The structure of this killing casino is like this. The arena is located in the center, surrounded by a bottomless trench, and behind the deep trench is a grandstand extending upward in a gentle slope.

At this moment, this huge stand was already crowded with people.

The cheers just came from this.

Everyone has been maddened by the extremely **** scene just now.

And in this frenetic atmosphere, in a box at the top of the stands, a feminine-looking teenager was laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha! It's a fun game. It's worthy of being the killer I think. It's really strong enough. Pass my order and reward this victor again!"


Some subordinates led away.

Then a woman sitting on the sofa opposite the teenager laughed sweetly, "Young Master Long really has eyes like a torch. In just a few days, you have won no less than a hundred games!"

"Hey, one hundred and seven rounds to be exact!" The young man known as Long Master smiled triumphantly.

The woman pretended to be surprised and covered her mouth, "If you say that, you have already won a lot of money!"

"Haha! It's not bad, anyway, the principal has been doubled by more than ten times!" The Long Master said with a smile.

"Oh, the slave family should congratulate Dragon Shao, after this incident, your family will definitely value you more!"

"Hahahaha, I love to hear these words. Haven't someone always said that I am a dude who only knows to enjoy? This time I will let them all see how powerful I am!"

When he said this, the expression on Long Zhan's face was almost distorted with excitement, and the violent power was raging in this box.

The woman stepped back with some fear, but at this moment, Long Zhan grabbed her into his arms and said coldly.

"What? Are you afraid of me?"

A look of horror appeared in the woman's eyes, but she still said with a strong smile: "Of course not!"

"Then what are you hiding?"

"I...I just can't bear the power of you!"

Long Zhan stared at this stunning woman, his mouth gradually raised.

"You are very good, so as long as you take care of me, I can redeem you from the Zuisheng Building, but if you dare to hide the slightest bit from me..."

Long Zhan's eyes suddenly became extremely vicious, "I will torture you a little bit! Understand?"

The woman's face turned pale as paper, and she nodded and said: "Yes!"

With that, she still showed her coquettish body as best she could, rubbing it in Long Zhan's arms.

"Young Master Long, don't be angry, Nujia..."

But at this moment, Long Zhan suddenly pushed her onto the sofa, as if throwing away a piece of rubbish, and then hurried to the window of the box.

This window is specially made, you can only look from the inside to the outside, but you can't see it from the outside.

And at this moment.

Long Zhan's face was already stuck to the window, his eyes fixed on the two people in the distant stand, and then three words came out between his teeth.

"Yue Qinghuan!"

When he said the name, Long Zhan's face turned blue, and even his whole body was trembling slightly.

Because he suddenly saw Xue An sitting beside Yue Qinghuan.

When Yue Qinghuan turned his head to talk to Xue An with a smile, his hands directly crushed the extremely hard jade window sill.

Because he had never seen such a brilliant smile on Yue Qinghuan's face.

That's right!

Long Zhan recognized Yue Qinghuan.

Not only did they know him, but Long Zhan had been madly pursuing Yue Qinghuan.

Speaking of this, I want to briefly introduce Long Zhan.

He was born in the Long Family, and the Long Family is also one of the military strategists.

Because of the same reason, Long Zhan had already met Yue Qinghuan when he was very young.

Then as he grew older, Yue Qinghuan showed a strong talent and gave birth to a worldless appearance.

This made her one of the objects of admiration of countless young soldiers from the military.

Long Zhan is no exception.

And he is different, because the Long Family has become more powerful in recent years, compared to the Yue Family's constant decline.

But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and the Yue family is still an extremely important branch in the twelve branches of the military.

The only shortcoming is that there is no successor.

In this case, the elders of the Long family began to tacitly approve and even encourage Long Zhan to pursue Yue Qinghuan.

Because as long as this girl was chased, it would be equivalent to mastering half of the Yue family.

This will invisibly enhance the strength of the entire Long Family.

Naturally, Long Zhan has always done this.

But he, who has always been extremely arrogant to himself, repeatedly smashed into the sand in front of Yue Qinghuan.

Whether it is deliberately to please or to approach, all have done useless work.

Even Yue Qinghuan never smiled at him from beginning to end.

This made Long Zhan feel a deep sense of frustration.

Even so, he still has the power to win Yue Qinghuan and regards it as his own refusal.

But he never expected that, just today, he saw Yue Qinghuan who had disappeared for a while in this Zuisheng Building.

And beside her, there was a boy in white who had never seen it before.

How could this not shock him.


Looking at the brilliant smile on Yue Qinghuan's face, Long Zhan trembled constantly.

"The bitches... are all bitches! How dare to secretly date other men..."

At this moment, the woman stood up from the sofa with some fear, and cautiously approached Long Zhan who was full of fright.

"Young Master Long, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Long Zhan didn't even turn his head back, slapped his backhand.


Accompanied by a very loud slap in the face, the woman was slapped from the ground and rolled in the air for several laps before landing.

After landing, her originally charming cheek instantly swelled into a pig's head. UU Reading even fanned out one eye, leaving only a **** hole.

She was lying on the ground, trembling with pain.

Long Zhan yelled, "Bitch, all slut!"

At this moment, the door of the box was opened, and a well-dressed man walked in.

When he came in, he first saw the woman lying on the ground and the blood all over the ground.

This made him frown slightly, and then sighed softly: "Young Master Long, what's the matter with you? Why are you so angry?"

As he said, he rushed behind and waved his hand, and immediately some of his men stepped forward and carried away the woman lying on the ground who had been unconscious.

Then he stepped to Long Zhan's side.

Long Zhan's face at this time was almost twisted together, his eyes fixed on Yue Qinghuan in the distance, and he did not speak.

The man followed his gaze and immediately understood what was going on, and couldn't help but chuckle.

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