Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2171: The breath that made Yue Qinghuan awe...


In the loud noise, Yue Qinghuan suddenly turned around, his lavender eyes were full of infinite horror.

Because of the terrifying power contained in this breath, she almost wanted to worship.

"God... my goodness! Even if it's your brother, you can't be the opponent of this breath!" Yue Qinghuan whispered softly, his voice full of deep awe.

As for the man hiding in the depths of the void, his body was shocked at this moment.

He had never thought about anyone who could repel an almost omnipotent adult so easily.

But his reaction was not unpleasant, he immediately hid into the void and wanted to escape.

But it was too late, I saw this vague breath lightly touched the void.


His figure stagnated for an instant, and then he didn't even hum, and it turned into nothing.

After all this was done, the breath returned to Anyan, who had fainted to the ground like a tide.

In an instant, everything fell into silence.

All that were left were standing there dumbfounded, unable to believe their eyes.

Who would have thought that this shocking war would eventually end in such a dramatic way.

Where did that huge finger come from?

What is this breath rising from An Yan body?

Countless questions came to my mind.

And at this moment, Xue An jumped up from the ground and flew to the fainted An Yan in an instant, and hugged her in his arms.


But at this time An Yan closed her eyes tightly, and did not respond at all to Xue An's call.

At the same time, the sober people also rushed to the front.

"Girl Yan!"

"Sister Yan!"

The shouts came one after another, but without exception, An Yan did not respond.

At this time, everyone's heart raised their throat.

Hu Huan and Li Jingxing immediately stepped forward and asked solemnly.


Xue An took a deep breath and shook his head lightly, "It's strange, I didn't notice anything abnormal from her, but Yan'er just showed no sign of waking up!"

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan also appeared in front, and the two little girls broke free from their arms and rushed up immediately.


"Mom, what's wrong with you? You wake up, mother!"

The two little girls shook An Yan's hands and kept shaking.

But An Yan was still asleep.

The two little girls collapsed at that time, tears burst into their eyes.

"Dad, what happened to Mom? Why didn't she open her eyes?" Nian Nian asked in tears.

Xue An's complexion has also become very solemn, and the huge aura is constantly instilling in An Yan's body, but it is like a clay cow entering the sea, without even the slightest disturbance.

When the atmosphere became extremely depressing, Yue Qinghuan said softly: "Is it convenient for me to come and see?"

Xue An raised his head to look at her, and finally nodded silently.

Yue Qinghuan knelt down, first glanced at An Yan in awe, then raised his hand to gently caress her shoulders, and closed his eyes.

No one spoke, including the people on the earth watching this scene silently.

Many people quietly clenched their fists and prayed silently, hoping that there will be gods in the dark to protect Anyan safe and sound.

after all.

She is equivalent to saving the entire heavens with her own power!

After a long time, but seeing Yue Qinghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, he opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.


"There is indeed nothing unusual, but I faintly feel that her current state is very bad, as if..."

Yue Qinghuan thought for a moment, and then described it: "It's as if a person's strong action uses abilities that shouldn't be used, which eventually leads to loss of strength and coma."

"Then what to do?" Xiao Sha, who was standing by, asked immediately.

At this moment, she was also exhausted with scars, but she didn't care about herself at all, but looked at An Yan with worry.

Yue Qinghuan did not respond to Xiaosha's words, but raised his eyes to look at Xue An, "What do you think?"

Xue An nodded, "I feel this way too, but I'm not sure, because I have just instilled almost all of my spiritual power into Yan'er, but I haven't even aroused a splash of water!"

Yue Qinghuan chuckled and shook his head, "That means that even your strength is far from enough!"

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

You know that Xue An is a half-step immortal, and his strength is obvious to all. Is all his strength not enough?

But when they thought of the terrifying aura just now, people were relieved again.

Xue An was also startled slightly, and then nodded, "I understand!"

Having said that, he grabbed An Yan from the ground, and then said in a deep voice: "I will take Yan'er away for a while, and you will take care of everything here! I miss you and follow me!"

After saying this, Guanghua wrapped up his missing thoughts, then rose up into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone looked at this scene in a daze.

Only Yue Qinghuan smiled and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "Is this supposed to be regarded as whether you have passed the test or failed? What a headache!"

After all, her figure disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Everyone stood there and looked at each other, and finally they all laughed bitterly.

There is no doubt that this battle was won by his own side.

But this victory is also a tragic victory.

Not to mention the other side, just the strong men who died in battle would be enough to hurt the entire heavens.

In addition, An Yan, who had turned the tide to save the common people at the most critical moment, was also unclear, so no matter who it was, there was not the slightest joy after victory at this moment.

At this time, Hu Huan slowly said: "Everyone is resting in place, and then waiting for Xue An's return."

No one spoke, people just sat down cross-legged in silence.

As for the injured, there are special personnel responsible for treatment. UU reading www.

The whole world began to heal in silence.

And at this moment, in the extremely distant void, Xue An's figure suddenly appeared.

It is far away from the major star regions, and even the nearest stars are hundreds of light years away. It can be said that it is absolutely barren land.

But Xue An stopped here, then let go, making An Yan suspended in the void.

The two little girls stood beside Xue An obediently, not daring to say a word, but looked at An Yan hopefully, hoping that her mother would wake up as soon as possible.

Xue quietly looked at An Yan, who was asleep with his eyes closed, and stayed silent for a long time.

This battle is his rebirth, or the cruelest battle he has ever experienced in two lives.

During this period, he used almost all of his hole cards, and he even reached a cooperation with the will of the heavens before it was worthy of a comeback.

But the huge finger that did not know where it came from at the end easily smashed everything he planned.

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