happened outside.

Mr. Xue, you have to come on!

Countless people prayed silently in their hearts.

At this moment, a cloud of mist suddenly appeared in front of Xue An, and then a seductive face appeared on it.

It was the silent banshee.

At this moment, she was also a little pale.

After all, she was stabbed by Xue An several times. Although she dodged quickly, she also hurt her vitality.

But after seeing Xue An standing with a sword in the distance, a smirk appeared on the face of the Silent Banshee, and she said loudly.

"Xue An, aren't you very good? Now that I deprive you of your sight and hearing, I see how good you can be!"

As soon as this statement was made, the whole audience and the whole world were shaken by it.


Deprived of sight and hearing?

No wonder Mr. Xue has been standing there still!

This means that Mr. Xue has fallen into a disadvantage?

At this point in thought, many people's hearts instantly raised their throats.

Because at this critical moment, if you cannot see or hear, how can you fight this battle?


Faced with the clamor of the Silent Banshee, Xue An remained motionless, like a wooden sculpture of clay.

Seeing this, everyone's hearts shrank instantly, but Hydra was overjoyed and immediately shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Take this opportunity to kill him!"

The Silent Banshee turned her head and glanced at him coldly, and then said lightly: "Hydra, are you giving me an order?"

Hydra shrank his neck immediately, and dared not speak.

After all, he and the Silent Banshee are on the same level, and even in some aspects, the Silent Banshee's strength is better than him.

Under such circumstances, he naturally did not dare to be arrogant.

The Silent Banshee sneered a few times when she saw it, and then turned her head to look towards Xue An, and exclaimed, "It's a pity that such a good skin bag is!"

With that, she turned into a mist again and went straight to Xue An.

"Be careful, dad!" Thinking and Niannian saw this scene through the lens, and couldn't help shouting in surprise.

On the battlefield, An Yan, Tang Xuan'er and others rushed here without hesitation.

But with their strength, they can only be on the periphery of the battlefield at best. It is not easy to say that they want to reach the center of the battlefield.

In just an instant, dozens of evil things stopped them.

"Brother Ang!" Hu Ying screamed even more, and then shouted at her brother.

"Fox Ye, save Brother An!"

Hu Ye could only laugh bitterly when he heard the words, because at this moment he was uniting Chu Wuxiang and Tianzhuna, and the three talents barely managed to control this evil thing that could turn people into stones, how could they save Xue An? ?

At the same time, this cloud of fog has rushed to Xue An.

In an instant, everyone's heart raised their throat.

But before the silent banshee could move, Xue An suddenly raised his hand and stretched it forward as if he had noticed it.

At exactly this moment, this silent banshee also showed a figure and was rushing forward. Under the action of the two phases, she seemed to be sent to the door, and took the initiative to rush into Xue An's palm.

The whole process is fast to the peak, but also to the peak.

With just a moment's attention, Xue An grabbed the silent banshee's neck and lifted it into the air.

There was a dead silence, but after just a few breaths, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

Many people have tears in their eyes!

"Mr. Xue Niu X!"

"Mr. Xue is invincible!"

Even Yue Qinghuan's face couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"Sure enough, I am a person I am optimistic about. After losing my dual sense, he is still so sharp!"

At the same time, this silent banshee was firmly controlled by Xue An, with a look of horror on her face.


Before the words fell, Xue An's palm slammed hard.


The majestic force directly crushed the neck of the silent banshee, and at the same time the mist was crushed.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

one way or another!

This terrifying banshee finally died!

No matter how powerful the ability is, UU reading www. As long as the caster dies, will disappear with it!

But at this moment, Yue Qinghuan suddenly noticed something, and a look of consternation appeared in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Could it be..."

It seems to be to confirm her guess, even if the Silent Banshee was killed, Xue An's double senses still did not recover.

Not only that, but in the void not far away, a cloud of mist appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Hydra in the distance couldn't help showing a thick color of hatred.

But the brilliance disappeared in a flash, and soon returned to its original state.

And just at this moment, the silent banshee's icy voice contained infinite anger in the mist.

"Xue An, you really surprised me! If it hadn't been for the adults who gave me the infinite rebirth ability, I might have followed your way just now!"

"But everything will pass, and so will you!"

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