Long Zhan's complexion was also very unsightly, because he saw with his own eyes the woman whom he regarded as impunity and walked in very intimately side by side with other men, which made his heart full of jealousy.

But he was not a pure dude, so after taking a deep breath, he nodded calmly.

"Yes, it's me! Qinghuan, I didn't expect to see you here! What have you been doing during this time? I have been looking for you for a long time but have not found it!"

After hearing the two words Qinghuan, Yue Qinghuan looked disgusted, and then said angrily: "Does what I am going to do has anything to do with you? And why are you looking for me?"

This kind of coldness that still did not leave any affection in front of everyone made Long Zhan finally unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Qinghuan, what you are going to do of course has something to do with me, because you and I and my parents and elders should be very clear about what you mean, so I hope you can give me the least respect."

"It's a joke, as if I still want to be grateful to your Long Family. Unfortunately, grandma is not rare at all, and will not give you any so-called respect!" Yue Qinghuan sneered.

Gu Yushan and He Yunxi were all watching them both.

Long Zhan felt that his face was even more uncontrollable, his eyelids beating frantically, and then he pointed at Xue An suddenly, "Yue Qinghuan, tell me the truth, is it because of this wild man who didn't know where to come out? ?"

Just after these words were said, Yue Qinghuan’s lavender eyes instantly turned into ice, "Long Zhan, you have the ability to repeat what you just said!"

"Haha!" Long Zhan suddenly laughed, and then said savagely.

"Yue Qinghuan, don't think I don't know. You suddenly disappeared during this period of time. Did you secretly find this man for a tryst? You also deliberately appeared in front of everyone, how pure and pure you are, in my opinion, you are purely shameless Bitch..."


Before he could finish speaking, a loud slap blocked Long Zhan's words back.

But seeing that Yue Qinghuan didn't know when he had already appeared in front of him, his hands were still in the air, and he looked at him coldly.

Half of Long Zhan's face began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he didn't notice anything, just staring at Yue Qinghuan blankly, not even the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You...you dare to hit me?"

Yue Qinghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why, can't you beat me? To tell you the truth, I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes, but because of my fellow soldiers, I have never wanted to be familiar with you, but this time If you dare to talk nonsense to me and my friends, I will naturally teach you a lesson!"

With that said, Yue Qinghuan took a step forward and stared at him before reaching Long Zhan's cheek.

"I'm telling you, if you let me hear some messy things in your mouth again, I will take your head off and kick the ball. Don't think I'm scaring you. You should understand my character. Do you understand? "

Long Zhan trembled all over, and a panic appeared in the depths of his eyes.

As Yue Qinghuan said, her temperament is well known among the younger generation of military strategists.

But in the presence of so many people, Long Zhan could not be too weak.

Therefore, he said coldly: "Okay! Yue Qinghuan, I have written down this slap!"

"I don't believe that the elders of your Yue family will allow you to do anything wrong, and even bring back a trash that is not even Xianzun. Let's wait and see!"

After saying these words, Long Zhan gave Xue An an infinitely bitter look, and then walked straight away.

In an instant, Long Zhan led his men and walked away cleanly.

Only Gu Yushan, He Yunxi, Xue An and Yue Qinghuan were left in the room.

Until then, He Yunxi, who had been watching the excitement by the side, clapped gently.

"Okay! As expected, he is a descendant of the military family. He is really quick and neat, and even Long Shao dares to fight. You can be called a hero of the female middle school!"

Yue Qinghuan was silent, but Xue An on the side suddenly chuckled.

"You are not bad, but can we talk about the bargaining chip first?"

With that, Xue An walked to the chair like a stroll, sat down without saying anything, and even said to Yue Qinghuan, who was standing still.

"What are you doing standing there, sit here!"

Yue Qinghuan hesitated, and finally walked to the side of Xue An, and then sat down.

Seeing this scene, a strange brilliance flashed in He Yunxi's eyes.

Because Xue An is too calm now.

And the kind of demeanor on his body is as if he is the owner of this room.

This naturally surprised He Yunxi, who had always believed that Yue Qinghuan was the real messenger.

In fact, after receiving the report, He Yunxi's first reaction at the time was that the Yue family was about to take action against Zuishenglou.

But now it seems that things are a little different!

But the more so, the more she became interested in Xue An.

Therefore, she chuckled, swinging her waist, and she walked across to Xue An, and sat down with amorous feelings.

"This little brother is really interesting to say, since you want to talk about the bargaining chip, that's good, then let's talk about it!"

As she said, she glanced at Xue An with a wave of eyes, "First of all, how do you think this account should be calculated?"

"It's very simple! I am willing to bet and lose!" Xue An said lightly.

Gu Yushan, who had been silent next to him, finally couldn't help it at this time. He immediately stood up and said: "Ms. Yun, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. He is clearly out for a thousand. How can you say that he is willing to bet?"

As soon as the voice fell, He Yunxi hooked him, "Come here!"

Gu Yushan didn't know why, but he walked up, "Ms. Yun Niang..."

"Bend down!"

Gu Yushan had to bend over.

Then he heard a crisp sound.

He Yunxi, who was sitting in the chair, slapped the ancient Yushan fan out of the face with a slap in the face. After three laps in the air, he fell heavily to the ground.

He Yunxi didn't even look at him, picked up the towel on the table and gently wiped his hands.

"In Zuishenglou, you have to ask for evidence when you speak. If you say that others give a thousand, what about evidence?"

Gu Yushan, who was bleeding from his nose and mouth, couldn't help but feel ashamed, but still couldn't help but whispered: "But..."

"Shut up, you useless thing, if it weren't for you to change the rules arbitrarily, why did our Zuishenglou lose so much?"

Gu Yushan immediately closed his mouth and dared not say anything.

Because it is indeed his fault.

After reprimanding Gu Yushan, He Yunxi's face reappeared with a smile, and he nodded slightly at Xue An.

"You are incompetent, UU reading www.uukanshu.com makes you laugh!"

Xue An was noncommittal, because he knew that this extremely skilled woman obviously had a trick.


I saw He Yunxi lightly said: "I wish to bet and lose these four words are the foundation of my Zuisheng Building, and naturally I will not deny it, but before that, I have something to ask for verification!"

"You and where did this girl Yue's first bet come from?"

Yue Qinghuan was taken aback.

Xue An seemed to have expected her to ask this question a long time ago, and smiled faintly, "It's true that we didn't bring any money when we came. All the gambling books were given by someone in your casino!"

"Oh? It was given by one person, but he is what you said?"

As he said, He Yunxi clapped his palms with a smile.

The box door opened, and a gray-robed old man walked in. It was the big account room that gave Yue Qinghuan a bargaining chip before!

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