Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2164: Return, half a step Xianzun!

As soon as her voice fell, no matter it was on the earth, in the battlefield, or even in the entire heavens, everyone felt shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a rumbling sound rang from everyone's ears.

This is an indescribable feeling.

It's as if there is something unpredictable, even incomprehensible being coming out of the shell.

The whole heavens are cheering, cheering at the arrival of their kings.

On the battlefield, Li Jingxing, who was already scarred and fighting the evil creatures, was taken aback for a moment, and then let out a long breath.

"is it him?"

Huhuan limped forward, and there were only six fox tails that were originally nine. However, there was a deep joy and relief on his face.

"Yes, it's him, and it seems... he should have taken that step!"

"Yeah! It can make the entire heavens shake, and all things in the heavens and earth are all bowing their heads. Only he who took that step can do it!" Li Jingxing could not help but sigh softly.

And it was at this moment that the army of evil creatures that had been so arrogant also noticed the strangeness.

Many evil creatures shivered back.

Hydra shook all over, and then whispered in consternation: "How is it possible? The Silent Banshee with infinite rebirth is already comparable to an adult, so how can he be an opponent?"

But whether he believes it or not, in the center of the battlefield, Qi is becoming more and more prosperous.

At this moment, even the dullest people have noticed the strangeness.

Countless eyes gathered in the middle of the battlefield.

Many people are shaking with excitement.

The expressions on the faces of Hydra and many high-level evil creatures became more solemn.

They looked at each other, and then unanimously launched an attack toward the center of the battlefield.

Boom boom boom!

I saw black light permeating, evil spirits shaking the sky, and obviously they had already performed the strongest ultimate move.

But no matter how powerful the offensive of these evil things is, they still can't conceal this momentum.

And after one contact, these offensives dissipated like smoke, and even a wave of waves did not arouse.

Not only that, a figure is gradually appearing in the hazy brilliance.

Hydra's complexion changed wildly, "No, get out!"

After all, it turned around without hesitation, and wanted to run away.

But at this moment, all its movements were instantly stagnant, and then it was abruptly nailed in place.

Not only it, but almost all the evil things present were nailed to the spot in the same way, and the whole process was unable to even struggle.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a person gradually walking out of Guanghua.

Bai Yi Shengxue, brows and eyes are sharp.

Who can it be if it's not Xue An?

After seeing his figure, the whole world was silent for a while, and then there was a huge cheer.

"Mr. Xue is back! I knew he would not fail!" Someone cried with joy.

"Xue Shenzun is invincible in the world!" someone screamed.

"Xue Shenzun, you have to avenge the heroes who died in battle!" Someone burst into tears.

Yue Qinghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and muttered in a low voice: "Xianzun? No, it's still a little bit short, so it's half a step of the way."

As for the people on the battlefield, they were not so excited.

On the contrary, many people only feel deeply tired and sad at this moment.

Because they all witnessed the death of their close comrades in front of them.

This feeling made them lose the urge to cheer.

Only Huhuan sighed slightly, and then said with envy, "It's still a destiny. I can successfully take that step twice. Why can't you say I can't?"

At the same time, I saw Xue An standing in front of the crowd, his gaze swept across the audience in an instant, and finally his gaze stayed on Hydra.

The Hydra, who had been killed in place by an unknown force, immediately began to struggle with this gaze.

Because only it can feel how terrifying this gaze is.

But before it did anything, Xue Anyi appeared in front of it silently.

The whole process was in harmony with each other, as easy as breathing, without the slightest smoke.

The pupil of Hydra shrank to the size of a needle in an instant, but the hostility of being an evil thing actually prevented it from being deterred by Xue An's power, but staring at Xue An with infinite bitterness.

Although he can't speak, but his eyes have explained everything.

But in the next instant, it could no longer hold up.

Because at this moment, Xue An slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it on top of its head.

After finally feeling the breath of death, the previous ferocity of Hydra disappeared instantly, and the extreme panic made it blurt out a few words.

"Spare me..."

Before the latter words were spoken, Xue An pressed down blankly.

There was no sound, not even the slightest extra energy.

Starting from the top of Hydra's head, its entire body turned into nothingness at an extremely fast speed.

That's right!

It's nothingness.

There wasn't even the slightest scum, it was completely nothingness.

In the blink of an eye, the Hydra completely disappeared, as if it had never existed before.

And such a terrifying scene made the remaining evil creatures tremble with extreme fear.

Seeing these shivering, like the evil creatures of lambs to be slaughtered, I think of the way they arrogantly reaped everyone's lives before.

Many people have a feeling of exhilaration.

At this moment, Xue An flicked his fingers.

A touch of invisible energy swept across the audience in an instant, directly turning all evil things into nothingness.

In the blink of an eye, Xue An swept away the evil army who had occupied most of the battlefield.

Seeing that countless people have paid the price of their lives, but still can't deal with the evil things so easily, Xue An alone solved it.

Everyone felt an extremely absurd feeling.

"My trough, is this the power of Xianzun?" Hu Huan whispered softly with shocked face.

Li Jingxing faintly noticed something was wrong, and couldn't help but said with a solemn expression: "Nothing!"

"What's wrong?"

"Xue An's state is not right!"


After killing countless evil things with a finger, Xue An didn't have any light on his face. Instead, he raised his head to look at the bronze gate in the distance, and then said the first sentence. UU reading

"Isn't it there yet?"

As soon as the voice fell, the bronze door was easily disintegrated in an instant and turned into nothing.

In the original location, a huge whirlpool appeared.

Then a calm voice came from the whirlpool.

"Xue An, you really gave me so many surprises!"

While speaking, a man suddenly appeared in the whirlpool.

This man came slowly and appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

When he appeared, the entire heavens trembled.

And the extremely terrifying power made the space around him constantly shrinking.

Yue Qinghuan, who had been watching all this with cold eyes on the earth, couldn't help but change his face after seeing this man, and exclaimed.

"How can it be!"

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