Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2223: how? Want to go wrong?

Not only that, He Yunxi kept begging.

"Brother Song, please take me back to the main altar, I don't want to die!"

Song Yuke didn't even turn his head back.

Seeing that Song Yuke didn't respond, He Yunxi couldn't help raising his voice.

"Senior Brother Song, have you forgotten what you told me when you were in bed? You said you would protect me from death!"

Hearing these shouts, many people's faces showed strange colors.

It turns out that there is a leg between the two!

But no matter how He Yunxi begged for abuse, Song Yuke refused to look back.

And it was at this moment that the gluttonous beast that had swallowed everyone clean spotted Song Yuke's whereabouts.

As one of the culprits, it certainly will not let Song Yuke go.

I saw it swayed abruptly.


It flees directly into the void, and when it reappears, it has already appeared behind Song Yuke and He Yunxi.

He Yunxi's cries couldn't help but become even worse when he sensed the gluttonous beast chasing behind him.

"Brother Song, please help me, I don't want to die!"

At this moment, Song Yuke's speed suddenly slowed down.

He Yunxi was overjoyed and ran forward quickly.

And while rushing, he shouted: "Song Brother, thank you very much..."

But when she was grateful to Song Yuke, Song Yuke suddenly kicked back without looking back.


Unprepared, this kick was kicking on He Yunxi's chest.

He Yunxi, who was flying forward, was kicked out, and he vomited blood in the air.

Despite this, she still screamed bitterly: "Song Yuke, you must die..." The voice stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, her whole body fell into the mouth of gluttonous, her spirits and spirits were destroyed.

And just taking advantage of this delay, Song Yuke ran a long way forward, seeing that he was about to leave the range of Linglong City.

Song Yuke showed a smile of joy in his eyes, and he was about to push harder than the limit.

But at this moment, a calm figure emerged in front of him.

It is Xue An.

At this moment, although his face was a little pale, his eyes were full of playfulness, standing there quietly, as if waiting for Song Yuke.

Seeing this scene, Song Yuke couldn't help showing a furious color in his eyes.

"Get out of here!"

As he said, he pushed his palms forward.

The terrifying force came straight to Xue An, trying to push him away.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly chuckled.

"Sorry, this is nowhere!"

With that, Xue An stepped down, and the space collapsed instantly, actually blocking Song Yuke's blow.

Although it only stopped a bit, it was enough.

Before Song Yuke issued a second wave of attacks, Yu Tie had arrived, and saw it rush forward, and his sharp palms directly pressed Song Yuke under him.

Song Yuke let out a desperate scream, "Ahhhhh, don't kill me, I can promise you any conditions..."

It seemed that after hearing his begging for mercy, the gluttonous beast's movements stopped unexpectedly.

After feeling this, Song Yuke immediately shouted.

"Got, as long as you are willing to keep me alive, I can promise any of your conditions, please don't kill me!"

Taotie lowered his head and stared at Song Yuke coldly.

Song Zhuke's face was earthy, but the corners of his mouth were raised as best as he could, and he smiled flatteringly.

At this time, he was still full of spirits before.

The appearance of flattering is really like a dog begging for mercy.

A hint of playfulness flashed in gluttonous eyes, "Oh, what conditions are you willing to agree to?"

Despite being squeezed under his claws, Song Yuke nodded like garlic, "Yes, that's right! As long as you are willing to let me go, let me do anything."

"Then I ask you, where is the person who sealed me now?"

"This..." Song Yuke just hesitated.

Taotie's palm slammed hard.

Song Yuke immediately screamed, "I said, I said, it is the middle monarch Yuehua who sealed you, and he is in the general altar now!"

"Mr. Yuehua..." Taotie repeated it, and then he grinned.

"Seal me when I just woke up from a deep sleep, and when my strength was at its lowest, I was so tired that I was suppressed for decades. This time I will kill you!"

Song Yuke trembled all over, not daring to speak.

At this time, Taotie lowered his head and looked at him again.

"Do you really want to die?"

Song Yuke nodded like garlic, "No... I don't want to!"

"Then why did you call me a beast?"

Taotie suddenly roared, and then twitched his paw.

Song Yuke's two legs were torn off.

With blood splashing, Song Yuke let out a scream that shook the sky.

But Taotie became even more excited, "Do you know that what I hate most is the word animal? You keep calling me, and now you still beg me for mercy?"

While talking, gluttonously abused Song Yuke.

In the blink of an eye, Song Yuke's hands and feet were severed by Qigen, and the whole body was covered with large and small wounds, which was extremely miserable.

Even so, Song Yuke's will to survive is still very strong, and he saw his lips trembling, his pierced eyes wide open, and he whispered in a low voice: "Fair... forgive me!"

But in the next second, his head was swallowed by the gluttonous glutton, and his soul was destroyed and completely lost.

So far.

The Zuisheng Building and the Yin Yang family who came after them were wiped out by the entire army. Except for the dead bodies and the big pit left on the ground, there was no more living creatures.

Everyone held their breath and looked at this gluttonous behemoth in silence.

Therefore, at this moment, the power emanating from this gluttonous behemoth has been dignified to the point of being almost substantial.

Especially the huge body that occupies half of the sky is full of supreme deterrence.

Yue Qinghuan swallowed subconsciously, UU read www.uukanshu. com whispered in a low voice: "Just kill all those guys, Xue An, don't make any extravagance!"

But it seems to have heard her talk.

Hearing a chuckle, Xue An said lightly: "How about gluttony? I have unlocked the seal for you, and your enmity has been reported. Now it's time to fulfill your promise!"

When the words fell, the glutton suddenly turned around and stared at Xue An.

Xue An looked at it unhappily.

Then Yutie laughed strangely, "Promise? What promise to fulfill?"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Of course you promised to accomplish three things for me!"

"Oh! It turned out to be this, don't you say that I almost forgot!" There was a treacherous look in Taotie's eyes.

"Boy, you did unlock the seal for me, but now I suddenly don't want to fulfill my promise, what should I do?"

The corners of Xue An's mouth gradually raised, and then said in a playful manner: "So, do you want to fall back on the bill?"

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