After the first wave of attacks, countless sword lights fell like meteors.

In an instant, the sword repairs that had been overwhelmingly damaged most of them.

Even if he was as strong as Li Jingxing, he suffered several injuries at this time.

The heaviest one almost shattered half of his body.

Even so, he still didn't flinch at all, but instead shouted.

"Cut it again!"


All the sword repairmen burned their last strength one after another, converging into an awe-inspiring sword light, directly attacking the evil things ahead.

But at this moment, the figure of Hydra suddenly appeared in front of the evil creatures, and he laughed strangely.

"It's really touching, but what good is it?"

After speaking, he took the initiative to greet him and stopped in front of this sword light.

Under the law of immunity to any second attack, the sword light quickly dissipated like ice and snow wherever his body passed.

But at this moment, several huge foxtails suddenly appeared around him, and then shrank suddenly.

Hydra was trapped in it, but he was not afraid, but sneered.

"Hu Huan, are you so anxious to die?"

As he said, he shook his whole body, and the majestic force was about to break free of the foxtail that bound him.

But at this moment, a cold drink came.

"Reverse Three Lives!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless branches stretched out from the void, completely submerging the Hydra.

The Hydra let out a loud roar, "Sansheng Tree! Why is there a Sansheng Tree here?"

At the same time, the mighty army of monsters rushed to the front and replaced the sword repairmen.

In front of Li Jingxing, Hu Huan's figure gradually emerged and smiled coldly.

"Nonsense, of course I dug it over!"

Following the voice, he waved his hand and a towering giant tree instantly landed on the battlefield.

It is the sacred object of the Qingqiu Fox Country, the Sansheng Tree!

The Hydra was simply furious.

Because he had been injured by these three-life trees and almost died, this time he didn't expect to meet again here.

And because of the special nature of the Sansheng Tree, he was not completely immune to its attacks.

So for a time he was actually trapped alive by these three-life trees.

Seeing this scene, Hu Huan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He had been worried just now that this assassin could not handle this Hydra.

Now it seems that there is no waste of energy, as long as the hydra can be trapped, other evil things will be better dealt with!

Upon seeing this, Li Jingxing couldn't help being surprised, "Huhuan, when did you dug up all the Sansheng Trees?"

Huhuan smiled, "I was ready before I came, how about it, I'm great!"

Huhuan habitually stinks again, but Li Jingxing did not refute this time, but nodded seriously.


"Hahaha, it's not easy to get you to admit that you are great! Old Li, you can withdraw, let us take the rest!"

With that, Hu Huan stepped forward and shouted.

"All the demons listen to the order!"


Huhuan vigorously raised his hand and pointed to the front, "Get all these **** and evil things back to his grandma's house!"


Following the promise of the mountain whistling like a tsunami, seeing countless brilliance of different forms pouring down to the evil army like no money.

Unlike the discipline that Jian Xiu used to attack just now, the demon of the heavens and the monsters under the command of Huhuan are elites from various races, and each of them has different attack methods and characteristics.

Therefore, Huhuan did not insist on how the demons should attack, but let them play freely.

And this method actually worked wonders.

But seeing Guanghua passing by, countless evil things were wiped out before they could react.

In an instant, after a wave of attacks, the army of evil creatures in front of them had been wiped out.

Seeing this scene, the battlefield and even the whole earth uttered deafening cheers, as if seeing the dawn of victory.

But before the sound of cheers fell, but seeing the brilliance flash in the bronze gate, countless evil things came out from it.

In an instant, the number was ten times more than before.

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded.

Hu Huan, who was originally full of pride, exclaimed, "Fuck, is this **** endless?"

And at this moment, the three-life tree suddenly began to wither, and then the countless branches suddenly collapsed, and then Hydra rushed out of it in a huff, shouting hysterically.

"Kill! Kill them all! Leave none!"

The evil army rushed again.

An extremely solemn expression appeared on Hu Huan's face, and Li Jingxing walked to his side.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nonsense, of course it's cold!"

Li Jingxing was silent for a moment, and then slowly said, "I'm here to guard, you still have time to retreat now!"

After hearing this, Hu Huan glanced at Li Jingxing, and then chuckled lightly.

"You let me be a deserter?"

"No!" Li Jingxing shook his head, "I just want to save a little strength for the heavens!"

"Okay, if here is lost, then even the entire heavens will no longer exist, and the power of a fart will be preserved!"

As he said, Huhuan raised his head and sighed slightly, "Sorry, I didn't expect my dignified nine-tailed fox, but today I have to explain it!"

Li Jingxing smiled slightly, just thought of a word of comfort, but Hu Huan's next sentence almost vomited blood.

"The point is that people have their confidantes before they die. I'm not good. There is a big man by my side. What a pity!"

Li Jingxing felt that his eyelids were beating vigorously, and he gave a cold voice, "Stop talking nonsense, do it!"

After speaking, he rushed forward again.

Huhuan stood there and looked at his back. He was always cynical, and for the first time a touch of sadness appeared.

"Old Li, if you are destined, see you in the next life!"

This time, there is no longer a distinction between Jian Xiu and Yaozu, because there are too many evil things on the opposite side, to the extent that it makes the scalp numb.

So everyone stood side by side and formed a line of defense.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent.

At this moment, Zhuge Zang, Ye Hanshang, Chu Wuxiang, and Tianzhe, who were scarred and scarred, looked at each other and then smiled freely.

Zhuge Zang whispered: "The sword repairer has gone up, and the demon race has also gone up. Then it's our turn!"

"I don't care, anyway, the family's affairs have been taken care of, and you will die if you die!" Ye Hanshang chuckled lightly.

Chu Wuxiang smiled, then scratched his scalp, UU reading completely ignored the path on his chest, and he could see the huge scar on his heart.

At this time, Tianzhe thought of something, and whispered, "Miss Yan and others..."

Zhuge Zang looked at An Yan in the distance and said lightly: "Tianzhana, let your apprentice take Miss Yan to leave the battlefield immediately!"

"Will she agree?" Tianzhuna hesitated.

Zhuge Zang took a deep breath and said slowly: "If you don't agree, then take it away forcibly!"

Tian Zhana nodded, and immediately contacted Fan Mengxue who was aside.

Fan Mengxue was taken aback, but quickly nodded, turned and left.

A moment later, there was a shout from An Yan.

"No, I won't go..."

But before the words were over, Fan Mengxue sighed slightly, "Sister Yan, offended!"

With that, she grabbed An Yan forcibly, then rose into the sky and flew towards the earth.

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